Rating: PG
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Victor and Janet Stein
Prompt: Space
Notes: Table 8 of the 5x10 Prompts challenge
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: How the Leapfrog came to be.
"So, how’s that death ray coming?"
Victor sighed. His shoulders slumped.
"Janet, you know I’m not building a death ray."
Janet rolled her eyes. "Yeah. We don’t need a death ray. And anyway, everyone knows you have to launch those into space."
She sat down next to him and glanced over the blueprints. "Huh."
"It looks like a frog."
Victor pulled her hand down and gaped at the plans. "It does not. It looks like an amphibious cylindar."
She smirked at him. "Victor. It looks like a frog." She traced the outline of a frog with her finger. Then, inspired, "That actually sounds like a good idea! It’s an amphibious vehicle, so why not a frog?"
"Because a frog is a very whimsical design and I will never hear the end of it?"
"You’ll never touch the end of this," she gestured at herself, "if it’s not."
Victor weighed the Pride’s reaction against this and drew, "Well, I suppose I could change it. But I’ve already got the hull banged out."
"That’s fine. It’ll work. I believe in you."
She kissed him on the cheek and went inside. Victor reached for a pencil.