I've got the large print edition all checked out of my library, I just have to remember to actually go pick it up. I don't really think I was given an option, two of my RP buddies might swoop down and eat my soul or something if I don't.
*Licks the screen* I DEMAND SCRENCAPS AND EXTRA PHOTOS AND ICONS!!!! Okay, so my boy is a bassest, not a drummer, but lookie! Tim is keeping beat! Fucking musician star that he is!
.... *blinks* I'm sorry, were there other people on the screen? XD XD XD
I DEMAND THIS LIVE, BB, LIVE!! I knew that drummer!Lassie would blow your mind, just like it did with mah brainz... Which I should be looking for, eventually... Where have I left that...? But OMG, Shawn's hair! MAH BAIBY IS SO PRETTY!!
And lolz, the Chief just kills me in this. God, Karen, I missed you so much. <3
Also, did you noticed that Henry is indeed a grumpypants? *have a very smug looking muse here*
Psh! You don't need your brain sweetie. Really. Just leave it to me to tell you what to do, it'll all be fine, I promise... ;D
LOL. You do realise that Shawn has a MULLET in this, don't you? And to think he was teasing about Vinnie's shaved head earlier... For shame. SHAME, I say... XD
OH!! ITS KAREN!!! LOLZ! I was trying to work out who the other woman was XD *fails*
Well, yes, we know that, but why mention it now? XD
Comments 30
√ feed the homeless
√ finish reading Les Miserables
√ start reading Perfume
_ marathon all of Psych
Also, we're To Do Twins, I gotta start reading Perfume too. That book is like glaring at me already. o__o
Okay, go then! I don't wanna clean up what'll be left of you if you don't!
Have you seen the movie? Is not a masterpiece, but Dustin Hoffman + Alan Rickman= WIN-FTW!
tat was heelarius...
Brainz, wuz dat?
*Licks the screen* I DEMAND SCRENCAPS AND EXTRA PHOTOS AND ICONS!!!! Okay, so my boy is a bassest, not a drummer, but lookie! Tim is keeping beat! Fucking musician star that he is!
.... *blinks* I'm sorry, were there other people on the screen? XD XD XD
I DEMAND THIS LIVE, BB, LIVE!! I knew that drummer!Lassie would blow your mind, just like it did with mah brainz... Which I should be looking for, eventually... Where have I left that...? But OMG, Shawn's hair! MAH BAIBY IS SO PRETTY!!
And lolz, the Chief just kills me in this. God, Karen, I missed you so much. <3
Also, did you noticed that Henry is indeed a grumpypants? *have a very smug looking muse here*
LOL. You do realise that Shawn has a MULLET in this, don't you? And to think he was teasing about Vinnie's shaved head earlier... For shame. SHAME, I say... XD
OH!! ITS KAREN!!! LOLZ! I was trying to work out who the other woman was XD *fails*
Well, yes, we know that, but why mention it now? XD
Yes, and he makes mullets look beautiful. Yes. I don't care. It's way much better than the horrible offense that shaving Vinnie's head was.
REMEMBER KAREN?? It's like, she was in this totally awesome show... What was it's name? .... You saw what I did there, didn't you? *winks*
Because it needs to be mentioned at least twice per month. Four times in holydays.
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