Title: Ut Animadverto Opportunus Mythology (or The One Where Jon And Stephen Learn About Prophets, Winchesters, and The Sewers of New York)
Characters: Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Chuck the Prophet (a.k.a Chuck Shurley), Dean and Sam Winchester, and a surprise villain!
Rating: PG(13?)
Summary: Jon is not one to dwell on depressing subjects that have nothing to do with his job, but when it appears that someone wants him dead, he may have to change his attitude.
Chapter: The second installment (a.k.a chapter II)
Notes: I am attempting to get past the cynicism stage with Jon and Stephen, perhaps a little more quickly than realistically possible, so let me know if there needs to be a larger discussion as the story progresses. As always, comments are very welcome.
View Character List:
dfhdancr.livejournal.com/8579.htmlPrevious Chapters Here: Chapter I -
dfhdancr.livejournal.com/8413.html Where Shit Happens ( And Stephen Seriously Considers Investing In A Helmet)
Jon felt like he was in an episode of The Twilight Zone. Not that he'd actually seen an episode of The Twilight Zone, but if he had this would have definatley qualified. At the very least he had been sucked into an alternate reality where ghosts were real, people actually behaved like those old western movie cowboys, and Jon felt completely inadequate in all of his five-foot seven-inch glory. Alright, so maybe that last bit wasn't so unusual. With all of the gorgeous, successful, infinatley taller celebrities he interviewed, it wasn't surprising that the two men he was currently staring at fit right in with the starlets he usually associated with. Except that they were not movie stars, and still managed to look better than Jon could ever hope to achieve.
He had finished reading the first book, not convinced, but at least willing to listen because there was really no other explanation for the string of ridiculously bad luck he had been subjected to recently. Closing the book, he and Stephen exchanged glances with raised eyebrows and cynical expressions, expressions that they had perfected out of necessity for the sake of comical relevance. Stephen was about to put forth a variety of questions to the man responsible for shaking their faith in reality, when two men entered the room and Jon knew he was in trouble.
The first clue he had to his plight was that the smallest of the two was at least six feet tall, and the taller was easily five inches bigger. The second indication that Jon was in trouble was the fact that both could be equally described as gods among men. Not that Jon actually paid attention to their physical appearance, nope. He just happened to be very observant and was currently observing one man who had bright green eyes, framed by long lashes, lips that were fuller than most women's, and a body that was what all men strove for (and rarely achieved); and the other who had a face like and angel (look, there really was no other way to describe it), equally captivating eyes, and (if it was even possible) a better body than the first man. It was a very good thing that Jon was completely comfortable in his sexuality, otherwise he would have been going through a slight crisis, and seeing as he had a full plate with the whole trying to come to grips with the supernatural thing, he really didn't need any more stress at the moment.
“Dean and Sam, I presume?” Stephen asked, seeing as how Jon was still taking in the newcomers. The smaller of the two smirked and took in the stage, eyes lingering on the desk and the bleachers that had collapsed last Thursday (narrowly missing Jon in the process).
The taller smiled and moved level with Stephen and answered, “yeah, I'm Sam and this is my older brother Dean.” Jon tore his eyes away from Dean, who was currently inspecting the makeshift chairs set up in place of the bleachers, and said “you're the younger brother?” Sam laughed, Dean huffed, and Chuck seemed to think that that was enough chit-chat because he spoke.
“I think we should get this figured out, alright?” Dean and Sam exchanged glances, not unlike the ones that Stephen and Jon gave each other but with much more substance behind it, and nodded to Chuck who motioned for Jon and Stephen to lead the way.
As the small group entered Jon's office, Stephen felt as if he had been shoved into an alternate reality. The fact that he was sharing the alternate reality with three of his heroes did not help to settle his nerves. Stephen had been ecstatic when he heard that his favorite author was to be Jon's guest. He was an avid reader of the Supernatural books, and was something of a believer, however peripherally, of all things paranormal. It had been a bit of a shock when he made the connection between Sam and Dean and the two men currently taking up much of Jon's office and all of his attention. Being the geek that he was, it was rather unnerving to be in the presence of two of the most kick ass ghost hunters that Stephen had ever had the pleasure of reading about. Granted the competition for that label was scarce, being between the Ghostbusters, the Ghostchasers, and Sam and Dean. So it was not surprising that the two brothers had run away with that title ever since they had escaped from right under the FBI's noses after taking out a shape shifter in a bank in Milwaukee.
It had never even crossed his mind that his two heroes were actually real people, so really, it wasn't his fault that he engaged in something of a fan-boy moment when everyone had gotten settled.
“So how much of these stories are real?” he asked, practically bouncing in his seat. Dean looked at him, with his eyebrows raised, a look that had Stephen practically squealing with joy.
“Dude, seriously chill out!” Stephen nodded his head and attempted to settle himself down, although it was really hard with Dean still looking at him in that totally Dean way.
“It's all real, everything,” Dean answered, after which he turned his attention to Jon and the pouch that they had been called in to investigate. Seeing that Dean had dismissed him as an idiot, Stephen turned his attention to Sam who had his laptop open and was conferring with Chuck.
“Every thing's real? Like, everything?” he asked. Sam looked up and smiled tightly, glancing over at Dean who had just laughed at something Jon said.
“Yes, everything,” he answered.
“Even the whole..hell thing?” he asked. Sam tensed up, glancing over at Dean, who had stood up abruptly and was glaring at Stephen in a way that would have made him very uncomfortable, had he been paying attention.
“Yes,” Sam answered in a tone that indicated his desire to get off the topic. Now Stephen was generally a pretty smart guy, and he usually knew when to keep his mouth shut, but every once in a while his good sense left him and he ended up looking like a jackass (which was one of the reasons he and Jon made such a good team, Jon was frequently able to do damage control when Stephen took leave of his senses). So he didn't really do the smart thing and take the warning both Dean and Sam had given him.
“How'd you get out of hell then?” he asked, addressing Dean. Jon groaned, and Stephen realized (to late) that he had made a bit of a faux pas.
“None of your business. We're here to stop something from killing your boss, and that means you have no need for our freakin' life story, alright?!” Dean growled. Stephen nodded, and resolved to keep his big mouth shut, he so didn't want to get beat up by his heroes. Sam moved over to Dean, placing a hand on his shoulder and appeared to be reasoning with him. Whatever he said seemed to work because Dean nodded, took a deep breath, and shook himself back into control.
“I'm gonna go see if there is a way for anyone to get in the studio without being seen. Sam, take Jon and Chuck and see if you can dig up anything.” Sam nodded and motioned for Jon and Chuck to follow him.
“What am I gonna do?” Stephen asked. Dean turned and stared at him for such a long time that Stephen began to squirm under his gaze.
“You're going to come with me.”
“Where?” he asked.
“The lovely sewers of New York,” Dean answered exiting the the office, leaving behind a slightly green Stephen.
“The...the sewers?” he squeaked, following Dean out and thinking that he should've known not to invoke the brother's wrath.