Dear Community,
I'm pleased to announce that D/Hr Advent will be returning this year for another great round! This year, however, we will be starting nominations earlier so that authors will have more time to create their works.
September 15 - September 22: Nomination Phase
September 23 - October 1: Invitations Sent
September 23 - November 23: Creation Period
December 1 - December 25: Posting
Please use this month to plan the Advent into your schedules if you plan on participating. Also, in releasing the timeline earlier, we hope that you will be able to choose your nominees wisely without being pressed for time.
Again, this year, we will not be doing story banners. However, participation banners will be given out at the end.
As you might know, the lovely
boundbooks has retired from modding this comm. Obviously, this had brought a few changes to the comm.
One of the major changes for this year can be seen over at tumblr!! Unlike last year, we will be fully using it. Also, up until December 1, we will be posting old stories from the 2011 and 2012 Advents there. In an effort to keep D/Hr Advent's tumblr the main resource (along with LJ and DW), we ask that all masterpost blogs reblog from our tumblr instead of the other way around.
We look forward to seeing each and everyone of you nominate and hopefully, participate too.
Best wishes,
SlytherinGurrl and