Rating: R
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Nico, Karolina, Dazzler
Warnings: Implied sex
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing
Summary: Nico and Karolina run into Dazzler on the street.
"Molly’s gonna be so mad at us!" Nico squealed, turning to Karolina. "K?"
Karolina glanced at her for a moment. "Uh, I think I left my purse," she said lamely.
"Karolina, you have your purse with you."
But she was already gone, down the street, after Dazzler.
"Hey. Whatchu doin?" the singer asked.
Karolina gave her best smile and let the glow come out a bit. Dazzler looked her over.
"People don’ follow me for nothin’," she pointed out.
"Yeah, I guess."
Karolina shifted uncomfortably, not sure what to say next.
"So, I don’t usually do girls, but you’re kinda cute," Dazzler offered. Karolina blushed. "C’mon. I gotta hotel. Kinda a shithole, but it’ll do."
Her blush deepened. "Um, my friend," she began.
"Will probably figure something out."
Dazzler started off down the street. Karolina hesitated for a moment, then followed.