ficfic: hadashi no hasshi

Oct 18, 2009 06:42

ESSAY DONE, YESSS. only... two more to go now, before the end of the month ahaahaha, holy god. T_____T;

pointless fic in the meantime? 8D originally a comment thing at curiosa_cabinet because she threw naked hasshi at me. :D; *easily swayed sometimes, when procrastination is on the line*

Hadashi no Hasshi (←'barefoot hasshi', though really his feet are the ( Read more... )

*fandom: je boys, *all: fanfic, boys: abc-z

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Comments 20

kira_shadow October 17 2009, 21:13:31 UTC
more like Hadaka no Hasshi-Boy...

we should have some kind of epic ABC-Z prank-war fic or something...unfortunately I have exams now ^^;


diamondsjack October 18 2009, 01:39:58 UTC
ahaha~ you and i both. xD but one day we should! 8DD


mm_seeker October 17 2009, 23:13:34 UTC
now i'm dying to know what's the revenge hasshi has in mind for fumikyun. there's going to be sequel, y/y? XD


diamondsjack October 18 2009, 12:55:54 UTC
ahaha~ maaaybe. xD ♥


shimizumiki October 18 2009, 00:41:02 UTC
Lmao, Hasshi. xD ♥


diamondsjack October 18 2009, 12:56:12 UTC
he is the special, yo~ 8D


mousapelli October 18 2009, 03:00:05 UTC
ahahahahahaha somehow i have the feeling that KAWAI was the one who was suppose to end up with naked hasshi and this all sort of backfired horribly.

in the best way possible. HELLO SPOILED HASSHI. god he is so much win. And Tottsu is so, so easy for him oh my god. and they should definitely call Tsuka. Eventually~

eeeeeee write these two forever ♥


diamondsjack October 18 2009, 12:59:18 UTC
the best laid plans of mice and men and all... xD ♥ one can never predict the hasshimotor.

tsukachan would have no objections whatsoever to being called too, i am pretty sure. :D >:D


talisa_ahn October 18 2009, 14:59:47 UTC
Hmm... if Gocchi's room is closer, maybe Hasshi was supposed to run naked there? Although I can't imagine one of Goseki-sama's plans not working so it must have been Fumito that planned this one. Fumikyun FAIL.

One of you has to write a sequal of some sort. It would be so greatly appreciated! haha...

And not one of them has any right to complain about how spoiled Hasshi's become. It's their own doing! (^_-)*


talisa_ahn October 18 2009, 15:01:02 UTC
... I misspelled "sequel"... *sigh*


diamondsjack October 19 2009, 01:33:48 UTC
in my head, kawai initially just wanted to be a dick and steal all his clothes and make him run naked through the hotel. xD but then, he realised the outcome could be better-a bit too late to change it. 8D

...a sequel, hey~ *looks around*

tottsu's in denial about it being any part his own fault. xD


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