Theme Suggestions?
Well, since I don't want us to flounder around any more, I decided to put up a suggestion post so that interest is regenerated in this community. Feel free to post either a general theme, a song, an image, or even all three if you wish. Your ideas for the general theme can be specifically for D.gray-man or more general icon-related ones. But before you do, please check the
rules on the community's user info page to see what is and is not acceptable (i.e. offensive lyrics as in the n-word, cosplay images, etc.) I have changed the doujinshi rule, so that doujinshi art is now also acceptable, however please include a note alongside your submission that informs me you are in fact using doujinshi art. This way, I will not disqualify your icon for possibly being fanart.
Also, before commenting, please check the
submissions part of the Memories, as I'd rather not have themes repeated.
Bannermaker Application
As we are always on the lookout for bannermakers, if you are interested in becoming one, please leave a comment with a few examples of your work here. If you have no previous experience making banners, please use the provided icon and information for your sample banner.
Winner's name:
snm_queenWinner's placement: Third Place
Week number: 25
Community name:
dgray_awardsBanner size: There is none set here but 300x100 is the norm.
General Questions
Any questions, concerns or general comments/complaints go here as well. Fire away with whatever comes to mind!
As of September 4, 2006, all comments are now screened.
Thanks and happy iconing!