
Oct 30, 2008 13:16

Rating: PG
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Wilders
Prompt: New Job
Notes: For A Year In Writing.
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Geoffrey's got a new job.

019: New Job

Geoffrey snapped the phone down, perfectly professional, cool, calm, not about to fall out.  As soon as he was sure it had disconnected, he let out a whoop and grabbed the receiver to call Catharine.

“Mn.  Hello?”  She was barely awake.  It was her day off.

“Hey, babe.  Guess what.”

“You’re annoyingly happy for an obscene hour?”

Geoffrey chuckled.  “Let’s go out for breakfast,” he suggested, checking his watch.  “My treat.”

“Oh?  You know I don’t mind cooking for you, right?”

He nodded, then realized she couldn’t see him.  “I know, baby, but I have something to celebrate.”

She paused to digest that.  Then, “What would that be?”

“Oh, nothing,” he replied coyly.  “Got a new job, is all.”


“With the bookstore downtown.  Meet you at Waffle House?”

“Sure.”  She forgot to say, ‘good-bye’ and hung up abruptly.  Geoffrey laughed and did the same.


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