HP fandom and vid clip theft walk side by side, I'm telling you!

Nov 03, 2007 23:24

Ok, so those of you who've been here through my past YouTube issues might know that I don't go around revealing a clip/vid thief's name unless this person a) has been ignoring me for a long time; b) has been messing with me for a long time; c) has been pissing me off for whatever reason for a long time.

And I hope you all know by now that I wouldn't ask for anyone's help unless it was extremely necessary.

Well, everything I said (options 'a' through 'c' included) applies to this particular YouTube user. So let me tell you a little story.

I started dealing with her back in June. Yeah, you read that right, JUNE!
I found out she had posted plenty of my videos and videos of other RTI vidders and sent her a message with the usual "Don't do this, remove them", the whole shebang. I've been doing this since frelling JUNE!
So yeah, besides me being too freaking patient, I guess this also means I could ask for a little help at this point.

Anyway, she replied to me saying this:
"I'm sorry that you feel that way I did not Know that you were the Original owner of those Vids I apoligise because since I did not know who they belonged too I could not give that Person (which is you) Full Credit. I realize that i've done a horrible thing which I never meant to do and Humbly and Sincerly Apoligise with all my Heart. I truly did not want to hurt anyone so If you are willing I would like to ask if I can Keep the Vids up as Long as I give you Full Credit and the Praise that You truly Deserve and that I never do it again Which I will Promise you and signed in Blood (if I could) I never meant to do anyone any harm I just Wanted to show the Viewers The Beautiful Talented Videos/Amv's that I found I once again Sincerly apoligise and I am extermely sorry and upset with myself. I hope I have not Angered you for I feel Disappointed and ashamed. I hope that in your heart you will find a way to forgive me even though It's painful and not an easy thing to do. I TRULY AM SORRY :("

She really did seem sorry. So I went nice with her from then on. Or at least, I was going to go nice.

First thing that happened was that I tried replying to this message and SURPRISE, she had blocked me from her account. Yeah, I've been through that before.
Didn't take that long to figure out she had a second YouTube account, though. So I replied to her on that account saying that I truly WAS angry, and that what she said was all crap since she wasn't saying "Here's a video I found on the internet, but I don't know who the maker is, please let me know if you know so I can credit them", but instead said she had spent the whole night working on them! And also, she REMOVED the credits from the videos, so she knew exactly who had made them.

Her reply to that?

"Oh oops I'm so Sorry I'll fix that now Please let me Keep these vids I didn't mean to anger you. I haven't been on this account in a while I'm so sorry I'm such an Idiot I'll give you complete and Full Credit I'm SO SO Sorry *Cries* I feel so Ashamed and I accidently Blocked you on my other account It REALLY was an accident so I'll fix that too. I"m SO Sorry Please Forgive Me!!!!!!!!"

So she unblocked me and I was able to send her another message saying that I wasn't asking for credit at that point anymore, but that she removed the videos! I explained the whole situation, how we all have our own accounts and we post our own videos.
Besides, even though she had changed the description, she was still replying to videos as if she was the maker!

She then replied to me saying she had fixed everything and given me full credit.

Well, not exactly. Turned out she had given me credit for videos made by Ana and Rose, she had not given Lenna any credit, and some videos made by all of us had none whatsoever.
And she was still refusing to understand the "I DON'T WANT YOU TO KEEP THE VIDEOS" deal either.

Time to send another message saying just that. And she finally said:

"Oh okay... I'll take them off.. I'm sorry about this."

And then another message from her other account saying:

"I just wanted to let you know I will eventually get around to getting rid of some of the vids but Right Now I'm extremely busy with Requests and Family issues. I'm sorry for all this and A painful Reminder of it was looking at all the People who Favourited them I'm going to find it hard to erase them even though They aren't mine. However.. if you really want them gone... then there's not much I can do about it."

Oh, how convenient to use the "Family issues" excuse at this point, isn't it? Specially coming from someone who could find enough time to post a new video every day. And don't even try to play with my sympathy by reminding me of the people who favorited MY video on your account. Hell, just forward them to MY account, how hard is that????
Still, sounds like everything is all good now, doesn't it? Well, not quite. On August, I go back to her account and find out she had NOT removed any of the videos like she said she would.

So there I go again, still doing this the polite way 'cause, well... you know, she had "Family issues"... I ask her if she's still going to do it or if she's still too busy. 'Cause, seriously, it only takes about 5 minutes to remove them!

Her response:

"I'm so sorry about this. I'm still Extremely busy. I'm not allowed on ther Comp. much these days for I've been Swamped with working at camp as a councillor and then being given last minute notice that my family and myself are going on a trip to Calgary Alberta not to return until the 22nd or 23rd of August. I'll possibly take them down by them but it all comes down to findind the time to be on here. I'm also dealing with Family issues (aka) Parents discussing about Divorce as they have for Every Summer. So I'm sorry If you think I'm being rude :("

DAMN RIGHT you're being rude! GEEZ, you only have to GO to your freaking video page, select the videos and click DELETE. I lied to you, IT DOESN'T EVEN TAKE 5 MINUTES!!!!!!

Still, I'm going the nice way 'cause the last time a conversation like this turned nasty, it was NASTY. So yeah, I say end of August is fine.

She then replies with this:

"That's okay. I'm sorry for Causing you the Trouble in the First place. I should warn you though thst Another Youtube user named [X] has began to put up some of your videos and Claimim\ng them to be hers. If you talk to her about it I would like to ask that you do not tell her who told you about it. She's the type of person who will say something hurtful to the other if she's caught."

[I replaced the username she mentioned with X, but I'll tell you my story with that one in just a moment.]

Well, very interesting to have a vid theft warning from another vid thief. I check said user, she's right about her. But, like I said, we'll deal with her later 'cause it's a whole other story.

Anyway, back to Thief #1, on September I go to her account, and well, as you all might have guessed, the videos were still there.
And I'm honest here, ever since she was supposedly back from her trip, she's been fucking ignoring all my messages. And let me tell you, there were plenty of those.

But I would have kept this all to myself it wasn't for what happened not five minutes ago.

So I went to her account, AGAIN, to see if my latest message got through... and, obviously, it hasn't. Then I notice she has a new vid up. It's a Harry vid, set to "Wonderwall", and all of a sudden I have this *feeling* that there's clip theft in this vid.

And I was pretty damn right.

The very first clip is actually the very first clip from MY "Wonderwall" video. She clearly used scenes from my "Wonderful" and "I miss you" vids... and others. But honestly, I really didn't care which ones they were, I just decide not to send her a message, but to leave a comment on her video.

She obviously deleted my comment, and left one of her own:


Still, my comment served its purpose 'cause she FINALLY decided to reply to my freaking messages.

"I made that video by myself I ripped all the HP movies onto my new laptop last week and I really don't appreciate you hurting my feelings. I try so hard to make videos people will like but it everything I do is wrong to you isn't it? It's really my fault that I spent 5 days making this vid from scartch and that I may have similar scenes like yours but you know what? Those scenes are from the movie itself. You cant understand that everyone uses the same scenes for their amv's because it's from the same film and same version? I feel extremely hurt that your accusing me of stealing again I'm so sick of it that I've considered closing my account several times... but do you know why I stay? Because I love to make vids and see that others enjoy them. You can say what you like about me, but please respect my vids and Leave them ALONE. BTW I should warn you I have stopped taking your vids along time ago and I don't have any of them anymore beecause our Computer was Cleaned since we had a virus but even though You hurt my feelings you should know that there is a girl named [X] that been stealing alot of your vids lately."

*is happy* OH, honey, I have to say THANK YOU! Thank you so much for giving me a very good reason I should stop doing things the nice way with you!

And, as usual, lets go through her whole message shall we?

"I made that video by myself I ripped all the HP movies onto my new laptop last week and I really don't appreciate you hurting my feelings."

Well, BOO freaking HOO! So now I'm the one hurting your feelings? It's my videos you're ripping!

"I try so hard to make videos people will like but it everything I do is wrong to you isn't it?"

Not everything is wrong, only what you do wrong is wrong. But, since you failed to do ANYTHING right this whole time, then I'd say yes, everything you do is wrong.

"It's really my fault that I spent 5 days making this vid from scartch and that I may have similar scenes like yours but you know what? Those scenes are from the movie itself. You cant understand that everyone uses the same scenes for their amv's because it's from the same film and same version?"

I'd very much love to see the version of Philosopher's Stone you have that have widescreen scenes, full screen scenes, and full screen scenes with black borders around it, all together. I've never seen that one.

"I feel extremely hurt that your accusing me of stealing again I'm so sick of it that I've considered closing my account several times... but do you know why I stay? Because I love to make vids and see that others enjoy them."

Suddenly you're not sorry about what you did, are you? Well, all those messages really fooled me.
You know what else would work? If you could STOP STEALING! That would make us both happy.

"You can say what you like about me, but please respect my vids and Leave them ALONE."

I will respect your vids once I see one made by you. But all the vids I've seen on your account so far are either my own vids or mixes of my own vids.

"BTW I should warn you I have stopped taking your vids along time ago and I don't have any of them anymore beecause our Computer was Cleaned since we had a virus but even though You hurt my feelings you should know that there is a girl named [X] that been stealing alot of your vids lately."

So when you make it you don't consider it stealing, but when someone else does, then you do? Not very consistent with your ideas, are you?

This is the full story so far. Through the link of her Wonderwall vid, you can check her account and see that not only does she have my videos, but videos by ana_br, hushed_sirius and lennaofmidearth as well.

And that other thief she kept mentioning? Well, she does have a lot of my videos, and videos by other people as well, like HannahDora.
But the story with her is quite a lot simpler: I keep sending her messages and she keeps ignoring me.

That's the story.

... And people still wonder why I'm not vidding HP anymore.

youtube, vid theft, film: harry potter, vidding, vid clip theft

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