
Sep 19, 2008 15:51

Rating: R
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Wiccan, Hulkling, Hawkeye, OC servants of Apocalypse
Notes: Fanfic100 prompt #74-Dark
Warnings: Not quite rape, by state definition, but not quite not, either.  Disturbing imagery.
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.

074: Dark

Billy would never admit it, but he wsa a little afraid of the dark.

He had nightmares some nights, tossing and turning and whimpering in his sleep. Those were the nights when the dark was at its worst, presenting the most danger, the most mystery. Those nights he tucked himself into bed and lay awake for hours, too afraid, even, to reach over and turn on the light.

Meeting Teddy had made most aspects of his life a bit more dull, ignored in favor of his crush. Dating Teddy had mad the dark so much easier to bear, after the worst nightmares of his life, when the shapechanger somehow knew and tapped on Billy’s window until he opened it without leaving the bed.

How Teddy had known, he didn’t know. And he didn’t care. He just pulled Teddy onto the bed and held him until the dark went away.

But Teddy wasn’t there tonight to make it all better. He was somewhere else, probably sleeping, while Billy lay bound and gagged on some hard, wood floor.

It hadn’t been so bad before they’d blindfolded him. He was in someone’s flat, in an unnaturally empty room. His cators wore masks so he couldn’t see their faces, even before they blinded him and they hadn’t spoken yet where he could hear them.

He had cried silently for two hours, off and on, as they came and went. And now he was suffering with the coolign cloth across his face, wondering if he’d ever get out.

Whoever these people were, they knew what they were doing. They had bound his fingers individually before tying his wrists so that he couldn’t wriggle his hands, bringing the ropes all the way up to his elbows, leaving just enough space between his arms that it didn’t hurt, but not enough to be uncomfortable, and certainly with not enough leeway to really move. His legs were bound in a similar fashion; his shoes and socks had been abandoned first. The gag ws a ball gag secured better by cloth and tied tight. It stretched his jaw so far he wasn’t sure it would come out.

Then one of his captors had blinded him.

It was certainly not the most graceful position, nor was it the most comfortable, bent at odd angles, but at this point, he was feeling awfully lucky that they hadn’t started on the experimentation yet.

He bit down on the jaw-cracking ball in his mouth, trying to ignore the fact that they would doubtless be back very soon. He was positive he wa hallucinating something tapping on the window. Teddy wouldn’t be there and no one knew where he was. Not this time.

The door opened and oen of his captors entered.

"Do you think we should feed him?" one asked in a distorted, electronic voice, sexless and distant.

"He’s been here for three days. I don’t think it matters, anyway, though," the other replied. Thsione was deeper, had a less malicious tone to it. "He’s just going to be sacrificed, anyway."

Billy jumped. Sacrificed?

"He’s pretty," the first said, grabbing his hair and pulling his head back. "Did you see his eyes?"

The blindfold was removed suddenly, obviously for the benefit of the second one. Billy blinked u at the two masked figures.

"Aw, he’s been crying," captor2 taunted, feeling the blindfold. "Good. Fear is good for our master."

The first settled onto his knees, snaking a hand between Billy’s legs.

"No!" the second snapped. "The master warned us last time. Do not despoil him."

Billy breathed an inward sigh of relief.

"Fine. I’ll not touch him." The first pulled his hand away from Billy and reached for his own pants. He tugged his long, grey penis out and started to stroke himself, staring down at Billy. Th spellcaster shrank away from it, eliciting a harsh laugh from the pair of them.

Then it hit him as the tapping started again. Grey skin?

"Apocalypse," he tried to say, but it came out as a series of muffled grunts. Nonetheless, they seemed to understand.

"I believe he’s figured us out," the second said. The tapping at the window got louder. Billy wondered if it would make his brain explode, or some mercy.

"It’s better that way," the first pointed out. "Sometimes he marks them and this would be a nice one to keep." He pumped his cock faster, almost in time with the taps. Billy shrank further away.

The second stopped his movement with a hand and watched the first with an air of inerest swirling around him.

A moan reached his ears.

A hiccuping sob escaped him, and he choked a bit on his own tongue.

"D’you think it’s despoiling if I just jizz on him?"

"Go ahead and do it. He thinks you’ll come tarantulas and acid."

They laughed.

The head of the first’s cock gleamed in the light of a streetlamp outside. Billy tried not to listen to the sound of his hand moving over the hard flesh. It was just so hard to ignore…

Someone knocked on the window, and he was sure he handn’t imagined it, but neither of his captors looked up.

"Whatcha think that was?" the second asked.

"Don’t care," the first ground out.

Billy squirmed as far away from the thing as he could. It wasn’t far enough, though.

"Oh, oh, oh!"

The man came, spraying over Billy’s chest and face, much to the spellcaster’s disgust. And the window broke.

Bile was rising in his throat as Teddy beat the pair into submission, accompanied by Kate and Tommy. He could taste the grey man’s semen slipping past his gag. Billy heard the door slam and Teddy wsa next to him with one of the men’s masks, wiping his face clean.

Teddy was bleeding, presumably form his entrance through the window.


The shapechanger dropped the mask and untied the gag, easing the ball out of his mouth gently. Billy’s teeth clicked together and his jaw cracked loudly.

"Wow," Tommy commented. Kate punched him in the arm.

"We’re gonna go. You got it?" she asked.

Teddy nodded. The pair of them left with a promise to stop by the next day.

"You’re bleeding," Billy pointed out.

"And you may need to sterilize this shirt," Teddy replied, wiping more He could taste the grey man’s semen slipping past his gag. Billy heard the door slam and Teddy wsa next to him with one of the men’s masks, wiping his face clean.

Teddy was bleeding, presumably form his entrance through the window.


The shapechanger dropped the mask and untied the gag, easing the ball out of his mouth gently. Billy’s teeth clicked together and his jaw cracked loudly.

"Wow," Tommy commented. Kate punched him in the arm.

"We’re gonna go. You got it?" she asked.

Teddy nodded. The pair of them left with a promise to stop by the next day.

"You’re bleeding," Billy pointed out.

"And you may need to sterilize this shirt," Teddy replied, wiping more of the slime away.

He wasted a moment trying to figure out the knots at his arms, and finally gave up, sharpening a finer and slicing them, instead. He set Billy’s sore arms at his sides before doing the same to his legs.

Billy relaxed for a moment, then checked all his joints. They cracked and popped as he moved. Teddy helped him sit up and his entire spine made a noise popcorn would envy.

"I was so worried," he groaned. "I looked for days. We all did. Hang on, I gotta call Eli."

The call was short and to the point and gave Billy a chance to study his boyfriend. Behind him the sun was rising, gilding Teddy’s body. Teddy snapped his phone shut and stuck it in his pocket with a smile.

"Wanna try standing?"

"I can’t feel my legs."

Teddy scooped him up and headed for the window. Billy pressed hs knee to Teddy’s chest and held on as his boyfriend climbed out.

"I don’t suppose food would be in order, do you think?" he asked as his stomach reminded him that he hadn’t eaten, as his captors had pointed out, in three days.

Teddy grinned and set off for the nearest burger joint.


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