
Sep 20, 2008 12:28

Rating: PG
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Wiccan, Hulkling
Notes: Fanfic100 prompt #6-Hours
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.

006: Hours

Teddy rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands and glanced at the clock. Only ten minutes left until school let out and he could see Billy again. Ten minutes that felt like hours.

School, he decided, sucked.

It sucked even worse when paired with the fact that his boyfriend went to a completely different school across town.

He spent a good two minutes staring at the clock, willing it to move faster, counting the seconds, but to no avail. He finally just put his head on his desk and didn’t move.

Ten minutes of hell concluded with the merciful ringing of the world’s most annoying school bell and Teddy shot out of the classroom like a rocket. He walked as fast as he could without attracting the attention of the police, rounding corners, and finally coming to a halt at a bus stop.

Another ten minutes on the bus and he was at his destination.

Billy had beaten him to the park by an apparently substantial amount of time, and was sitting on the grass, bicycle locked to the nearest rack, watching a bunch of random kids run across the playground.

"Hey," Teddy said, feeling stupid, but unsure of what to add.

"Hey, yourself."

He plopped down on the grass beside Billy and heaved a long-suffering sigh.

"It can’t be that bad," Billy teased, poking him in the ribs. Teddy jerked away with a shudder. "Oh, my. Are we ticklish?"

"What? No!"

Billy tackled him to the ground and proceeded to assault his ribs. Teddy cried out and struggled, but couldn’t seem to get him off. When he’d finally had enough, though, he backed off.

Some traumatized young mother was staring at them, he noted. She was hiding her kid behind her purse, and he could almost hear the internal vow to never come back. Billy followed his gaze and laughed pleasantly.

"She thinks I was molesting you!" Billy crowed. "Well, she’d have that wrong. You’re the one who does the molesting!"

Teddy turned an interesting shade of red and did not argue.


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