Once more into the breech dear friends, once more...

Apr 30, 2009 12:00

The 6th Annual Draco/Ginny Exchange

Spring 2009 Challenge

Selfish & Stubborn. Ambitious & Adventurous. Daring & Disagreeable.

Lizzie and Mr. Darcy. Han and Leia. Beatrice and Benedict. Scarlett and Rhett. Are you seeing the pattern here? Four timeless couples that were meant to be together, in much the same way as our Draco and Ginny, with one or both of them fighting it every step of the way. This time around, we're inviting you to delve deep into the psyches our our favourite fire and ice duo and explore how such an unlikely couple can work -or for you angst fans- explode in a fiery ball of heartache or derision.

Like the previous rounds, you are not required to take part in the theme, but we feel it would be an exciting and fun addition, so please keep this in mind when choosing what you'd like written for you.

There are two big difference for this round of the exchange that we have not had during all the others - Please read and make sure you understand before filling anything out.

One - for those of you who are repeat participants - you have a head start. For you we are opening up sign-ups on April 30 as advertised. For those new to the exchange the general sign-ups will begin on May 02.
Two - We are putting a participant cap on this round. There are fifty available spots. Once those spots are filled, you may sign up to be a back-up writer, but you will not be a full participant unless called upon by the mods.

These Rules and Regulations in their entirety are also found in Our Profile.
Feel free to check it out throughout the exchange if you need a refresher. ;)
  1. If you request a story, you must be able to fulfil someone else's request.
  2. You do not have to be a LiveJournal user to participate, but you do need a valid email address so the mods can keep in contact with you. This is a requirement. Give us an email that you check regularly.
  3. All fics should have a minimum word count of 1500 and a maximum word count of 25,000. All fics must be complete when sent to us. Chaptered or multi-part fics are fine, but the entire fic must be completed by the due date and handed in at once. Also, if you could organize your chapters so we know where to post it would be appreciated. All fics should be emailed to the community email in either .doc, .docx, or .txt format with the header provided by the mods. (If you want to submit in a alternative format, email the mods to see if it's something they can open, please.)
  4. Code your fic with the appropriate html tags. If you send your fic in with Microsoft Word (which is fine), you still have to tag your work!
  5. Please have your fic spell-checked and beta-read. If you do not know what a beta is - find out - QUICK! It's on you to make sure your spelling and grammar is sorted. The mods have neither the time nor the inclination to beta your work, and fics failing to have this done will be returned to the writer.
  6. All entries will be posted here, just for reference purposes. To maintain anonymity, please do not post your story anywhere else until after the revealing.
  7. In order to request or write a story rated NC-17 you must be at least 17. You can turn 17 the day before for all we care, but you must be 17 at the time of sign-ups.
  8. And finally -- if you sign up and then need to quit the exchange before fulfilling your prompt, you may end up on the dreaded Wall of Shame. You may not, we mods are not heartless, but depending on WHEN you drop out and your reasons why... you just might. Be sure that if you want to play, that you fulfil your responsibilities. It's called integrity. Things like this aren't any fun if people screw over their fellow participants by signing up and then backing out. Due to the CRAPTASTIC nature of the last exchange, we are asking you to carefully consider whether or not you will be able to turn in a completed beta'd story on time and if you're not absolutely certain, we would urge you to not sign up.

Where do I sign up?

Either fill out the following form in a comment to this post. All comments shall be screened. ;) OR email the same form to us at dgficexchange@hotmail.com if you don't have a journal. (May we suggest getting a journal? It's free. You know you want to... think of all the D/G fun you could have with a journal - there are lots of communities you can join and great people to meet with a journal... /shameless pimping)

Also - there is a question about the following bit of meta at the end of the form... really really easy (not as easy as past round's but yeah)- please take a gander - the question is easy, and the essay is really really fabulous and really really helpful - especially if it's your first time participating in an exchange. 'A Guide to Participating in Fic Exchanges, by Someone Who Knows' by r-becca.

Name/Pen Name:
LJ Username: (If you have one)
Will you be 17 by April 30th?:
Have you participated in the dgficexchange before?: (Required if you are signing up in the first two days)


Briefly describe what you'd like to receive in your fic
The tone/mood of the fic:
An element/line of dialogue/object you would specifically like in your fic:
Preferred rating of the the fic you want:
Canon or AU?
Deal Breakers (anything you don't want?):

Have you read the rules above or on the userinfo page?
Do you understand that your story must be beta-read?

Fill in the Blank: In 's Essay Guide to Participating in Fic Exchanges what does Rebecca urge dropouts NOT to try at home?

Please don't try this at home. - It's not necessary to (blank). It's just not.

I've signed up... what do I do now?

Much like last round, we have decided to let you pick your prompt. The reason we started it this way was to encourage less dropping out because YOU choose what you write so YOU can get excited about it. This has pretty much backfired every year we've done it. We don't want to have to go back to handing out random assignments, so please get excited about your choices, and keep your eyes on the comm - things move quickly around here.

We've made the exchange anonymous to everyone but the mods until the reveal and awards so there is no pressure... for example: There will be no 'Holy Frak, I'm writing for one of my favourite authors, I may just hyperventilate.' ;) (Which never helped Jandy - because each time after choosing a prompt she had a brief moment of breathing into a bag because she knew who she was writing for...)

Once the period of sign-ups are over there will be a post full of all the prompts that were requested - only you'll have no idea who requested what. You will CHOOSE the prompt you feel you'd want/be able to write and you'll reply in that post (screened again) with your top 5 choices.

Once everyone has a chance to give us their top 5 choices you will receive an email assigning you your prompt. Please do not start writing until you receive the email. You may get you first choice, you may get your fourth, so just don't start until you receive our email. After that, the only thing left to do is get writing! ;)

Once you're done writing (and by all means, if you're done before the deadline, hand it on in...) please email it to us (dgficexchange@hotmail.com) with this header:

Author: (will be moved after it is submitted to the mods)
Possible Spoilers/Warnings:
Author's Notes:

Original Prompt: (The prompt number and the actual prompt - this will be moved when it's posted)

And don't forget the awards following the posting...

Deadlines and Dates

So keep your eyes open for forthcoming information:

Sign ups: April 30, 2009 (May 02) - May 05, 2009
Picking the Prompts: May 06, 2009 - May 10, 2009
Assignments Handed Out: May 12, 2009
Fics due: July 01, 2009
Posting begins shortly thereafter
Awards: August 2009

See you back here soon. *smooches*

We hope you all are as excited as we are for this Round of the Exchange!
Remember, you all know about us, but now it's your job to sign up and tell a friend! ;)

** - There will not be a reply back from the mods to each sign-up. Comments are screened. If you are logged into your account, you should be able to see YOUR OWN sign-up form. If it's not there, then you either posted it anonymously or it's not there. Just a note.

Positions Open: 0/50

sign ups, exchange 2009

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