"I've nothing against strong-minded women. I simply despise strong-minded peasants."

Mar 12, 2007 13:09

Fun with the Nihilist!pups (and Dido and Joe). Gunfire under
the first cut.

*sipping at cognac* Why, hello Vera! *delighted*
*is barefoot (stockings are haaard when you can't bend at the waist without pain) and wrapped in a shawl for warmth, and has apparently not bothered to pin her hair up. and oh, joy, if it isn't the last person she wants to see* . . . Hello.

You look healthy.
*dryly* Not quite dead, anyway.

Oh, excellent. Just the way I like my irritating revolutionaries.

Cognac, Vera?
No, thank you. *sits down a tolerable distance away from him, tucking her bare feet under her skirts to keep them warm* I do not drink, as a general rule.

Pity. It's one of my favorite vices. How's your boyfriend?
In one piece, despite your best efforts.

Well, he doesn't have to stay that way. *takes his new gun out of his belt, neatly cocking it and displaying* Pretty, isn't it? My new toy.
*raises an eyebrow* Very nice. All the same, unlikely to produce results that would last more than a week.

True. But nonetheless enjoyable. Perhaps more so.

I think next time I'll simply shoot to maim. That way he suffers longer.
Mmhm. In that case, I shall be sure to have a suitable response prepared.

Oh? Such as?
I thought I might cut out your tongue and spare the world your insufferable fondness for talking. *lightly* Then again, perhaps it might be more beneficial to the community as a whole to remove something else.

Like your womb? *cocks trigger*

*takes careful aim, just begging her to keep talking*
Vera> While I can't say I would be especially eager to be shot, I think you're mistaking me for a woman who is interested in childbearing. *and by how level her tone is and the fact that she hasn't attempted to leave, one would /assume/ she's armed*

Oh? Not even with your beloved Alexis? I think precautions are in order for all our sakes.
I refused to marry him once since it would result in my acquiring a title I do not think should exist at all. Do you think I would care to bear a royal bastard, after that?

Yes, probably. And really, it would annoy Alexis ever so much.
*eyeroll* In case you haven't noticed, tenderness is not my strong suit. *and will be retrieving a gun from under her skirt, apparently. even when you're not wearing stockings, garters are worth something! :D*

*shoots her in the arm*

Drop it.
*well, a shot to the arm doesn't leave much choice, so the gun hits the floor and Vera makes what should be a fairly satisfying sound of surprise and pain*

*sigh* Vera, Vera. Really. How many times do I need to remind you.

Of the three of us, I am the only one with half a grain of sense.

No matter how clever you think you are, try and remember that I'm at least twice as clever.
And yet in Russia, you and your men never found me. How do you explain that?

*rolls his eyes* Just because I'm clever doesn't mean my hired bulldogs are.

They're paid for their brute, not their brains. *walks over, kicks her gun aside, and then goes to pick it up once he's out of her reach* Now go get yourself patched up again. You're spilling blood all over the carpet.
It's seen worse. *stands very carefully, though, aware that she should get this taken care of -- except oh, is that a wave of dizziness? looks like she'll have to steady herself against the couch. and ow, that was the injured arm.*

*sigh* Oh, you're bright. Well done, Vera. At least try to remember which arm is wounded. *goes over and picks her up, surprisingly careful, carrying her princess-style*
*tenses, very much not trusting this* Put me down.

So that you can walk upstairs on your own? Right. I'm sure. Now, which way was the room you were staying in? *carrying her upstairs*
If you think I am going to tell you where I sleep at night, you are /greatly/ underestimating my intelligence.

*stops, closing his eyes with strain* Vera. Do you have any idea how unpleasant it is to have your blood seeping into my extremely expensive deerskin trousers? Now tell me where the nice doctor is who patched you up the first time.

*has such great priorities*
*dryly* You might have thought of that before you so kindly decided to clean up your own mess. Put me down and I will find him myself.

*puts her neatly on her feet*

*leans against the wall, smirking*

*gestures generously for her to proceed with this walking thing*
*takes a few steps, then carefully moves closer to the wall so as to be able to support herself against it -- but oops, that's not working brilliantly, and she stumbles and hits the floor on her knees*

*dryly* Oh excellent. Now, which way to the doctor?
*reluctantly* Down the hall a ways, on the left. He keeps a sign on his door so he can be found easily. Dr. Joseph Abernathy. *tries to stand, using the wall for support again*

*sweeps her easily off her feet and carries her straight down the hall and to Joe's room* Care to open that or knock or something?
If you were so eager to be helpful, you could have shot to kill. *because the scars the stab wounds are leaving? are pretty much revolting to her* I'd be back in a week without a mark on me. *knocks, then, using the non-injured arm this time*

I know, it's weird, isn't it? You'd think I might enjoy seeing you suffer or something crazy like that.
*dryly* Sadistic leanings? You? I'd never have guessed.

*kicks the door, to let Joe know he's not opening it fast enough* I'm entirely altruistic.
Joe: *well, Jesus Christ, a man just can't have time to himself, can he?* *opens the door with a pair of headphones hanging around his neck -- apparently the reason he didn't hear the knock* Hello -- well, you just can't keep yourself in one piece, can you, sweetheart? *glances at Paul* Who're you?

The perpetrator. Pleased to meet you. *practically dumps Vera into his arms*
Joe: *. . .* This place just gets a little weirder every time I blink. The arm wound all?
He also took my gun, but I suppose you're speaking of injuries.

And the three stab wounds, and Alexis' brain, yes. Do enjoy the new set of scars, Vera. *turns and heads off to clean his shirt*
Joe: . . . *sighs and sets Vera carefully on his bed, for lack of a better place*
*sticks her head in* Oh, honey. That doesn't look pretty.
Joe: Not the worst she's had recently.
*frowning at the new hole in the sleeve of her bodice* . . . More mending. Lovely.
*saunters in, leaning over to take a look* Can I help?
Joe: Yeah. *hands her a scissors* Help her get rid of the cloth around the wound. I'm going to have to take that bullet out.
*friendly smile to Vera* I'm Dido. Pleased to meet you. *sets to work removing the sleeve*
*nods* A pleasure, madam. Vera Sabouroff. *capable of being polite at times! really!*
This is a ... gunshot wound, right? *is just getting used to this stuff*
Joe: *grabs some rubbing alcohol, a clean cloth, and . . . a pair of tweezers or something to remove the bullet and returns* Okay. Let's get rid of that bullet.
*waits for instructions, watching him*
Joe: *to Dido* I don't have anything much for pain around here, so a strong drink's going to have to do it. There's a bottle of vodka around here somewhere, if you don't mind grabbing it. *to Vera* You drink it neat in Russia, right? So you won't mind the taste.
*makes a face, because alcohol = /ew./*
*nods and gets up, looking around and coming back with it a few moments later*
Joe: *takes it, grabbing a glass from the nightstand, and pours a small amount out, which he'll hold to Vera's lips before she can argue*
*chokes a little, 'cause it's /strong/*
Need me to hold her?
Joe: That would be fantastic. Thank you.
Try and relax, sugar. *takes Vera's shoulders, gentle but firm, and holds her down*
*isn't so good at relaxing, despite having a pretty good pain tolerance, but does her best to hold still*
Joe: *sets about removing the bullet* One day you'll go a whole month without getting any new holes put in you.
*grins a little, and if Joe takes any pause in his work, he's got a fantastic view down Dido's cleavage from how she's holding Vera* I should have been a doctor. Had no idea it was so exciting. *amused smile at Vera* I take it this happens a lot to you?
Lately, yes. I appear to have lost my talent for escaping bad situations unharmed. *wry look*
Joe: *will definitely note the cleavage, but quickly returns his attention to the task at hand. is professional like that* It's not this interesting back home.
May I ask what you did? *talking to keep her mind off the pain, is good at distracting people*
Didn't leave the room fast enough after running into someone I knew was dangerous.
Ah, well. Back home. I prefer the kind of interesting I get here.
Joe: I prefer appendectomies, honestly. Bullet wounds mean there are people running around with guns who don't mind firing them. Appendicitus just means something unnecessary got pissed off about being ignored so long.
*consults Vera* Do you know what Appendicitus is?
I've not the faintest idea.
Oh, good. I'm not the only one.
Joe: *laughs a little* It's an inflammation of the appendix -- which is an organ with no apparent purpose. So there's no real reason for it being there, but if it bursts you're in trouble because it'll poison you.
Joe: *and, having extracted the bullet, will drop it neatly in the trash, cleaning the tweezers off with a clean cloth and some rubbing alcohol*
I feel so enlightened. *smiles at Vera* Don't you?
Terribly. *looks a little pale, but other than that is holding up well*
Joe: *swabs out the wound with alcohol and presses a gauze pad to it* *to Dido* Want to hold this in place a second?
*nods, doing so automaticaly*
Joe: *uses medical tape to secure it, then carefully positions Vera's arm so he can wrap it with a bandage*
There you go, see? *smiles at Vera* You'll be fine.
I know that. *seems a little insulted at the idea that she wouldn't be, really*
*grins a bit more at that* You've got nerve. I like that.
It's necessary, to lead a revolution. *flashes a quick, rather fierce, smile*
Really? Against whom?
The czar of Russia.
I have no idea what that means.
. . . the king.
I'm from Tyre. Lately Carthage, if you've heard of it.
I have. *has mostly read history, politics, and a bit of philosophy, but also a /few/ other things*
Then you'll know that I'm a little bit out of date around here. *amused smile* How you feeling?
Like I've been shot in the arm.
Joe: *finishes bandaging her up*
I've never tried it, myself.
It isn't especially pleasant.
I'll keep that in mind. *playful smile*
Joe: Please do. I spend enough time patching people up already.
It's terrible, really. People will start to get the idea that you're a doctor or something.
Joe: *amusion* Exactly. And then when will I have time to read trashy romance novels and make fun of my son?
Your son is here?
Joe: No. Doesn't mean I don't make fun of him, though.
Very well, then, doctorman. *grins at him*
Joe: There's a lot to make fun of. *grins back*
Perhaps we should get your patient somewhere quiet?
Joe: That would be smart. She was supposed to be resting to start with.
*gives him this look over Vera's head*
*a we-should-be-alone-now sort of look*
Joe: *and by his grin, he agrees*
. . . I'm certain I can find my own way back.

*is flopped on a couch looking pensive*
*wanders in, having escaped for a bit -- and as earlier, is barefoot (bending at the waist hurts too much for stockings) with hair loose, and wrapped up in a shawl for warmth. And there's a fresh new bandage, but it's covered by clothing.*
*smiles a bit* Hello.
Hello. *gives a small smile in return, but it should be clear she's not in the best of moods*
Is something wrong?
Yes. *sits by him, and it may be notable that she's being rather careful of the wounded arm*
I've a fresh bullet wound in my arm. *sounds /annoyed/ more than anything, because damn it, has had enough of injuries lately*
*growls*  Will you shoot him or shall I?
I think I'd prefer to do it myself. Although he has the gun I meant to use, now.
We can get another, I'm sure.
Yes. *frowns* I'm certain he would be much less irritating if he at least made /sense./
What sort of man shoots someone and then carries them to a doctor?
......I have no idea.
*dryly* I certainly wouldn't have made it there myself, but one would think that was the point.
At this rate I won't have any clothing left that isn't stained with blood.
* iLurk is now known as Maureen
And I'll spend the next year mending.
*frowns*  I wish we could just shoot him and be done with it.
At least the act itself would be satisfying.
Yes, if not entirely effective.
Perhaps not, but there would be a week or so of peace without him.
* PrincePaul has joined #desperatefans

*wandering around looking for entertainment*

*oh look! entertainment!*
*snuggled up to Alexis, most likely -- being careful of the wounded arm*

Oh, how SWEET. Aren't you supposed to be in bed?
* Maureen has left #desperatefans
Yes, but I believe Dr. Abernathy is . . . distracted at the moment.
....*growls, ew Paul*

*eyebrows* Oh?
Yes. He seemed quite taken with the woman who helped him to bandage me up.

*snort* Well, at least someone's getting laid.
*stiffens* There are ladies present.
*smiles very sweetly* Simply because no sane person will touch you, Prince Paul, doesn't mean everyone is similarly afflicted.
*oh, is supposed to be ladylike? oops.*

Ladies? Where? *looks around, smirking*

And just for your pleasure, Vera, I had the most exquisite sexual intercourse a few days ago.
. . . I could have lived without hearing that.

This wonderfully masochistic short blond man. Lean and trim as anythin.
*ew, ew, ew* Please stop speaking. Now.

What, you don't want to hear about my other conquests?
* Alexis has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
I certainly do not.

Like the pretty brunette with the breasts out to here? *smirk* Really, Vera, just because you're sex-deprived doesn't mean everyone else suffers the same.
* Alexis has joined #desperatefans
* X sets mode: +o Alexis
If I hear of them, I must necessarily pity them. After all, the chances of one of them contracting some /dreadful/ illness . . .
*never left, gorrammit*
*and may pinken a little, because she . . . isn't, really*

I agree entirely, Vera. This is why one should never sleep with peasants like you. You carry all sorts of disgusting diseases.
*raises an eyebrow* I'm afraid you're quite wrong.

Would you know, Alexis?
*goes pink* I would.

Ugh, then you must have them, too.
*drily* I am sorry if I've disappointed you.
*lightly* No one's gone blind yet.
* Wendla has left #desperatefans

Well, I'd probably sleep with you anyway. *goes and pours himself a glass of sherry* You do have a delectable ass, after all.

And I've never slept with a Czarevitch before. *smirk* Sherry, either of you?
...*looks disgusted*
[Hey, typist would do him. Mmmm, Heath Ledger.]
*hello, revulsion, old friend*  -- As I told you earlier, I don't drink.
*besides, the vodka that was shoved at her earlier was bad enough*

You really should. Loosen you up a bit.
I prefer to keep my mind clear.

True. You do need all the wits you can get, since you don't have many.
*eyeroll* You've worn that insult out already. I'm certain you can think of something more creative.

Hmm. *thinks it over for a moment* Alexis, is it true that her cunt is as cold and dry as fucking a dead salmon? *cherubic smile*
. . . *twitches a little*

I thought so. ^_^
....I don't even know why I expected there to be decency with you in the room.

Clearly you underestimated me.
. . . at the very least, I suppose one can count on you to be reliably disgusting, Prince Paul.

Me? So cruel, when the two of you insist upon barraging my poor mind with images of the two of you in corporeal passion.

Could there be a worse torment?\
I believe it was you who asked.

Vera! *acts shocked* Be gentle, you'll start giving me the impression you're capable of logic.
*dryly* My apologies.

So, tell me, have you figured out my ulterior motives from my earlier actions, or are you simply blocking out the entire episode?
I was a bit preoccupied with the bullet in my arm, to be quite honest.

I'm sure. And you've given it no thought since?
I've been busy rinsing blood out of my clothing.

Quite. And you, Alexis? *smirk*
*actually, has been utterly confused about this ever since, but shh*
*growls*  I've been contemplating the best way to kill you.

*laughs aloud* The two of you, really. You aren't in the slightest curious as to what I'm talking about?
*is, but won't admit it*

And here I thought you peasants had at least some idea of decent manners.
Oh, we do. They simply revolve more around treating each other with basic kindnesses rather than how deeply to curtsy to whom.

I see. *pretends to think* Then tell me, how would you categorize my actions earlier? *smirk*
Somehow I doubt your motives were entirely altruistic.

Aha, so this HAS been bothering you.
I will admit it seems a bit odd. *by which we mean it BOGGLES THE MIND*

And Alexis still has no interest in what we're discussing. Sad.
*has a distracted typist!*
I must admit, I have some doubt to your motives as well.

My motives in which, exactly? *smirk*
*drily* Helping Vera to her room, I was thinking.

Vera, why don't you tell him?
I /did/ tell him.

You told him that I helped you to your room?
That you helped me to the /doctor's/ room, actually. I much prefer that you don't know where I sleep.

*laughs* I'm sure. *laughs  more, realy quite amused* The two of you.
*eyeroll* Is there a point to this?

It's fun.

Would you rather I *pulls gun* Put a few scars on Alexis?
. . . No.
*dry smile* I have quite as many as I need, thank you.
*does, too x_x*

Well, Vera's more fun, anyway. She screams so nicely.
*sweet smile* If you hurt her again, I will most certainly kill you.

*blink* *eyebrow* What do you call that? *points to her arm*
*shrugs* She'd like to kill you first.

*laughs* ... I see. A bit of a henpecked Czarevitch, aren't you?
I think taking revenge for myself is a perfectly reasonable request.

I'm sure. *chuckles, amused*
Simply because you prefer that women open their mouths only on command, Prince Paul, does not mean that all men do.
* Alexis has quit IRC (Quit)

Vera! I'm shocked at you. I've nothing against strong-minded women.

I simply despise strong-minded peasants.
In that case, I must question your reasoning in the case of the Marquis de Poivrard's wife -- although I suppose it would be like you not to take the mind into account at /all./

*acts innocent* Why, whatever do you mean?

And which wife?

They were all so nice.
So long as you plied them with diamonds, you mean.

Actually, most of them preferred pearls.

His french wife, particularly, I forget her name. Looked lovely in a pearl necklace. *INNUENDO* *hint hint* *sleazygrin*
. . . you're revolting, you know.
*is an innkeeper's daughter. is not /totally/ oblivious to innuendo*

Admit it, you know I'm handsome.

I'm completely desirable to both men and women. I only ever offer gifts after I sleep with my conquests--depending on their worth.

*smirks* I liked seeing his wife Sophie wearing my diamonds while she went about on her husband's arm.
. . . I'm afraid I must repeat myself. You're revolting.

I try my best. *bows* And now, Vera, good night.

alexis ivanaceivitch, joseph abernathy, dido, prince paul, vera sarbouroff

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