All Their Own

Sep 19, 2008 13:50

Rating: G
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Wiccan, Hulkling, a disconcerted realtor
Notes: Fanfic100 prompt #94: Independence
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Sitting down to sign papers.

094: Independence
Billy watched Teddy sign the papers, making the apartment officially theirs. He couldn’t suppress a grin at the realtor’s not-so-discrete roll of the eyes, and he could see Teddy cover his with a hand, trying to play it off as a sneeze.
They took their copies of the lease and hurried ot of the man’s office. They made it all the way to the sidewalk before bursting into delighted laughter, much to the bewilderment of various passers-by.
"Did you see his face?" Billy said between fits of laughter.
"We couldn’t have surprised him more if we’d hit him over the head with a brick!"
"Apparently, gay superheroes don’t go leasing from his clients often."
They looked at each other and fell back into giggles.
"This is so great," Teddy said, sweeping his boyfriend up to plant a long kiss on him.
"Yeah. No kidding."


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