Fic: Token from a Handmaiden

Jun 20, 2009 03:03

Title: Token from a Handmaiden

Show: Merlin
Characters: Gwen/Arthur, Merlin-cameo
Rating: PG
Word Count: 488
Spoilers: For 1x10, but only vaguely
Disclaimer: I obviously don’t own, because if I did…let’s just say it wouldn’t be a “family” show
Summary: Gwen comes to wish Arthur luck while he prepares to go on a deadly mission. But when he asks for a token, she has nothing to give… pre-relationship; one-shot
A/N: not as smutty as I generally prefer my fanfic (yes, I can be quite shameless), but this is more a way that I can see this actually happening in the show. Also, not written to my full satisfaction, but I’m having trouble with this fic, for some reason.


“I can finish up, Merlin,” Arthur said as his servant began to reach for the scabbards. “Go see that my horse is ready and the other knights are prepared.”

Merlin nodded, running out of the armoury room and down the hall. He brushed past Gwen as she walked in the opposite direction, saying a quick greeting as he went.

Gwen then arrived at the armoury to find Arthur buckling one of his belts.

“Sire,” she announced her presence.

“Guinevere,” he nodded, returning her acknowledgement. “What are you doing here?”

“Your mission is seemingly dangerous, sire. I,” she wet her lips nervously. “I came to wish you luck.”

Arthur glanced up from putting on his gloves. “That’s… thoughtful of you,” he said carefully.

“Well, I’d want you to come back safe.” She then sputtered, “For Camelot, I mean. You are the Crown Prince, after all.”

Arthur looked back, studying her much the way he had at Ealdor. “You needn’t worry,” he reassured finally and walked out the door.

Gwen sighed and began to leave herself, but was stopped at the door by Arthur’s reappearance. He was right in front of her now, closer in proximity than he had ever been before. Additionally, because the room was a step up from the hallway, they were almost at eye-level.

“You know, Guinevere,” he said, “wishing someone luck isn’t much use without a token.”

She looked at him, confused. “I’m a handmaiden, not a lady. I cannot give tokens.”

“Can’t or just too unthoughtful?” The side of his mouth twitched into a smile.

Gwen fought back a smile in return, despite herself.

Arthur sighed. “Well if you don’t have a token for me, then something else will have to do.”

Gwen tilted her head a bit to one side in puzzlement.

And before Gwen could protest, Arthur leaned forward to kiss her.

The kiss was simple and undemanding. And although it came as a surprise, Gwen was certainly not displeased.

He pulled back after moment, Gwen’s mouth seeming to follow him. Arthur didn’t move any further in response to her action, prolonging the kiss a second more until he reluctantly broke it.

Gwen’s eyes fluttered open, finding Arthur studying her for her reaction.

Her gaze quickly lowered, feeling her face flush. “Come home safely,” she said in farewell, trying and failing at masking how affected she was.

“With a token such as that, I’d say I have all the luck I need for my safety.”

Gwen couldn’t keep from blushing at his words. As he walked away, Gwen finally braved to raise her eyes to him again. What she found was his head still turned as he went, with a vague smile on his face.

Her body warmed as he watched her, making her wonder how many nights she would lie awake, still able to perfectly recall the feel of his mouth on hers and secretly long for it to happen again.

fandom: merlin, pairing: arthur/gwen, fanfiction

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