Title: Seducing Ms Swan
Summary: AU Post-New Moon. Bella never jumped, Alice never had her vision and Edward never came back. Six years later, Bella is struggling to make a new life for herself as a teacher in Rochester, New York. How will she fare when a very familiar student crops up in her classroom? Will she be able to remain professional, or
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Comments 26
I love it. You already know that though :)
And your A/N notice made me smile. I thought while reading the Bella/Jacob conversation on avoidance that there was an element of personal feeling in there too.
Awesome update and I look forward to the E/B conversation in the next chapter. Oh, and if you wanted me to, I'd be more than happy to carry on and beta Chapter 16 for you as well.
Ily ♥ x
I guess it was kind of inevitable, in a way. I don't something as huge as that can happen to you without it affecting your writing in some form. I never intended for this chapter to be about me working out my issues, but it just sort of morphed in to that. I think, on the whole, it's a good thing.
I would love for you to beta chapter 16 :) I think there are going to be two more chapters (16 and 17) but 17 will be very short. Then there will be an epilogue of some kind.
ily2 xxxx
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