This a a very sad day for me, and I fear for the justice system of this great country of ours.
I am a Photographer and a Small-Business/Home-User Computer Consultant, a poor man by any definition, and I have discovered that those with money can steal the copyrighted work of another and get away with it, as long as the person they steal from is poor
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Comments 2
Unfortunately in this country, we're operating more & more under the new Republican version of the golden rule..."He who HAS the gold rules"
What you and I both do (being in the front and behind the camera) is not a easy thing, nor does it pay millions of dollars as the general public assumes. We do it because we love it. It's our passion and when the passion we work hard for is taken by someone who has no love for it, other then the almighty dollar to may produce for them, it angers me.
The bottom line is that people don't see animals fucking each other over for a dollar.
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