Title: Killing time at work
Pairing/Characters: Zachary Quinto, Kristen Bell, Hayden Panettiere and Wendy (the Heroes makeup artist)
Rating: G
Prompt #11. You need a haircut. -
TableAuthor's Notes: ok, this is totally random and probably silly... inspired by these
two pics (and is un-betaed too, so forgive my mistakes.)
Zach was sitting in his chair in the makeup trailer, waiting patiently for his turn while Wendy was busy with Heyden. After having said the usual joke about her wig, which he knew irritate Hayden, he began to look at the pictures surrounding the mirror: Wendy had put on new ones, those of the superbowl ad were really amusing, and there still was some pics of Kristen...
He missed Kristen on the set, especially in those "dead" moments between shooting, she always invented something that made those long breaks less boring.
The ring tone announced a new message on the mobile and Zach frowned reading it.
"You really need it. Kristen"
What? Kristen must have confused the recipient, he thought, and he was so absorbed that he didn't noticed anything until he heard the alarming noise of scissors cutting something.
"What the hell ...?"
"Payback time, Quinto!" Hayden said, showing a lock of his hair in one hand and a pair of scissors in the other.
Zach moved his hand to his nape, incredulous that Hayden had really dared ... yes, she did!
He turned, ready to take revenge, but the little pest had already gone into hiding behind Milo, while Adrian recorded everything with his camera, sneering.
"Don't you dare to put it on Youtube, Pasdar!" said Zach, ready to take away from him the infernal device, only to be blocked by Wendy's words . "Don't get angry Zach, let's see what we can do..." and she started working on his hair, trimming the damage done by Hayden.
"You know, your fans on Twitter keep asking me to do it all the time, and I agree with them, you need a haircut anyway."
Zach snorted, but there was really nothing he can do anymore.
Kristen smiled when she read the message.
"Mission accomplished! xoxoxo, H."
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