[What is that garish sight? Who in their right mind would spend their time stuffing penguins? And putting them on display. On
pedestals. In the middle of the hallway framing two doors. Wait. That door wasn't there last week. Or was it?
By the way, knock, knock.]
[ooc: This is a joint post for
solo_insanity and
forwhomittolls, but each character will tag separately to keep
Read more... )
[Have a guarded look, ominous knocking.]
[Catching up. Yes. Quite.]
[Ducks into the kitchen she was looking for.]
It makes me the ghost of Christmas Future, and you my biggest headache.
Not a man normally driven by his stomach, but ... Food?]
But isn't that the beauty of being Future. You just change things until they meet your liking.
[Sighs when he follows her into the kitchen, stopping in front of a cupboard.]
You used to not fail miserably with sarcasm.
[Key words, Tyki: Used to.]
Sure that wasn't the not me back there who you are having these expectations of.
[Throws Tosses an apple at him, and settles for eating a banana. She'll get some real dinner once he stops following her around.]
If I was the ghost of Christmas future, don't you think I would know the difference?
[Is content with his offering. Nice arm on you there, Kitchen Knife.]
I would hope so. You can make a lot of money betting on the horses that way.
[This is unsettling. She doesn't like this at all.]
[But what is going to change and how, he hasn't a guess. It just seems right.]
And you must have me mixed up with someone else. Wouldn't I have remembered us talking?
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