Notti-thon, #37 :>

Feb 12, 2008 03:47

Who: KKKity ♥
Details: G, genfic; 1765 words.
Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with these boys, in reality...
Note: for the NOTTI-THON ♥ Longest thing I've ever written by 3.5x but, uh. Hopefully it turned out well? 8D; Onegaishimasu... xD;;

5 reasons why Kusano likes Koyama and Shige as more than friends: #37

If he likes them that much, it's because they can do things like this...

(1) Go behind your back.

"God, Kato, you suck," Shige is told. Rehersals are scarcely over, and Kusano pauses in lacing up Yokoo's borrowed skates on his feet; cocks an ear. Frowns when he doesn't hear Shige defending himself like he should be. "You can't sing for shit. Hell, you only get a mic 'cause you're dancing's even worse."

Ever the old man, Shige doesn't respond -- doesn't even acknowledge the flame, used to copping flack anyway. He fumbles the lead twice while meticulously winding up his microphone, but that's the only indication anything's got to him as he sets it down on their practice stage, and walks back into the dressing room.

Irate, a quick glance around leads Kusano to believe that Peacemaker Koyamama's maybe in the toilet or something right now, and so he steals the opportunity to (try to) stand and flail on his wheels, barrelling into his big-mouthed fellow junior, who yelps.

But only until Kusano falls awkwardly onto the boy's ankle, landing hard. Entirely by accident, of course.

Then the kid howls.

Funnily enough, it turns out that Koyama's there after all, chatting to Yokoo just behind the stage. But alas, and how unusual: it seems that even he's forgotten his cellphone today, and if there's a wicked glint in Kusano's eye as Yokoo drags him off (stumbling, stumbling, still on those skates) to call for help, then surely nobody important ever saw it.

(2) Show you grace.

Koyama Keiichiro is a tightly wound ball of stress by the time he gets home that evening. His stomach is killing him with guilt and worry, as he calls around to find a senpai who knows a family member of a cousin's monkey's sibling's cat in order to get a hold of the hospitalised junior's mother's cellphone.

Turns out the injury is nothing bad -- just a twist, deep bruising. Should heal in a week or three -- but as K.K.Kity's eldest member by something like two years, Koyama can't help but feel responsible. And guilty. And like he probably should've maybe known better.

Add to it the fact that Kusano is sleeping over, having snuck out of his house because his parents grounded him, and just how furious Shige is when he finds out the full story -- Koyama supposes that this ...playing acquiescing accomplice to KusaNO!man's vigilante justice thing might need a bit more thought in the future.

Shige is on speaker phone at first, for Kusano's benefit, but Koyama's parents are in the next room and he hurriedly fumbles to switch output back into the earpiece when their cat is finally out of the bag, and ten-year-outdated Kansai curses surface loudly with Shige's temper. (Ironically, over generic junior insults, it seems to be only this kind of love that can get him so angry.)

Kusano rolls over on the bed to hide his laughter.

(3) Force your hand.

As 'punishment' (apparently -- it must be the masochistic sort though, because the three of them are equally bad at pre-noon hours), Shige is on Koyama's doorstep by eight in the morning, having rung both Koyama and Kusano's cellphones at seven-thirty to wake them up.

On the one hand, he has breakfast. But in the other is a small basket of citrus fruits, and Kusano shakes his head in foggy disbelief. It's still too early. Must be. "No," he says. Refuses, even.

"I'm going," Shige tells him. "And so is Koyama."

A pointed look from behind his glasses is directed at the older boy, but Koyama needs no convincing and nods.

"We should, Kusacchi."

He even has the junior's address ready for a visit, gleaned with the cellphone number last night.

"No. And, you can't make me."

Shige glances at Koyama and two eyebrows are raised, one apiece. It only takes two steps forward before Kusano is holding his hands up in surrender. (Better fighter though he may be, their youngest is surprisingly weak-willed against the Koyato double attack.)

"...I don't believe you goddamn Samaritans," he mutters, rolling out from under the covers to lump atop the borrowed futon with a pout. Brown tufts of hair spike up at all angles, as if trying to convey the sharpness that Kusano's early-morning irritation lacks. Koyama, amused, murmurs soothing things and pats him on the head. Hands over a bacon and egg McMuffin, courtesy of Shige.

Shige, for his part, grins while wrapping the fruits basket in plastic. "It's the right thing to do."

He can't wait to see the junior's face.

(4) Sell you out.

On the way back, Kusano almost doesn't hear his cellphone ring, the small brick lost in a pocket of his baggy pants. But he rummages it out just in time -- to see the missed caller ID flash up his mother's name. Again. She'll kill him when she catches up, he's pretty sure.


At the prospect of being grounded even further (wasn't his fault, wasn't his fault, wasn't his fault), Kusano lobs the phone at Shige, sitting shotgun, like a lazy hot potato stewed in utter distaste.

"Oi, oi~ No throwing things in my car, Kusacchi!" Koyama chides, eyes momentarily taken from the road in an attempt to pin Kusano through the rear-view. It doesn't really work though, when the slim, wide mirror makes their elder's single-lidded glare look more squinty than it should, and Kusano ends up rolling across the back seats in amusement.

Unfortunately, this also means he doesn't notice Shige dialing a return call, until "Uh... Kusano-san? Hi..." reaches his ears over the dull hum of the engine.

"No!" Kusano yelps, making a lunge for his phone, but Shige casually leans forward as Koyama slaps an arm across the gap between their seats, and suddenly Kusano is back on his ass in the back, blinking. The bridge of his nose smarts where it'd connected with Koyama's skinny forearm, and he scowls heatedly when the other glances over in concern. "Sorry, Kusacchi! Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

Koyama's worried eyes look stupid in the rear-view too, but Kusano isn't laughing anymore.

He crosses his arms and slouches, refusing to answer. Refuses to casually mention that, more than his nose, it hurts how the world is always against him, and Shige is still on the phone.

", yes. Koyama's also -- Yes, we were just... Okay. My parents aren't home at the moment, but... Yes. We'll be there soon."

(5) Defend your moves.

"Please come in, Kusano-san," Shige bows cordially, unlocking the door when they arrive back at his place and Kusano's mother is already there.

"It's okay," she smiles, "I'll just take Hironori back from here. Don't want to bother you, Kato-kun."

"I'm not going home!"

"It's no bother," Shige assures her, with a perfect smile to back up his words. Koyama almost laughs, but his hands are on Kusano's shoulders to keep him from making a run for it. "My parents wouldn't be happy if they found out I didn't at least offer you some tea."

Kusano's mother wonders, not for the first time, if she should thank Johnny that a delinquent like her son has come to have friends like these -- or be instead apprehensive about the fact. She likes Kato-kun, though, and tentatively thinks that an influence like Koyama-kun might be good for Hironori's rebellious type.

It's under this mostly-favourable light, with tea in the small Kato family lounge room, that Shige attempts to explain what happened. It doesn't take him half long enough though, and Koyama feels a little appalled by the abrupt finish. If not the abrupt entirety: "About this... Kusano was only defending me." Bow. "I'm very sorry for having caused trouble."

Kusano's mother pauses, eyebrow raised and cup of tea halfway to her lips; Kusano himself looking like he wants to smack Shige upside the head.

Koyama for his part (as K.K.Kity's mostly-official spokesperson -- at work, anyway), rubs the back of his neck with a kind of embarrassed expression, vaguely hopeful, and elaborates.

And elaborates.

And elaborates.

But no new facts lift Kusano-san's frown, and it seems there's no way they'll persuade her to go easy at this rate. Koyama and Shige swap a glance over Kusano's head, as his mother sets down her cup. The look she gives him says it's a well-worn phrase: "Violence is never an appropriate response."

Kusano rolls his eyes, but -- "I completely agree!" Koyama cuts in, undeterred and emphatic in his support of a lost cause -- before Kusano can get a word in edgewise.

Shige nods. "We tried to fix it."

"--by dropping a visit this morning. The three of us were just on the way back when you called."

"Shige gave him fruit," Kusano says, sullen in disgust.

"...that's what you do, when people are sick."

"Sick in the head. They were good fruits!"

"Well, yeah. But you have to admit his face was pretty funny, still..."

"It was! It was. He went all- like...!" Koyama affects a traumatised expression, but --

"What? No way. It was more like this!" -- it's when Shige and Kusano join him, competing to beat it for 'accuracy', that not even Kusano's mother can hold her laughter back.

(0) Omake.

"You're kind of stupid," Shige says later, apparently out of the blue. They're back in his room, Kusano flopped on the bed. Koyama absently digs through the closet.

"You're kind of stupid," Kusano returns lazily, about as inspired as a brick wall rebounding.

"Nah," Shige says, keyboard tapping as his blog entry forms. "I'm not the one who sent a kid to hospital, y'know." His tone is amused though, almost teasing. Figures.

"Hey, I'm not the loser who couldn't defend himself in the first place." Kusano rolls over.

Shige doesn't even spare a glance. "Wouldn't, not couldn't~"

"You need help."

"You need anger management."

There's laughter. "Wai wai wai, touché~" Koyama almost flails -- "And touché again!" -- bringing the argument to a halt before it can really begin. He emerges from the closet to grin at them both. "How about we just say you're both stupid and be done with it?"

Glance. "Like you can talk."
"I ain't takin' that from you, Koyamacchi~"

It takes Koyama a moment to register both statements, but: "Ah, I'm wounded!" He clutches dramatically at his heart, after a beat, buckled knees felling him to the floor.

Shige and Kusano only grin, laughing without apology. "So you were saying somethin' about sending idiots to hospital, yeah..?"

"You're so hard on him."

"I'm what?"

"You're both horrible!"

In the end it doesn't matter though, what's said or done between them.

Back to back (to back) against the world -- not even Koyama's sappy enough to say it aloud but they are, to each other, the brothers they never had.

*fandom: je boys, boys: news, *all: fanfic

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