Title: Labyrinth of Suffering
Pairing: KyuMin
Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst
Rating: PG-13
Summary: You don't know when you will go there and how long it will take you to get out-or if you will ever get out.
A/N: I don't know what overcame me when i wrote this. This is a two-part story. Beta'ed by my awesome beta-er,
Pearlyn <3 Read the bottom a/n, it's
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Comments 25
Yeah my inner kyumin feels are going insane too.. But if I were to think rationally, I just wouldn't want kyu to be happy anymore. In a horrible person! LMAO
I'm excited for the next part!
but if you want Kyumin. then make him suffering first because of what he did to Ming.
Ming is too precious for what he did.
if Hae can make Ming happy. then Haemin is the best thing! hehehe
New reader here:D
I really really love that story allready!!:D
srsly kyu how can you do that to min q.q!?You will so regret it in the end!
Min didn't deserved any of that ;A; I am soooo happy that hae is there for him!
My heart is breaking reading him suffering so much ;A;
gosh kyu even if you're stressed doesn't give the right to treat him like that!!DX Don´t you even feel a bit regret after your doings?
I want a kyumin ending but kyu must suffer super muuuch!! He has to prove everything so that min can trust him again :(!
But it´s your story so you decide how it ends xDDD
Hae and hyuk are so cute in here :) really makes the saddest person smile!~ fishhy~~
OMO I am curious how it will continue!! Does Kyu realized that min ran away?? KAHSDAHSDK!!! OMG MUST KNOW!!DX~
Please do uplaod soon :D!! I can´t wait for it anymore!!<3 Really good story :) keep writing ( ... )
hehehe I am glad you love my comment :DD~ And I loved you fic x3 haha it made you smile that it hurts xDD??~
wuaah~ I lso lvoe you already xDD You are surely a hyper girl :DD??
yes yes u.u poor min ;A; it breaks my heart ;A; but an angsty ff wouldn´t be awesome without such things *-* I super love such angsts were min is suffering but then it always breaks my heart and I am always like "WHY YOU TREATING MINNIE LIKE THAT!?*sobs forever in a corner*" xD
I CAN´T WAIT FOR THE SURPRISE ANYMORE!!!!!<333 Really excited about the ending *o*
Already waiting for sunday 8DD!!~~ (with cookies u.u!!<3 XDDDD)
Thankyu for the fic :D!!~~
ps: I think we are going to be good friends xDDD
Hehehehe, thank you! I'm getting started on it already, so stay tuned! ^-^ (slowly grabs cookies and run hehe)
P.P.S. I think so too XD
I just want KyuMin to be together,
Even though Kyu is so bad here, hurting Min like that...
I just can't imagine they ended with someone else,
Make Kyu suffer first pleasen
Before he can get Min back...
(The comment has been removed)
Thank you! Hope you will enjoy it <3333
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