Title: The Election
1angeletteRating: PG-13 for some profanity
Possible Spoilers/Warnings: Is AU-ish, but not notably; just changes around some events here and there. Is quasi-compliant with all books, but doesn’t really spoil.
Summary: Election time. Two posters, both alike in smear-ing-y….
The Election
“Draco Malfoy,” the narration began, “had fallen somewhat hard for Ginny Weasley.”
The boy named scowled and stopped putting up his poster for a moment. “Nott, there are two things in your sentence that make no sense. One, it tries to have a semblance of wit, and two, it has this idea that I’ve ‘fallen’ for the Weasley slag. I mean, she’s attractive, funny, athletic, has spirit, cares about things besides clothes, isn’t as brainless as her housemates, and actually has a personality that doesn’t make me want to be sick, but those are her only decent traits. I am so out of her league.”
“…Malfoy, you make it sound like she’s out of your league.”
“You’re biased, Zabini. We all know you fancy her.” Malfoy rather emphatically stuck a thumbtack into the corner of his poster and stepped back to admire it. “Good, huh?”
“I think the slogan is a little silly,” Pansy said. She was leaning against the wall of the corridor, arms crossed. “Honestly? ‘Vote for me. Because I’m better than you. And Potter.’” She paused for a moment and frowned a little harder. “Although I do like the picture. It’s rather attractive.”
“Likewise,” Blaise said dryly, “we all know Pansy still fancies you.”
Pansy glared at him in a way that instantly brought to mind the phrase “if looks could kill”.
“I do not!”
Theodore, meanwhile, was looking at Draco very seriously. “As ridiculous as our excessive use of the word fancy is, you do feel exactly that way about Ginny Weasley, Draco, and what’s more, I know it, and it’s the best thing that could possibly happen to me for at least six months.”
Draco understood absolutely none of this, felt quite perturbed at Theodore’s expression, and quickly put up another poster before going back to the Slytherin dorms.
Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny were sitting around in the common room.
“So,” Ron said. “You’re the Gryffindor candidate for Head Boy.”
“Yeah,” Harry said.
“You know,” Hermione interjected bitterly, “I really don’t understand why we’re having an election. It makes absolutely no sense. Logic would dictate that Dumbledore would select a Head Boy out of the sixth-year Prefects. In fact, as far as I know, that’s how it’s always been done, considering I’ve never noticed any sort of campaign and Hogwarts, A History mentions no such thing. This whole ‘election’ is a complete farce.”
“Does it matter, Hermione?” Ginny snapped. “Granted, I’ll allow that this is horribly stupid and makes no sense, but all your logic won’t change it.”
“Well,” Ron pointed out, “if we did what Hermione said, I would be the candidate for Head Boy. Harry should have gotten Prefect, not me, so now he’ll finally actually get to do something.”
“Besides, you know, defeat Voldemort,” Harry joked.
The others laughed.
“But on a more serious note, one other thing is particularly illogic-”
Two boys were sitting miserably in a hallway.
“We have no chance at this,” Justin Flinch-Fletchy muttered.
“Yes,” agreed Anthony Goldstein. There was a silence.
“Is there anything for us to do in this election besides sit around and watch?”
Anthony thought for a moment. “Well, we could always play kingmaker…”
Justin grinned. “I know what you mean.”
The boys shook hands.
“…And are we even having elections for Head Girl? This makes absolutely no sense!” Hermione concluded several minutes later.
“Hermione, you can be a bint about this for as long as you want, but I’m going to go make posters.”
And with that, Ginny left.
“Your prediction,” Justin observed, “was completely correct.”
Anthony sighed.
“It’s a good poster,” Harry said to Ginny. She grinned.
“Thanks! Let’s see how it looks animated.” Ginny waved her wand over the pieces of parchment, muttering Dotibi Animus. The parchments moved closer to each other and merged into one sheet. Then, the show began.
First, there was a picture of Draco Malfoy. “Malfoy is a brilliant, well-off little boy… right?” text said. In big letters then appeared the word “WRONG!”.
A picture was shown of Draco with his inquisitorial squad badge, next to him a crying second-year Hufflepuff. “Draco Malfoy helped break up Gobstones clubs!”
Then, Draco was shown taking Galleons off the table. “Draco Malfoy wants to invent Prefect dues… and give the money to the head boy!”
Draco was shown against the Union Jack. “Draco Malfoy. Wrong for the U.K…. Right for Hogwarts.”
Harry and Ginny had to reread that last sentence several times. “Oh, shit,” Ginny muttered. “I must have miswritten.”
Hermione ran in. “Oh, you finished the poster, Ginny? Wonderful! Duplico!” she cried, making a circle with her wand.
Harry put his head in his hands.
“Well, this is an improvement,” Draco said, looking at the posters.
“I wonder what Gryffindor incompetent did this!” Pansy crowed.
Theodore walked into the corridor. “And I bet you’ll wonder what Slytherin incompetent did this,” he said idly, pointing to the wall opposite of the Gryffindors’ poster. On this wall was an absolutely enormous banner.
“Malfoy… loves…. Weasley?” Draco read, voice cracking.
“Vote… for… him?” Pansy continued.
Coming in, Blaise asked casually, “What’s with the picture of the hot girl and Draco looking at each - oh, Merlin!”
A young Slytherin who was one of their hangers-on said, “And what’s with the picture of a pink-haired baby?”
All three of them fainted. Theodore smirked.
“Draco loves Ginny?” Parvati asked Lavender. “That is sooooo ROMANTIC!”
“Like, totally! I know!” Lavender replied. “It’s Romeo and Juliet only without lame Elizabethan!”
“I can’t bloody believe this,” Ron said.
“Yeah,” Harry agreed.
“Come on, it can’t be that bad,” Ginny said. “It’ll probably kill the Slytherin vote. Besides, it can’t be true.”
“But think about it!” Hermione snapped. “All of the younger kids will start thinking he’s not that bad! After all, they did when we saw your poster!”
“That logic,” Ron said, “explains the bloody States.”
“Before we vote,” Dumbledore said, “I would like to bring up all of the committees related to the election to the High Table.”
Draco and his group, Harry and his friends, and a couple unhappy-looking Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws came up in front of the table.
Dumbledore began a speech about each candidate, while Draco kept glancing at Ginny. The more he thought about it, the more the banner he had seen made sense. Love? For a blood traitor like that, never. But he certainly didn’t mind her body…
Ginny kept looking at Draco. She thought she saw him stealing glimpses of her, and she didn’t like it. Also, the more she looked, the more absently it occurred to her that, pointy or not, he was a little attractive.
“Now, candidates, anything you would like to say for yourselves?”
“Yes, headmaster,” Malfoy said. There was a gasp among the others in the room. He walked to the center and suddenly took Ginny’s hand to pull her toward him.
Draco whispered in her ear, “Just so you know, you’re a complete impure bint and a huge tart at that, and I’m only doing this so I can win.”
And then he kissed her.
After what seemed like an eternity but was probably merely several sunlit days, they drew apart. Ginny blinked.
“And it looks like everybody has filled out their ballots!” Dumbledore declared. “And the winner is….”
Everybody held their breath.
Ginny tapped her foot impatiently.
“Draco Malfoy!”
After cheers from about half of the school, Draco kissed her again. And then Ron punched him. The cheers pretty much stopped after that, and Ginny wondered what had just happened.
For some reason, Ginny visited him in the infirmary. “Malfoy?”
He roused slightly. “Yes, Weasley?”
“Why did you kiss me?”
“I don’t know,” he moaned weakly. “Go away.”
“Oh, fine.” She turned her back on him. “But… why?”
“Go awaaaaaaaaaaaay.”
Ginny rolled her eyes. “Well, I just thought you should know that I kind of liked it, although not that much.”
She left. Draco immediately sat up and stared after her.
A few months later, Ginny woke up and saw a letter on the windowsill of her dormitory. She got out of bed to open it. It was a white piece of paper which said, in beautiful handwriting, I may love you. Next to it was a flagon of firewhiskey.
She smiled.
Briefly describe what you'd like to receive in your fic (art)
Anyway, it’s election time! For some reason, of your choosing, there is to be an election held for the spot of Head Boy. The Candidates? Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Justin Finch-Fletchy and Terry Boot. Write about the campaign, with Ginny as one of the boy's campaign manager. Include the usual election time concepts, ideas, and political slime.
The tone/mood of the fic: Smart-funny
An element/line of dialogue/object you would like in your fic:
Preferred rating of the the fic you want: Anything, put preferably PG13-NC17
Canon or AU? Any
Deal Breakers (anything you don't want?): Ginny working for Harry, slapstick humour