The next TEN FOUR people to comment in this post get to request a drabble of any pairing/character of their choosing from me. In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level.
I stole this from everyone that is doing it... I can't believe I am doing this. lol... I so want some Battlestar Galactica Crossover fanfiction with the main characters Helo/Sharon "Athena"... lol Crossover would be awesome with Firefly...
Check out the fandoms that I know in my profile. And I just add Battlestar Galactia... :D
Copy this from
chosenfire28 1.
almostgaby : Dean/Haley (SPN/OTH)
Lost Dreams2.
force_oblique : Agathons/Sarah Connor (BSG/TSCC)
Uncertain Future3.
musesinspire: Buffy/Mal (Firefly/Btvs) hurt/comfort schmoop
Emotion of a Man4.
chosenfire28: John Connor/Buffy Summers (BtVS/TSCC)
flareonfury: Hermione/Legolas (HP/LotR)
New World6.
crazedchick08: Hermione/Caleb(Hp/Covenant)
I will see you again7.