Thanks! We're still in the very early planning stages, but it's something we both really want to do, so hopefully it'll happen.
I think they've been filming for a while already, and they're supposed to pick back up in the fall (?).. I think it's just the money issue that's got people wondering.
That's so funny because I was looking through a Pacific Northwest travel guide last weekend and so that Forks and La Push were real too. I had no idea they were real either, LOL. Now I'm a big dork and I really want to visit there.
I can't believe you have an Edward Cullen icon!!! That's BRILLIANT! Yeah, I totally caved to the peer pressure of the flist and bought Twilight and I really enjoyed it. I haven't become as obsessed with Bella and Edward as some I've seen, but I did really love them. I need Eclipse to come out like Right.Now. though. Seriously. I'm holding off on reading New Moon until it's a little closer to August just to try and pace myself. I don't know how well I'm going to do though.
I'm sorry your Jonas has hurt himself. I'm sure things will get back into production soon. Actors learn to just grin and bear an injury. I once had to use crutches to get to my entrance backstage, prop them against the wall and walk out normally for a show I did with a severely twisted and swollen ankle that the doctors told me to stay off of for a week! The show must go on is not just a saying my friend!
Yeah, there was one person on my f-list just raving and squee!ing all over the place about it a couple of months ago and I just had to know what the big deal was.... Little did I know how sucked in I would get lol.
Good call holding off on reading New Moon until Eclipse comes out. I went and bought it the DAY AFTER I finished Twilight because I just. couldn't. WAIT and blew right through it - and of course, left with the insane need for more but feeling total despair that I'd have to wait until August for it.
Suffice it to say, I've already re-read the books, and probably will again sometime between now and August lol
As for Jonas, he's apparently out for 3 weeks. I have no idea how that's going to affect the overall shooting schedule. Meh, we'll get S2 - there's just been a bit of a snag.
YES. YOU MUST GO TO FORKS OR ELSE YOU WILL HATE YOURSELF FOREVER. Really, I've wanted to go ever since I found out they were real places, just so I can dork out. CAUSE EDWARD IS TOTALLY THERE, OKAY.
It is SERIOUSLY at the top of my itinerary now! You have no idea how much squee! I was filled with when I saw Forks/La Push mentioned in my book. Just, I was all - GAH!
Comments 9
oh noez. poor jonas. =( i hope he gets better soon so they can continue shooting already because asdlgjkslg we need s2 of robin hood ASAP!
I think they've been filming for a while already, and they're supposed to pick back up in the fall (?).. I think it's just the money issue that's got people wondering.
Twilight/Edward Cullen has obviously totally eaten my brain
I'm sorry your Jonas has hurt himself. I'm sure things will get back into production soon. Actors learn to just grin and bear an injury. I once had to use crutches to get to my entrance backstage, prop them against the wall and walk out normally for a show I did with a severely twisted and swollen ankle that the doctors told me to stay off of for a week! The show must go on is not just a saying my friend!
Good call holding off on reading New Moon until Eclipse comes out. I went and bought it the DAY AFTER I finished Twilight because I just. couldn't. WAIT and blew right through it - and of course, left with the insane need for more but feeling total despair that I'd have to wait until August for it.
Suffice it to say, I've already re-read the books, and probably will again sometime between now and August lol
As for Jonas, he's apparently out for 3 weeks. I have no idea how that's going to affect the overall shooting schedule. Meh, we'll get S2 - there's just been a bit of a snag.
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I was watching my local news last night and they interviewed a woman named Taylor Townsend
Ahahahaa! That's awesome lol
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