Sep 22, 2008 22:49

Rating: PG
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Stacey and Dale Yorkes, Maneater, Morphine
Summary: The initial visit to 1907.
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.

"Darling, I think I like this time frame," Stacey Yorkes informed her husband, flipping through a history book.

"Wonderful, because we may be stuck here for a bit," Dale said.


"It’s acting up again. It probably won’t get us too far out of 1907."

"What’s wrong with it?" she asked, coming to stand next to him.

He threw an arm around her and said, "It’s broken," in a very authoritative voice.

"I am so glad you are still capable of stating the obvious at every opportunity," Stacey snapped.

She popped a panel up and peered inside. Several wires were disconnected and the distinct smell of scorched metal and overheated engine greeted her.

"Fuck," she said, simply.


She crossed her arms and glanced out the window at the setting sun.

"It’s too late to do anything now. Look outside and tell me where we are," she said.

Dale went to the nearest door, stuck his head out and gasped.

"We are several yards above the city on train tracks in an engine that is not running and doesn’t look to have been doing so for a while now," he said.

"That doesn’t sound good," Stacey mused.

"No, it doesn’t. And neither do the menacing voices on the other side of the door to the connecting car," Dale agreed.

They listened for a moment. The only thing they heard clearly, though, was, "Kick it in, Maneater! Have yourself some supper!"

Stacey adjusted her gloves. Dale set his goggles down over his eyes. She glanced at him.

"Do you really think that’s necessary?" she asked.

"I think I like being able to see and this Maneater fellow probably has a penchant for munching on eyeballs," he replied.

"Fair." Stacey dropped her goggles down, as well. They stood together in front of the 4-D portico and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

"Do you think this Maneater is going to kick the door down?" Dale asked incredulously.

"It certainly doesn’t look that way. Perhaps he needs some encouragement," Stacey said. "Kick it in, Maneater!"


"Kick it in, you oversized baby! Kick it in!"

"Do you really think this is a good idea?"

"Kick it in! Kick the door in! Chicken! Pussy! If you were a real man, you’d kick the door in! Hell, if you’d eaten a real man, you’d kick it in!"

Dale sighed and let her continue. She had a good rant going, and he was reasonably sure the two of them could take out this Maneater.

"Kick it in! Afraid of a girl! That’s what Maneater is! He’s too afraid to come in here and face me!"

"Stacey, you have issued a challenge," Dale pointed out.

"I issued a challenge when I started," she replied. "Kick it!"

An enraged roar reached their ears. They poised themselves for a fight just before the door flew off its hinges.

The very, very large man on the other side charged at them. Stacey hit him with a blast of electricity and watched him fall.

"Amazing. The bigger they are, the better the conductor,"she quipped.

"Very good, dear," Dale replied.

Maneater started to get up. Dale shot another blast at him.

"If I were you and I wanted to live, I would recommend staying on your back, sir," he said. He stepped around the portico and popped another panel open.

"So polite, darling."

"I try. No need to be rude all the time."

"Of course, dear."

"After all, it does tend to get you further."

"Yes, my love."

"And this gentleman probably appreciates it more now that we’ve laid him out."

She shot him an amused look.

"Of course, darling."

"Er," he faltered a little. "I’m doing it again."

"Yes, dear."

Maneater had not tried to get up again.

A man in a white lab coat stuck his head in the door, took in the scene and Stacey standing over Maneater. She smiled at him. He shuddered and gaped at her.

"Hello," she said.

The man in the lab coat stammered a greeting and stumbled backwards, then scrambled away from the scene.

"Is something wrong, dear?" Dale asked, stepping out. "I found nothing different. Probably get us a few years either way."

"There are more."

Dale grinned at her. "We should go greet them. And conquer them," he said.


Stacey fleetingly wondered when she’d gotten this way, but wrote it off. She and Dale would rule the world, no matter what time it was.

He offered her an arm. She took it and they stepped out into the next car, stepping over Maneater on their way.


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