
Jul 02, 2010 21:32

[at first glance, the Allen wandering down the hall in the east wing this evening is like any other Allen. or at least, it's probably easier to keep the image in mind of it being an entirely normal Allen if you only spot him from behind. if you manage to catch a glimpse from the side or from in front of him, however... the scene changes rather ( Read more... )


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Comments 368

14th_rhapsody July 3 2010, 04:37:37 UTC
[Fourteenth actually spots him while passing by the back of the hallway. the faint scent of blood catches his attention at first, but it's probably not a good idea to approach an injured Allen... and it's not like Fourteenth can actually tell the difference between all of the--

..that smells kind of like oranges. very, very faint, but.. oh hey, I know this one!

coming up behind Allen, silently and without warning as per usual.]


selfdeluded July 3 2010, 04:44:28 UTC
[unless Fourteenth speaks up or reaches around to stop him, Allen won't really notice he's there. he can only sense Akuma, and he's a bit out of it right this second, so... he's not paying attention to the people actually around him.]


14th_rhapsody July 3 2010, 04:46:22 UTC
[in that case, Fourteenth's just going to be a creeper and keep following Allen for as long as he can. he's careful not to make a sound, might even go as far as synchronizing his steps with Allen's to keep from being detected.

he's curious as to how long he can keep this up~ no harm intended, of course.]


selfdeluded July 3 2010, 04:56:34 UTC
[god Fourteenth, you creeper. unfortunately - or fortunately for him, depending on how you look at it - Allen won't notice the guy at all when he's like this if he keeps that up. :|

if he waits long enough not to do anything but follow, he'll even managed to follow Allen all the way back to his room.]


cracked_crosses July 3 2010, 21:11:22 UTC
[oh fuck, you really don't look good, you really don't. he remembers seeing people who looked like you before, not good]

Kid? Allen Walker?

...Why is it red all over you?


selfdeluded July 3 2010, 22:10:49 UTC
[he blinks at first, looking over and... a Tyki? in the East wing? ...not entirely unheard of, but he had more expected to see the one with cat ears roaming around here. this one was... Noah? one of the others he had spoken with briefly, or a new one entirely? he couldn't really tell, honestly.]

...It's Allen. Just Allen.


cracked_crosses July 3 2010, 22:30:53 UTC
[east wing, north wing, it's all the same when you don't know where you are or where you're going or where... yeah.

allen's seen him before... possibly. can't remember?]

Allen, then..

Answer. Why is it red all over?


selfdeluded July 3 2010, 22:37:42 UTC
[he's still not entirely with it at the moment, and telling Tykis apart is a little hard. still, this one doesn't really talk like some of the others he's spoken with, so...

--wait. wait. the library. right.

Allen just gives him a sort of weary look, flexing the fingers on his right arm - the one that the sleeve is fairly shredded on.]

Why do you think?


stitched_akuma July 4 2010, 02:11:53 UTC
A...Allen? [The hole in the chest of the shirt draws her attention in particular; she gasps and runs over. It doesn't matter to her that she hasn't met this Allen before.]

Are you all right? That blood...


selfdeluded July 4 2010, 02:29:41 UTC
[he can feel Robin coming before he actually sees her, really. at first he'd been hoping she'd just leave him alone, not bother, or not come down the hall he was in at all - he could sense Akuma for a pretty wide distance, after all - but he'd never be that lucky, huh?

he abruptly starts backing away as soon as she comes close, trying not to let his eyes get too wide, trying not to seem as terrified as he actually was. he'd had issues with Akuma before, might've been a little bit afraid of them, but now...]

Stay away!

[it was so much worse now.]


stitched_akuma July 4 2010, 02:37:14 UTC
Ah! But I -

[She'd forgotten about the cursed eye. Startled, she takes several steps back. She holds up her hands, palms facing Allen in a placating gesture, and her voice goes just a tad unsteady.]

I'm...sorry. I won't hurt you, I promise. Do you need any help?


selfdeluded July 4 2010, 02:44:47 UTC
[Allen doesn't stop moving until there's at least twenty feet or more between them, at which point he reaches a hand up to clutch at the side of his head.]

I don't ca-- [no, no, she wasn't doing anything wrong. she was trying to help, he shouldn't be--

but the panic was winning out over manners, even if he was doing his best to beat it down.]

I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm not injured, so-- I don't need help.


poisonpured July 4 2010, 04:33:19 UTC
[first all he sees is the orange and red--and then he realizes all that red is blood...]

Allen! [trotting to catch up, looking for the injury to cause all that blood] What happened!?


selfdeluded July 4 2010, 05:51:23 UTC
[.....oh, fuck.

he jumps slightly at first, initially startled, but it's easy enough to tell just who that is from the sound of hooves, and so Allen stops to turn in the direction of the voice.]



poisonpured July 5 2010, 06:55:49 UTC
Allen! [worried, and he's still looking for the injury, hands half raised unsure whether to grab the double or not.] What's hurt--do you need help? [because that's a lot of blood...]


selfdeluded July 5 2010, 07:19:50 UTC
N-no, I... I'm fine. [would he believe a lie if he made it convincing enough? Allen had no idea.

he'd try to pass off the scars as having already been there, but... well, Alli had seen him without a shirt on before. o-orz. really, out of all the people he'd met, Alli was probably the most... well, not innocent exactly, but one of the ones he didn't want to worry. so shoving down emotional trauma is a go.]

It's... the blood isn't mine. Don't worry.


besomeothername July 4 2010, 07:58:54 UTC
[Struck speechless. He spotted that orange shirt from half a hallway away, and it was far too red, far too dark dried blood red. It was entirely the wrong shade on this Allen.

Grabs at Allen's left sleeve and tugs]


selfdeluded July 4 2010, 08:11:01 UTC
[he either isn't paying enough attention to notice Lavi coming, or doesn't particularly care that someone is there, but when his sleeve is pulled on he almost stumbles back, and his first instinct is to jerk away from whoever was doing it-- until he looks back, however, and sees just who it is there.

he's too busy looking like a deer in headlights to remember to try and cover the new scar on his chest. ...though, really, the dried blood is a bit of a giveaway.]


besomeothername July 4 2010, 08:21:55 UTC
[Pulls Allen into a loose hug, trying to force closeness but also not make Allen feel like he's trapped. Doesn't say anything for many long moments.

What was one supposed to do in this situations anyway? He certainly didn't have experience with hearts and feelings and... whatevers to know]


selfdeluded July 4 2010, 08:33:10 UTC
[of all the things he'd been expecting if he ran into Lavi, this was... definitely not one of them. he actually does freeze at first, blinking, but after a moment he actually returns the hug, equally loose and almost awkwardly.]



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