Setting Little Fires

Sep 30, 2008 03:14

Rating: R
Fandom: Marvel Universe
Characters: Dr. Strange, Wong, Human Torch
Warnings: Implied sex, inoportune fires, perverted Dr. Strange
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Johnny's having some control issues.

"You’ve set fire to what?"

"Um. The end of my own penis."

"While doing what, again?"

"Um. Wong."

"And Wong now has third degree burns in his rectum because you are…?"

"A stupid whore."

"Not my choice of words."

"Yeah, but it is mine."

"Tell me again why you didn’t put it out."

"I couldn’t! It just started itself while we were, y’know, and I didn’t notice until he started screaming."

"I imagine much screaming was involved."

"Like you’ve never done anything by accident."

"I have not set fire to the end of my own penis whilst having sex with Wong."

"…Shut up."

"I would like to test this out. Help you… gain control of your powers, a bit better."

"You would, you pervert."

"Now, now. Take off your pants and we shall begin. Do you think you can set fire to your nipples this time?"


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