Title:Seducing Ms Swan
Summary: Post-New Moon AU. Bella never jumped, Alice never had her vision and Edward never came back. Six years later, Bella is struggling to make a new life for herself as a teacher in Rochester, New York. How will she fare when a very familiar student crops up in her classroom? Will she be able to remain professional, or
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Comments 98
I seriously cannot wait for the next chapter :)
Oh, Edward, you should have just kissed her!
::hangs head in shame:: I'm a huge Zoolander fan...and I missed the reference. However, in my defense, I was skimming some of the words eager to see what Edward would do.
Omg I looove Zoolander. I couldn't help but stick that line in; it made me giggle no end. As did the extreme *foreshadowing* moment which is oh so significant to me but none of the readers will make the connection to until like chapter 13. Bwahaha yes I'm cruel.
Thanks so much for the review! <33
Now I'm looking for the foreshadowing.
true story.
true story.
I adored this chapter, this story, you, Edward's hair, etc.
I'll be waiting happily to fan girl the next chapter!
I'm writing chapter five as we speak :)
I've pathetically been checking to see if this fic had been updated twice a day since you posted the last chapter and this update was NOT a disappointment.
I love the way you write Bella she's completely in character (as was Edward in chapter 3). I find with a lot of future twilight fic people tend to write Bella as though she's a totally different person but you've really got down how I imagined she would be if Edward never returned in New Moon.
You're an amazing writer and I'm now anxiously waiting for the next update. :)
Thanks for the review :)
Of course it was GOOD! All of it has been GOOD!
You might feel it's not good, as a personal opinion, because it's human nature to always want to better yourself. .Even if you are already, TOTALLY AWESOME.
Loved it!!!
*throws kisses*
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