Home-Cooked Food

Sep 19, 2008 13:54

Rating: G
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Wiccan, Hulkling, Sarah Altman
Notes: fanfic100 prompt #93: Thanksgiving
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.

093: Thanksgiving

"Mom says you have to come over for Thanksgiving," Billy said.

Teddy glanced at him. "We usually call the deli. Sometimes they even deliver."

"Just passing on the message." Billy plunked down on the couch. Teddy kissed his cheek and draped an arm around his shoulders.

"Hi, Billy!" Sarah Altman called, breezing through.

"Hi, Ms. Altman."

"Billy says his mom wants us over for Thanksgiving," Teddy informed his mother.

"Ooh! Your mom cooks right?" she asked, excited.

"Not if you want to continue existence without food poisoning," Billy replied. "Dad cooks.

"Ooh! Real cooked food! From someone’s kitchen! The appliances actually put to their intended use! Tell her we’ll be there!"


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