Pheromone Lemonade

Nov 03, 2008 12:00

Rating: R
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Deans
Prompt: Juice
Notes: For 30_sweets
Warnings: Sex
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Leslie's lemonade has interesting effects.

23: Juice

Frank sniffed the air and poked his head into the kitchen.

“Les? What are you drinking?”

She glanced up from the newspaper and brandished a glass of pale yellow liquid. The smell wafted over to him. It smelled wonderful.



She took a sip, ever elegant. Turned the page of the newspaper and sighed. Tossed her head. Her hair fell back and he got an excellent view of her neck. Paired with this, this ‘lemonade’ of hers, the scene was just too much.

He stepped forward and slid his hand down her pale neck. She shivered.

“Frank? What,” she began. Didn’t get to finish because he was suddenly in her mouth.

He broke away from her and pressed his lips instead to the spot his palm had occupied a moment before. She gasped. Her eyelids slid shut when he started sucking on her.

“Frank,” she sighed.

He pulled her chair out, got an eyeful of her cleavage, and felt his pants tighten. She was light. He scooped her up and tried to think of what to do next, moving his mouth to hers again.

“Couch is okay, I hope,” he mumbled.

Frank set her on the couch, as gently as he could. She sighed again and reached for him, grabbing his belt and pulling his shirt up. He pushed her hands away and fell on her.

“I didn’t know lemonade had such an effect on your brain,” she teased.

He ground against her.

“Or whatever.”

He fumbled with the zipper on the side of her skirt for a moment, then gave up and settled for shoving the thing up her legs and pulling her underwear down.

She gasped and started to glow a little, unintentionally. She started to reach for his belt again, but he pushed her back down and tossed the offending thing to the ground. Unbuttoned his pants and slid the zipper down with one hand.

Leslie gave him an odd look.

“Frank, you’re not wearing underwear,” she pointed out.

“Yeah, I need to do laundry,” he snapped, voice rough.

She started to reply, but he pushed into her, cutting off her words and forcing a harsh groan past her lips. Her skin shimmered. She squirmed under him, forcing her body to get used to the intrusion. She hadn’t quite succeeded when he pulled back and thrust into her again.

Leslie threw her legs around his waist. He forced into her again and again. Tendrils of light shot off of both of them, twined around each other, dragged them closer together.

He was close, so close, and she… was gone. Over, desperate. A banshee wail filled the room around them and Leslie erupted in a supernova of color and light, and then-

It was dark. They were in human skin. His head rested on her chest. Her hands played weakly with his hair.

Frank opened his eyes and noted that it was really very dark. He wasn’t sure why that should be. Forced himself to sit up. Leslie groaned. He looked out the window.

“Uh, was it getting dark when you were having your lemonade?” he asked.

“Um… No.”



“Um… Either we’ve been at this a very long time, or we’ve shorted out the sun.”

She sighed. “Leave it for morning.”

He had neither the will to argue, nor the energy to keep thinking. He set his head back on her chest and slept like he hadn’t slept in a very long time.


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