
Sep 20, 2008 04:06

Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Wiccan, Hulkling, Beast
Notes: Fanfic100 prompt #51-Water
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.

051: Water

Waking up underwater ws a very disconcerting feeling.

Billy shook the sleep from his mind and took a long look around, registering the tank he was in and the various tubes and wires attached to his body. He appeared to be in someone’s laboratory, floating naked in their glorified fishtank.

He was a little hesitant to move, though, in case something important to his continued existence came off.

Billy probably would have been far more worried if the Beast hadn’t entered then, followed closely by Teddy.

"Ah," Dr. McCoy said. "He’s awake."

Teddy ran up to the machine, much to McCoy’s obvious chagrin, and stared at him through the glass. Billy had the irrational urge to cover himself. Instead, he waved shyly as the water began to drain from the tank.

Thank goodness, he thought. Oversized guppy was not his favorite role to play.

The glass slid down into the platform he was standing on. McCoy removed the respirator covering his mouth and nose, and the various other equipment leads, then helped him down to ground level.

"I’ll just get a towel," the Beast said.

Teddy didn’t move until he ws gone. Then he swept Billy into a hug.

"What happened?" he asked, voice croaking a bit.

"The Thunderbolts happened. Got all of us pretty bad. You’re the last to wake up," Teddy said. "Everyone else is patched up. We were waiting for you before we made a decision."

Billy smiled and nuzzled his boyfriend’s neck. Teddy pulled away just enough to tilt his head up for a quick kiss.

"And I am to assume we came running to the X-Men with our tails between our legs because we couldn’t think of anywhere else to go?" Billy asked, already knowing the answer. Frost and Summers had already offered them a place to stay.

"That’s about the size of things. They’re very interested in you staying."

Billy didn’t think he particularly wanted to stay. Especially if it meant his friends would most likely stil be on the run. He said as much. Teddy nodded soberly.

"I thought you’d say that. Anyway, let’s not make decisions until we can all sit down."

"Yeah. Don’t want Eli to get his panties in a twist."

Teddy rolled his eyes and stepped away from him as the Beast returned with a towel.


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