
Sep 30, 2008 03:03

Rating: R
Fandom: Runaways, Marvel Universe
Characters: Chase Stein, Victor Mancha, Gertrude Yorkes, Old Lace, Norman Osborne
Warnings: Attempted sex
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Norman Osborne is revisiting a hormonal stage.

Chase never wanted to meet anyone Victor name-checked again.

This was it.

Having the Green Goblin on his back was absolutely it.

Hormone-crazed Norman Osborn tried to twist his head around to shove his tongue down Chase’s throat again. Chase tried to pull away again.

"Don’t be coy."

"Don’t be old, and evil, and male, and I won’t be coy."

The tongue ran over his ear, instead. Chase shuddered and renewed his struggle.

"Just hold still and be a good boy, and we’ll be done in a flash."

"I’ll kill you before you get a chance to get started."

Osborn chuckled. "Come now. What’s a little chemical-enhanced sex going to do?"

"Uh, involve you up my ass?"

He got a hand free and resolved to murder Victor for ever suggesting they take a crack at this guy.

"Yes, that’s about the idea."

Sparks flew from across the room and a very angry dinosaur leaped onto Osborn’s back.

"Old Lace saved me!" Chase cheered.

"What? What about me?" Victor demanded, miffed.

"You caused this mess! You don’t get congratulations, asshole!"

Chase ran out the door, snagging Gert on his way.

"Let’s get out of here before that psycho decides we’re fair game again!"

"What about Victor?"

Chase didn’t answer.

crack, runaways

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