May 18, 2011 17:06
[In one of the kitchens there's a gooey and oozing mess on the island counter in a cake pan. And a redhead slumped over next to it, poking the cake with a frustrated look.]
I don't get it, how come ya have to be so damned difficult to make.
[On the main counter behind her are several more failed attempts.]
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Is it... really that difficult?
[Looks back at the cake and huffs.] I think 'm doing something wrong but I'm following all the directions.
He frowns, stepping into the kitchen, and peers down at her... various failed attempts.
...yikes.] You aren't changing anything?
Not at all, I dunno how ta bake. [She doesn't realize the cookbook she's using is a joke-cookbook. And the closer Allen gets he should be able to pick up more on the twins growth, even at just the beginning of her twelfth week.]
but as soon as Allen takes note of those other heartbeats, he pauses, tilting his head at first to listen and... just. blinking.
And... looking over at her, only staring the tiniest bit.]
Ah... maybe it's the recipe?
Tilting her head in confusion at the look over. Doesn't realize he can pick that up.]
Might be. Think I should check 'nother cookbook?
Unless you're changing something in the recipe, I don't see why you shouldn't.
Thinks about it for a moment and then nods. Though she does go over to him and gives him a hug.] 'm glad you're doing better, Allen.
[Gives him a little smile and goes to the bookshelf, don't mind her, it's just the way she is. Also... Don't mind that little yellow Tease that stayed behind with you, innocent enough and doesn't smell of blood.]
He does mind much honestly, though he doesn't return the smile - and his attention is immediately snatched by the yellow Tease.
....alas. He kind of hates Tease, after what happened to Sleeper. So he's just going to stand there and glare at it. Maybe if he did for long enough, it would catch fire.]
It's not harming a thing and flutters about much like an idiot butterfly, wings moving slightly as it lands on the nearby cupboard. dnw it to burst into flames, that would bring Tyki here.
She comes back over to him, glancing at the Tease and back at him once she notices his glare at it.] 's harmless, Allen. Tyki set it to guard me in case I needed help. [Flipping the page open to yellow cake and moving it so they can both look at it.]
...This looks a bit different.
Tease and Tyki. Bad, bad trauma ping there.]
Yeah. That's what Deke said about the one looking after him. [And then the fucker killed his Allen
but his gaze falls down to the book when she brings it closer, almost-but-not-quite frowning. He wouldn't really know if it worked or not, honestly.] ...are you going to try it?
She picks up that the Tease isn't a liked topic, nor Tyki really, and lets it go by the wayside, humming softly. Didn't see a Tease last time she saw Deke with Robin but she'll ask the redhead later.]
Probably? [She looks up and sighs at the current state of the kitchen.] After I clean this one or find a new one ta work in... Doctor said to stay away from cleanin products if I could.
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