
Jun 12, 2006 14:17

Shaker Heights is noted for its diversity, but as far as its street names go, it's wall-to-wall whitey here. Every road bears a faux tweedy, upper-crust English moniker, with some lowlands Scots mixed in around the bad parts of town. This can get a little confusing, so if you're driving by Horseshoe Lake, and you see me out running, and if my body ( Read more... )

fitness, slice and dice of life, evolution, crank theories

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Comments 13

ladystarlightsj June 12 2006, 19:57:50 UTC
I wonder if this explains my urge to take people where they need to go when asked for directions....


dherblay June 12 2006, 19:59:12 UTC
Are you grabbing them by the earlobes?


ladystarlightsj June 12 2006, 20:43:51 UTC
Surprisingly, no. I usually want to take them by the hand and lead them around.


hermionesviolin June 13 2006, 15:31:05 UTC
*nods* I also prefer to have someone physically take me along rather than give me verbal directions (unless they're v. v. good at verbal directions, and even then.... ditto well-drawn maps, esp. since not all intersections actually have street signs).


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dherblay June 12 2006, 22:45:21 UTC
Yes, because people think I'm so sane already.


reader angeyja June 12 2006, 21:58:47 UTC
I've just made things immensely worse. I suspect many people have had this experience, and been discouraged from asking for directions of their own by their own examples

More like by getting very lost after asking. ;)

I love my maps.


Re: reader dherblay June 12 2006, 22:44:24 UTC
Oh, yeah, give me a map, a single landmark, and something by which to orient the map and I'm happy.


cactuswatcher June 12 2006, 22:21:45 UTC
I think that's why I like spending time indoors at home. People don't ask directions so often, if they can't find you.

It's worst when you know exactly how they need to go, but know it's so complicated they'll never remember what you said. And you know that the chances they will have paper and a writing instrument to write it down are near zero. I have often given people directions on how to get closer and told them to ask for directions again when they got that far.

Germans were forever asking me for directions when I was in Germany. I barely knew where I was, let alone where they wanted to go.

On the other hand sometimes its easy. I was in Copenhagen once when an American couple came up to me timidly. Thinking I must be a local the husband tried to mumble the name of a famous furniture gallery in Danish to get me to understand. I pointed the way they were already headed, and said, "It's just down the street past the bank."


dherblay June 12 2006, 22:43:28 UTC
I get asked for directions overseas a lot. There was one woman in Berlin who was very annoyed that I would claim not to speak German. Of course I was blonder then.


rebekahroxanna June 12 2006, 23:35:35 UTC
I'm impressed that you can find either Claythorne or Sherbrooke. I haven't a clue where either is. I think Claythorne is down by US, maybe the one the Shattingers lived on. You must be running farther than I thought!

I did overshoot the house the other day. I was so pleased with myself in figuring out where I was and then I just drove right by the house. Of course, I'm sure you're surprised I did it only once. I sat down and drew a neighborhood map so I'd get it straight, but I still have to stop and think where I am. I don't remember being this spacially (what is that word??) challenged when I was younger. But then again, my houses were easier to find. How can you overshoot Rockefellar's gigantic gothic Baptist church?


dherblay June 12 2006, 23:43:50 UTC
I take it then the bloom is off the azalea.

Claythorne runs cattycorner from Warrensville and Shaker towards US, so technically the directions I gave the woman ("Continue down this [South Park] and then it's to the left on the other side of Hathaway Brown") were correct, if misleading.


rebekahroxanna June 13 2006, 00:22:09 UTC
Yeah, the azaleas are not blooming. Nor is the yucca plant at the corner of Barksdale and Cowden. Oh for a parrot fish as landmark


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