Unfortunate Mis-step

Sep 20, 2008 04:37

Rating: PG
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Wiccan, Hulkling, OC
Notes: Fanfic100 prompt #41-Shapes
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.

041: Shapes

Teddy traced the shapes on his cup with a finger, trying to hid his trepadition. Billy would be there soon and Teddy was way more nervous than he thought he’d be.

A sound in the general direction of the bike rack made him look up. Billy was standing over it, locking his bicycle down and fussing with the front tire, giving the world an excellent view of his backside.

Finally, he stood. "Fuck it," he growled. "If it’s flat, it’s flat."

"Hey," Teddy said, smiling and hoping he wouldn’t be required to stand for at least another few minutes. "How are you?"

Billy made a vague gesture in the direction of his bike and said, "Flat tire, been worse. You?"

Teddy grinned. "Great. Pull up a chair."

Both of them fished for something to say.

"So did you order?" Billy asked.

"No," Teddy replied, feeling mildly stupid. "I was waiting for you."

"Hiya, Billy," the waitress said, setting menus on the table. What do you want to drink?"

"Coke. Thanks, Marris."

Marris grinned and left them.

"Come here a lot?" Teddy asked.

Billy pursed his lips. "My cousin owns it. Marris is her daughter."


Billy was on the verge of informing him that there were many other places they could have gone besides this one, but the look on Teddy’s face changed his mind.

Marris plunked the drink down on the table. "You ready?" she asked.

Billy gave him a pleading look. Teddy reached for his wallet.

"Y’know, Marris," he told his cousin, "I think we’re not quite as hungry as we thought."

She gave him a sympathetic look.

"At least you don’t have to eat Mom’s cooking every day," she pointed out. "Don’t worry about the drinks."

Billy waited until she was gone, then said, "Let’s get a burger, or something."

Teddy readily agreed, not wanting to make himself into more of an idiot.

Billy retrieved his bike and led him off.


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