sleepless: on this path

Dec 04, 2010 23:56

if the tone of this is funny, i blame being totally addicted to this song lately. *_*; tsuki by amano tsukiko. [and/or mediafire dl] the vocals are so pretty, and kinda haunting at times. ♥ (though regardless, i can't remember the point of this piece. xD; it was supposed to be a short bridge before hasshi's intro. but uh. obvs turned out not as ( Read more... )

au: loveless

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Comments 16

kira_shadow December 4 2010, 13:04:21 UTC


kira_shadow December 4 2010, 14:00:15 UTC
DJ~ ♥

god you make this work so damned well...and lol the description of Johnny...
but yeah he's one clever dude and his main office has baby blue drapes and is a blinking christmas display right now

tottsu being insecure...and kitayama...joining the cult too late to be brainwashed XD WIN!


diamondsjack December 8 2010, 08:01:22 UTC
rofl, blinking christmas display... somehow i'm not too surprised. xDD;

:0! yes~ sometimes i get the impression his mindset really is different, because he joined of his own accord and all that... especially when the other members keep saying he's probably the one who thinks about kismai the most (←stuff like that |D) but it's probably half just my imagination... xDD;


(The comment has been removed)

diamondsjack December 8 2010, 07:58:50 UTC
thank you! ;D


snowqueenofhoth December 4 2010, 13:33:07 UTC
a;sdlkfjal;skdjflksj DJ WAHHHHHH.

God I love these two so much. And that Kitayama convinces Tottsu to come out and sleep with him. As in, actually sleep. In the car. God, why is that so adorable.

And poor Hasshi. D:

And Sleepless being just that awesome. Kitayama being just that awesome. And I want to hug Tottsu and ugh, it's all just perfect.


diamondsjack December 8 2010, 08:13:54 UTC
ahaha~ aw, thanks. i'm glad you liked the cute/banal/retarded. xD; though yeah, hasshi. :0 his situation will have to be fixed at some point... *_*;;


talisa_ahn December 4 2010, 13:37:51 UTC


diamondsjack December 8 2010, 07:59:05 UTC


talisa_ahn December 8 2010, 08:07:16 UTC
You have to understand though, that for a good chunk of this, it was more like, "DJ~! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY OTP?! *horrified*" haha... That changed by the end of course, but yeah. haha...


diamondsjack December 8 2010, 08:14:16 UTC
loool~ i apologise. xD but it can't be helped!


mousapelli December 4 2010, 13:38:54 UTC

he needs cuddling, yo. wah they are my favorites oh my god. also i wouldn't mind a little bit of casual possession on Kitayama's part orz.

lol and i hope you plan on writing this first hasshi/tottsu meeting (well, they've met before, but you know what I mean). and then maybe somebody ought to do the part where tottsu is all like "wth" while kitayama and hasshi prove that neither of them mind exactly that much since they can share tottsu at the same time even.


diamondsjack December 9 2010, 10:57:55 UTC
casual possession, kitamitsu does it best. >:3

...i have it planned, but we all know how well my plans actually work out lol. xD (but if somebody'll do that part... 8D)


mousapelli December 10 2010, 01:30:30 UTC
he does!!

well, if you wrote around it, i'm sure ~somebody~ would fill in the blanks. or if you had up to the spot even, we've done that before. I would totally write your porn, lol.


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