
Aug 29, 2011 15:44

[Cue Jaws theme. Well, no, not really literally. But perhaps a bit figuratively. There has been something a bit off today. And a bit off in the funny farm known as the Dressing Room never bodes well does it? No, no of course not. But you'll have the feeling of being watched. Turn to catch the source and -ah, no, just a potted plant in that ( Read more... )

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Comments 94

sleightofhearts August 30 2011, 05:51:33 UTC
Afraid not. Terribly busy, you see.

[...... ignore that he's currently toting a pillow under his arm.]


thirdpersonpov August 30 2011, 06:05:25 UTC
[Ignore? He does not know the meaning of the word. Added bonus is that a sleepy Tyki means an easy target Tyki.]

Busy? Busy with what? If it's just a nap, then certainly you could spare a minute or two for a lowly newcomer charged with a nearly impossible task before wandering on your merry way.

If you're off to have an illicit affair with Cross then I just need your signature right here. [WHY does he even have it turned to that specific section of his census laundry list thing? Shhhhh. It's a secret.] And then you can be on your merry way.


sleightofhearts August 30 2011, 06:12:49 UTC

Has anyone ever told you that you talk too fast?

Give Tyki a moment of blinking before honoring that with an answer.]

You're quite a nosy thing. [Sigh and bother. Now he's going to be stuck here with you, he can feel it.] How unfortunate for you, as I am not on my way to have an illicit affair with the Good General. Dead men aren't my type.


thirdpersonpov August 30 2011, 07:44:52 UTC
[Maybe the problem, dear Tyki, is that you process too slow. Step it up, man. If he talks any slower he is going to be older and grumpier than Bookman by the time he gets this all filled out.]

Sure you can afford to be that picky?

[But ANYWAY, he was a man on a mission. This was no time to snark! They could make digs at each other later!]

Well if you don't want me to be nosy, you could just look through these few [hundred] pages and sign any and all that are applicable to you. I want to have this done before afternoon tea. Can't miss that.


historyandblood August 30 2011, 05:54:13 UTC
[Boooooooi. He can hear you tickin' a mile away. And will, in fact, turn around and offer the other a ~wink~ before he can really catch up to him for the ambush.]

Depends on what ya want with it.

[People to go, places to see, things to record, and all.]


thirdpersonpov August 30 2011, 06:52:41 UTC
[Oh? Oh! Another him. FINALLY! F.I.N.A.L.L.Y. He was beginning to think that you were all a myth.]

[Though he is a bit miffed that he wasn't able to sneak up on the other Lavi. How the heck did he fail that saving throw? He had put all his talent points in sneaking. ... Except for those he put in being a bother anyway.]

Just a quick survey. You see this thing just fell from the sky and-

[And- and... oh fudgesicles. This Lavi has the whole golden eye thing, too. Was turning into a Noah in fashion or something? Ugh. Lavi couldn't wait until that fad passed.]

Uh, you should really check the water supply. There's a lot of people with vitamin deficiencies wandering around.


historyandblood August 31 2011, 04:18:04 UTC
[Live and in the flesh; most undoubtedly not a myth.

Young grasshopper, you obviously must get better at becoming your surroundings if you ever have any intention of sneaking up on this one. For as silent and sneaky as you may think you're being, you still echo in the ears of a vampire.]

'nother one? [Lies. There never was a first one to begin with -- or, if there was, he hadn't known about it -- and that's highly doubtful, being a Bookman and all.] Thought I did that last Friday, yeah?

[No matter how brief the stall was, the gold-eye Lavi seems to catch the slight hesitance. He smirks and leans in a little closer, fixing the other right in the center of his vision in the visible eye.

Teasing, really.]

Vitamin deficiencies?

[Though, his tone indicates he knows exactly what the other is talking about.]


regeneratory August 30 2011, 05:58:43 UTC
[Leeeeeeaning back (so far he just might tip over), signature look of irritance finding its way quickly onto his face.]

What do you want.


thirdpersonpov August 30 2011, 06:55:55 UTC
[Oh this is fun. It's like playing the how-low-can-Kanda-go game, which would be very vital information if they ever had a limbo party back at the Order. Leeeeeaning forward to match that leeeeaning back. Hey Yu. How's the weather over here?]

I want many things, Yu. But if you aren't feeling particularly generous I'll just ask for your autograph.


regeneratory August 30 2011, 06:59:05 UTC
[Partly cloudy with a chance of redhead, apparently. Lips twitching down once before he reaches to try and shove Lavi back.]

For? [He knows your games, you can't get him to cooperate without a little more information.]


thirdpersonpov August 30 2011, 07:51:49 UTC
[Only a chance? Make that 100% of making Kanda's day more interesting. I know, I know, Kanda can thank him later. He accepts bribes, gifts, and future pardons favors.]

For this!

[Oh are we pillow fighting now? How sweet. But Lavi is busy, dear. He'll have to indulge you later. Which means that this giant list of doom is going to end up being dropped on Kanda (hopefully before he gets his footing again).]

I've been nominated as the Dressing Room's errand boy. Only a few thousand more signatures before I get that trip to my own tropical island. [And sipping pina coladas on the beach. Ah yeah!]


save_the_souls August 30 2011, 06:10:04 UTC
[this one yelps in surprise since he was not expecting a sudden lavi]



[...he wish he could tell if it was one he had met or not yet, he still has to learn how to do that ]


thirdpersonpov August 30 2011, 07:06:35 UTC
That's my name! And you're Allen. Glad to get that out of the way.

Now that I have your undivided attention--! [Aaaaand out comes the giant laundry list of doom and papercuts. Flip. Flip. Flippity flip flip. What could this Allen's special characteristic be? Could it be:

___ Allen that lives in a magical castle that ends in Disa
___ Allen that is a vegetarian
___ Allen who has a current debt is 23,916,215 (insert appropriate currency symbol here)

Or perhaps all three because Lavi is a infomodding pain in the ass.]

Could I get your autograph next to all that apply? It didn't say I had to find one Allen for each one of these things.


save_the_souls August 30 2011, 07:14:24 UTC

[Normally he would question why Lavi was doing this and where he possibly got all this information about him. But instead, due to rule of trauma, he notices the last bullet point there and immediately goes into a panic]

The debts followed me here?! How could that be- I'm in another world!!


thirdpersonpov August 30 2011, 07:58:46 UTC
I'm in another world? [Tsk tsk tsk. Do you see this? This is Lavi shaking his finger at Allen and looking incredulous.] You really think that would work? That's the second oldest excuse right after the dog ate my homework. [For shame.]

[Now in this situation a normal person might feel sympathetic. Debt and Allen, that's some pretty hefty trauma right there. Unfortunately Lavi is more interested in getting this census filled out before his hair is as white as his shell shocked compadre. So ever so politely and gently trying to shove that pen into Allen's hand.]

Allen. Earth to Allen. A little focus here. I'm on a tight schedule.


selfdeluded August 30 2011, 06:18:47 UTC
[Much like some of the many other DR residents roaming the halls at this particular time of day (night, we'll say, maybe an hour or two after midnight) this particular Allen turns his head slightly when Lavi pops up behind him, and doesn't seem especially surprised to see him. Politely so to being spoken to, maybe, though it's pretty obvious that he's not surprised by the actual appearance.

Don't mind the eyes too much. Unless you happen to miss the bit of blue in the one eye. Then by all means, feel free to freak the fuck out.]

Ah... Sure. What do you need?


thirdpersonpov August 30 2011, 07:17:21 UTC
A trivial favor. Just a little help in narrowing this down to 844 All--

[KEYSMASHGOESHERE. Another one of you with the golden eyes and the failing the stealth check. WHAT IS WITH YOU PEOPLE!?]

Not to be pushy or anything. We just barely met and all, but-

[Dramatic OBJECTION point to the right eye. Or erm, left from Allen's view. Let's go with the one that is two colors. Yeah-- that one.]

That eye can still be saved! I'm afraid it's a lost cause for the other one. You'll probably have to gouge it out with a spoon.

[Joking. Joking! Mostly anyway. Sob. Can we stop with the gold eyes now? Lavi is going to have nightmares.]


selfdeluded August 30 2011, 07:29:52 UTC
[Staring a bit throughout that internal keysmash. Man, you must be really new if you're reacting that badly. Sorry man, he's a bit of a special case! Can hear loud Lavi's like you coming from a mile away~

He does not, however, see that sudden jab right near his eye coming, and jerks back a bit too quickly. He takes a step back to right his posture instead of straightening again, putting more space between them.]

That really wouldn't do me any good... [Pausing, before lifting a hand to tap the tip of the scar on his cheek. It's a little concerning that he can't totally tell whether or not Lavi's joking.] I can't see out of this eye anymore.. [Trailing off a bit, while his eyes drift down to Lavi's sides. Trying to find where he knows most Lavis keep their Innocence.

When he's sure he has it spotted, he looks back up at Lavi.] Did you still want something? That 'trivial favor'?


thirdpersonpov August 30 2011, 08:09:26 UTC
But you can see out of the golden one? [Why does he have a bad feeling about this? Oh right. Because gold means bad. Tear out your organs when you're not looking bad. Or even when you are looking bad. But that can be overlooked for just a teeny tiny second because---]

[Ohmai! Those are sure some wandering eyes. Makes one wonder if Lavi has ulterior motives for placing his Innocence so high on his hip. But forbidden fruit or not, that's not place to be looking on a first date meeting, young man. Your dead mother would be shaking her head somewhere from the afterlife.]

See something you like, Allen?

[Okay, okay. Maybe play can come after work this one time. Just. this. once.]


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