Subject to Modification
Age Requirement: 13+
We're not an insane, horny rated-R game, but be warned that there may possibly be occasional mature content. Join at your discretion.
Mature Content
Keep in mind this is an RPG may have young people attending or lurking, as well as adults who wish to stay clean-minded. Violence, Alcohol, Language, TMI, and mild sexual situations are generally allowed here (mark your logs PG-13 or something if it happens, guys), but explicit sex logs, and detailed journal posts on sex methods and the like must be cut with a visible warning outside the cut. Pushing it offscreen is also an option. Lack of sex logs is better recommended, but we won't enforce it unless it raises problems for the RP.
Also, do not start a mature-themed log with other characters or advance to something of that level if it was originally a G-rated log unless it's mutually approved of with the players to be involved.
Character Limit: 6.
After obtaining three characters, you will not be able to apply for a fourth, fifth, or sixth character until a month after your last character application was accepted. There are no activity-level requirements for these slots.
Bonus 7th Character Slot is awarded to any player who shows outstanding management of balancing six characters and keeping them all active.
A "+" marker will be displayed under a player's name in the
player directory if they are awarded the 7th slot.
If apps are closed:
Sometimes the mods need a break.
Activity Checks
As of this time, we do not offer activity checks or have specific post requirements for this game. When an activity check is necessary, the rules will be posted on the announcement and is usually to clear up characters being sat on for over two months that are desired by other players.
Activity pointers can be found here if you want an idea of what accounts for activity. Application Review:
Your app will show us your writing and creative ability, as well as the character we are welcoming into our gates. We don't expect anything super-lengthy, but try to cover all grounds in personality (general mood, perks, peeves, and how they interact with others) and whatever you can for a background.
And while we at DCS don't officially impose Grammar+Naziism and typos are bound to happen, try to keep your writing at a quality that's at least tolerable to your fellow players.
Speed of app reviews depends on moderator availibility and knowledge of the series apped for. We may volunteer fellow players to help with app reviews if one happens to be an encylopedia of a series not well-known by the mods.
Applications need two moderator/admin votes to get accepted. In the case there's one rejection and one approval, then wait for a third opinion for a 2/3 vote.
Acceptible Series to app from
Here we go! Dressing Room
diamondcity_dr is a place to test out characters you want to app, try this place before you join, or otherwise just have some fun with an assortment of characters you wouldn't or couldn't app officially. Make good use of it.
Members of the game are also encouraged to take occasional part in the dressing room, especially when new players come to visit and check us out! It's called "Community Spirit" and a "♫" marker will be listed under anyone's name in the player directory who shows a great amount of it!
The big city has a lot to offer. You can apply your character as anything from a tourist or student to an employee at WarioWare Inc. Don't limit yourself to
what Diamond City has to offer in the Wario Ware series canon . In this game, it's a really, REALLY big city with probably everything you need!
AIM is the communication medium of this RP. Attending chats (if there is one) isn't necessary and being on AIM isn't even required, but if you need to chat with a mod and hate AIM for some reason, Get a screenname from and use a browser client such as Meebo or something.
AIM chat is at "Starbeanscafe". Everyone be on your best behavior there!
Also, everyone is to get along in RP grounds (OOC community, chats, etc.) Personal vendettas should be left aside. Anyone causing problems for the community will be warned the first time and swiftly banned the next. But we're all adult here, right?
The all-known act of creating a godlike character who can do everything and put everyone else in their place. This is frowned upon. If your character has any exceptional skills such as hacking, knowledge of every language or has telekinetic abilities, we can probably let one slide if it's not horribly abused, but let us know in your app or ask us if you think about it later.
On the internet, there's virtually no such thing as a drama-free RP between the players, so here's a few things to keep in mind
1. Nobody is perfect/Everybody has flaws. We're all human here
2. People who bring problems onto the game's grounds (AIM chat, Character journals and any of the RP's communities) will be brought to moderator attention and dealt with. However, Offground areas such as personal journal vendettas and wankery is out of our responsibility, as we do not exploit privacy! Any player who brings personal/locked entries to community or moderator attention (via screencaps and the like) wil be promptly banned. End of story. The evidence will be discarded.
3. It is every moderator's responsibility to be generally respectful when communicating with the players in terms of game matters. However, Disrespect to the moderators will not be tolerated and they don't have to put up with your wank. They also don't have to like you if you give them problems.
If you continue to have problems with the game and how it's run, you will be asked to leave the RP.
4. Repeated offenses (depending on case) will result in a banning.
That should cover the broad corners. this will be edited when needed
Part 1:
Drop-and-Pick refers to to dropping one character and applying for a new character right away. This will only be allowed once per player (drop history not considered). Once you apply for a character after dropping another, future character drops require a month-long wait before clearance to pick up another character again.
A "#" marker will be displayed under any name in the player directory who has used up their drop-and-pick privelage.
Part 2:
This really applies to players who are dropping custom characters (Pokemon/Drones). Please let us know upon dropping if you would allow the character to be adopted by another player. However, This becomes a sticky situation if your character is highly bonded with a group of others, or say, a pokemon gym leader's pokemon. In such cases, the character has to be left for adoption. Please be wary with the original input you put into the characters you're contributing because we don't want drama if you drop Red's Bulbasaur loli and somebody wants to adopt it and complete Red's team again. Red can't exactly get a replacemet Bulbasaur!
See below for other character adoptions.
Part 3:
If you dropped a character (or yourself) and wish to bring that character back, re-application may not necessary. We have
a character return form which suppliments the original application with updated information since the character's first arrival in the RP.
Adopting Dropped Characters:
Dropped Characters will be held by the moderators for two weeks before they are open for public gain again. Depending on how active a character was (Pokemon/Drones not counting), if that character drops, he/she will be availible for adoption. An adoption consists of picking up where the last player left off and carrying on your own route from there.
The taken character list will also house dropped characters and links to the journals and apps for ease of reference. There's two rules to keep in mind when adopting characters:
1. Copying/Pasting/Updating the previous player's application is not allowed, nor is using the character return form with that previous player's application. You'll have to write it from scratch in your own words (this IS your take on the character, mind you). You may also update the backstory with relevant events and why the character came back.
2. Retconning may be necessary and is acceptable for characters, and if your adoption ends up being a case, the application will be strictly reviewed. Retcon plots that deem previous activity and interactions null and void such as "Oh, that (insert character name here) you saw was an evil clone!" are not valid and your application will face immediate rejection. Understand that this is done in respect to the previous player and the character's friends left behind. Other means of erasing previous canon will be OKed or Rejected depending on the case given.
There ARE ways of pulling a successful retcon. If you're persistant on disagreeing, then perhaps you should app this character at another RPG.
Ready to go? This place still looks sweet to you?
You can proceed to our
Reservations Page or head straight to the
Applications Page if you're an excited little spazzmuffin!