for dear, kiss my heart

May 14, 2010 01:45

so i've started a hairdressing course myself, but indulge me. xD; i already had kitayama pinned for this occupation at the time i wrote the original drabbles. this is just something short. :D; because there don't need to be more AUs than i've already got going kjhkawe.

Crazy Bomb.
Kitayama, Totsuka. G; 670w. Set before the Antique Bakery Cafe Read more... )

*fandom: je boys, *all: fanfic, boys: abc-z, boys: kismai

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Comments 24

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diamondsjack May 13 2010, 22:52:53 UTC
glad you liked it! :D ♥


moonsliver May 13 2010, 16:10:10 UTC
Of course there need to be more AUs! D: Because you write such fabulous AUs, bucky~. :3 I literally sat and reread all of the bunny fic this past weekend because I needed a good AU fix. ♥

Kitayama is a master at pick-up lines~. XD


diamondsjack May 13 2010, 22:52:38 UTC
ahaha~ well i'm certainly glad you enjoy them, angel! :D akjawe i still need to read over/edit that sometime, myself. xD; haven't touched it since shortly after the last chapter. /FAILFAIL

he knows what works, that's for sure. ;D xD


moonsliver May 14 2010, 00:11:25 UTC
I do. ♥ You need to write a sequel! Or at least lots and lots of one shots. :D

Of course. Kitayama is smooooooo~ooth like butter. ;3


lockability May 13 2010, 17:21:12 UTC
Ahaha! So cute! :D I love how you write, it's so easy to read and picture it all happening~


diamondsjack May 13 2010, 22:50:42 UTC
aw, thank you! xD; *feels all squishy~* ♥


mousapelli May 13 2010, 19:11:40 UTC
wiiiiiiiiiin. God i would get a haircut from Mitsu or some cake from Tottsu any day of the week.

You should totally be around sometime Friday or Saturday to beta my remix because you will WHOLLY APPROVE of it.


diamondsjack May 13 2010, 22:50:06 UTC
absolutely~ 8Db

ahaha, i'm working/out during the day but will see what i can do. xD good luck finishing it up! :D :D *EXCITED TO SEEEE~*


kira_shadow May 13 2010, 20:12:30 UTC



diamondsjack May 13 2010, 22:48:32 UTC
i thought it appropriate. xD ♥


kira_shadow May 14 2010, 07:38:41 UTC
XD ♥


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