After over 1 whole month of editing, the frelling Farscape video is finished!!! *throws confetti*
And it wasn't that hard to edit... I just think I didn't get that much inspired. I mean, except for last night. I edited like half of the vid last night, went to bed at 3:30 am... Ha! This is how I like to edit!!! heheh
Anyway, here's the vid:
Love and PeaceSeason 2 Final 4
Song: "Love and peace or else" by U2
AN: FINALLY my Farscape video!!! Since I only have the Season 2 DVDs and 2 DVDs from Season 1, I didn't have that many options for themes. Anyway, this vid is full of action, adventure and I'm sure you can tell that I'm a huge John/Aeryn fan because there's a lot of it in this vid. And, sure, all Farscape fans can tell there's no happy ending in Season 2 (or any season)...:(
((I'm thinking of maybe making a Season 2 John/Aeryn music vid, what do you think???))
For those of you who don't know Farscape or have not seen these episodes, here are the summaries as given on the DVDs:
A Not So Simple Plan: To save D'Argo's son Jothee from a lifetime of slavery, the crew agrees to take part in a bank heist.
With Friends Like These...: When Scorpius beats the crew to D'Argo's son, they must use the loot from the heist to recruit old friends and foes to help save him.
Plan B: When Crichton gives himself up in exchange for Jothee, the rest of the gang come up with a plan to save Crichton and make themselves rich at the same time.
Die Me Dichotomy: As the Neural Chip takes over his brain, Crichton attempts to return to Scorpius - with deadly consequences.
And, as promised, here are those two Star Wars (Episode II) videos that
wildswanspond asked me to post a while ago (sorry for the delay, Marie!!!):
Walking WoundedAnakin
Song: "Walking wounded" by Tea Party
Description: This vid is basically about Anakin turning to the dark side and thinking of the most important people to him: his mother, Padmé, and Obi-Wan.
So Far AwayAnakin/Obi-Wan
Song: "So far away" by Staind
Description: Anakin and Obi-Wan's friendship throughout Episode II.
I'm also working on 2 new HP videos, but I'm not so sure when/if I'll finish them. Meanwhile, ENJOY!!!