Superbowl? What Superbowl?

Feb 05, 2007 13:02

There was a Superbowl on last night?

Not for me there wasn't. I didn't watch the Superbowl for the first time in -- EVER, and I'm not sorry I missed it.

That's just wrongAnd it's all because of fucking Peyton Manning ( Read more... )

peyton manning can go die

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Comments 4

star_material February 5 2007, 21:22:19 UTC
I? Have never watched a superbowl. Like, ever, even the half-time show. So, I'm maybe not the person to offer condolences at this time, as I do not understand what the hype is about, but if you are sad? I am sad. So boo on Peyton Manning and may be burn in hell.

*squishes you*


diamondrocker February 6 2007, 01:21:10 UTC
I appreciate the condolences, whether you understand what they're for or not. It's the thought that counts :)

And hell is too good for fucking Peyton Manning. He needs to go to that special place reserved for people like Hitler.



abvj February 5 2007, 22:19:08 UTC
I wholeheartedly agree. I watched some because my boyfriend made me but every time I see/hear about peyton manning I have to refrain from gagging. What the fuck ever in my opinion, I'm from Maryland anyway and we mostly hate the Colts anyway... so last night was not a good night.


diamondrocker February 6 2007, 01:26:23 UTC
Yeah, full blooded Pats fan here, so our hatred is probably on it's way to matching yours. But for me, it's not really hatred for the Colts, but a deep, seething hatred of all things Peyton Manning. Every time some announcer talks him up, I throw up a little. And every time some new dumbass commercial airs, I start to twitch. And ignoring him isn't even an option, b/c you. Can't. Freakin. Escape him!


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