Title: Killing Him With Kindness
shmeiliaRating: PG13
Possible Spoilers/Warnings: Epilogue compliant, spoilers through DH
Author's Notes: Thank you Annie for the beta, and thank you Jake for all the "inspiration."
Summary (if fic): Draco's got a new friend, and Scorpius is not amused. Oh no, not at all.
Killing Him With Kindness )
Comments 19
I love the angle of tackling this particular setup (vis a vis the prompt) of D and G getting together from the Ginny/Scorpius and Scorpius/Albus angle. Brilliant idea to make it so Scorpius-centered. I also really loved how you brought George into the story, having him admire Scorpius' mindset and suggest another (yet another) possible link between Scorpius and things Weasley. How horrid for Scorpius! And how practical and (unknowingly) devious of George to suggest a future association with Scorpius ( ... )
I don't think I could have held out like Ginny had. I would have been the tattle tale that complained to Draco. XD
And the end, with Scorpius using Ginny's plan against her children? I definitely see it working. Well, to a degree. I think that prankster streak will probably stay with Scorpius the whole summer. ;)
Thank you for the fun story! I really enjoyed it!
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