(no subject)

Jan 05, 2007 17:07

[17:59] Maximum: *here, have Max*

[18:01] Pammy: *sees Max and toddles over*

[18:01] Maximum: Hi there, Pammy, sweetie.

[18:02] Pammy: Hello, Max.

[18:02] Maximum: Look what I have for you. *moves a bag from her shoulder and takes out a collection of picture books*

[18:04] Pammy: *lights up quite a bit at this* You've got picture books!

[18:06] Maximum: I do. All for you.

[18:06] Pammy: *bounces a little* With animals?

[18:08] Maximum: You bet. Look here- This one is about Noah. He had lots of animals. And this one is a bout a lion and a mouse...*smiles as she shows her*

[18:09] Pammy: *tugs at Max's shirt and points to a nearby couch* I wish to sit and look at them, please.

[18:14] Maximum: *nods* Sure. *offers her hand*

[18:15] Pammy: *takes it and waits to be lead to the couch*

[18:15] Maximum: *leads her then and helps her settle* What book would you like to look at?

[18:16] Pammy: The one about Noah, please.

[18:17] Maximum: All right. *takes out the one about Noah then and opens it, setting it across their laps*

[18:19] Pammy: *puts her finger on a picture of Noah* Who is that?

[18:20] Maximum: That's Noah. He's a prophet from God. *nods*

[18:27] Pammy: Prophet?

[18:28] Maximum: Yeah. A prophet is someone who teaches people about religion. Spreads the gospel, you know?

[18:29] Pammy: What's a gospel?

[18:29] Maximum: The bible.

[18:34] Pammy: Oh.

[18:34] Maximum: *pets her hair*

[18:34] Pammy: Is the gospel like gossip?

[18:34] Maximum: A good kind of gossip, yeah.
[18:34] Maximum: You tell lots of people about it.

[18:35] Pammy: Mommy and her friends spread the gossip.

[18:37] Maximum: Oh?

[18:38] Pammy: *nods*

[18:38] Maximum: Well, gossip is usually bad.

[18:40] Pammy: It is?

[18:41] Maximum: It is. So don't ever mess with it, all right?

[18:42] Pammy: All right. *flips a page*
[18:42] Pammy: Elephants!! *points*

[18:42] Maximum: *laughs* You like elephants?

[18:43] Pammy: *nodnod*

[18:43] Maximum: What's your favorite animal?

[18:43] Pammy: ....*shrugs*

[18:45] Maximum: You should let me know sometime.

[18:45] Pammy: Okay.

[18:46] Maximum: *pets her hair and watches Pammy, content because we like kids*

[18:52] black-treecat: *wanders in, and is all pretty and black and furry* *and has six legs*

[18:54] Maximum: *...wtf?*

[18:54] Pammy: ....*:O*

[18:55] Maximum: Are you okay, Pammy?

[18:56] Pammy: Look at the kitty!

[18:56] Maximum: What about it?

[18:57] Pammy: It has bug legs.

[18:57] black-treecat: *bleek?* *crawls up to the back of a couch and stretches out* *is longer than one would expect because of the extra limbs* *and his forelegs look a lot like hands*

[18:58] Maximum: ...That is really creepy looking.

[18:58] black-treecat: ......

[18:59] Pammy: What's wrong with the kitty?

[18:59] Maximum: *stands some and moves to the thing* What are you, huh, Baby? Did they mess with you in a lab?

[19:00] black-treecat: *offended bleek*

[19:01] Pammy: *attempts to imitate the bleeking sound*

[19:02] black-treecat: *'cat!laugh and bleeks at Pammy*

[19:03] Maximum: *doesn't know any better* Hey, I didn't mean it like that. They messed with /me/ in a lab. Was an honest question.

[19:04] black-treecat: *looks at Max and shakes his head, he wasn't messed with in a lab*

[19:05] Maximum: *nods* Are you from somewhere else then? Sorry, where I'm from cats generally only have four legs.

[19:06] Pammy: Bleek bleek!

[19:06] black-treecat: *nods*
[19:06] black-treecat: *laughs at Pammy and bleeks at her again*
[19:10] black-treecat: *sort of flows down the couch and up to the back of Pammy's to take a look at what she's reading*

[19:12] Pammy: *points to the book* Noah's Ark.

[19:13] black-treecat: *bleeks and nods*

[19:13] Maximum: *smiles and moves to them*

[19:18] black-treecat: *stretches out along the back of the couch, taking up most of it with his tail still hanging down next to Pammy*

[19:21] Pammy: *leans her head back and brushes her cheek against his tail*

[19:22] black-treecat: *swishes the tip of his tail at the end of her nose* *loves kids, thinks Pammy's cute*

[19:23] Pammy: *wrinkles her nose, that tickles!*

[19:24] Maximum: *smiles*

[19:26] black-treecat: *laughs and tickles her nose again*

[19:27] Pammy: *makes more funny faces and bats at the tail*

[19:29] black-treecat: *bleeks and swishes his tail at her*

[19:29] Pammy: *batbatbat*

[19:31] black-treecat: *laughs and pats her head*

[19:33] Pammy: You're a strange kitty.

[19:33] black-treecat: *laughs* *you have /no/ idea, kid*

[19:38] Pammy: *lays back on the couch* I'm going to call you Blessed Precious.

[19:39] black-treecat: .... *facepalm* *at least it's a little better than Cuddly Fluff.*

[19:40] Maximum: That's a very nice name, Pammy.

[19:41] Pammy: *croons* Bles-sed pre-cious, come to your own mother that loves you.

[19:41] black-treecat: *gives Max a look* *please don't encourage that....*

[19:41] Maximum: *...is now a bit discontented at Pammy, HOW does she talk like that?*

[19:43] Pammy: Stand up now and say How-de-do.

[19:46] black-treecat: *flows down to the seat of the couch and curls up*

[19:47] Pammy: *pets*

[19:47] black-treecat: *purrrs*

[19:48] Maximum: How did you learn such speech, huh? You speak better than any two year old I've ever met.

[19:50] Pammy: Do I?

[19:50] Maximum: *nods* You've very smart.

[19:50] black-treecat: *nods, agrees with Max*

[19:50] Pammy: Oh. *nonchalant* Thank you.

[19:51] Maximum: **You're
[19:51] Maximum: *pets her hair* You're welcome.

[20:12] Felix: *on the porch. the /porch/.*

[20:13] Sibyl: *exists! with tea :D*

[20:13] AdrianSingleton: *wanders downstairs, still rather pale but considerably steadier than he's been*

[20:16] Sibyl: *glances up* --Oh, Mr. Singleton, are you feeling better?

[20:16] black-treecat: *sits up a bit to look at the new people*

[20:17] Sibyl: *oh, kitty! :D*

[20:18] Armand: *very worried since he honestly doesn't want to get yelled it as he is far from completely healed* *looks in*

[20:18] black-treecat: *sits up enough that it's probably clear that he's a /six-legged/ kitty*

[20:18] AdrianSingleton: *sits next to her* Considerably, though I'm not entirely well yet.
[20:19] AdrianSingleton: *and blinks at the six-legged kitty, wondering if withdrawal causes hallucinations at all*

[20:19] Armand: *sees the treecat and is puzzled since he doesn't immediately recognize him*

[20:20] black-treecat: *climbs up the back of the couch and stretches across it, no Adrian he's not a hallucination* *bleeks hello at Armand*

[20:21] Sibyl: Would you like tea? *blinkblink* --Kitty? Do you have /six legs/?

[20:21] AdrianSingleton: . . . Good, it isn't only me who sees it.

[20:21] black-treecat: *amused laugh* *nods at Sibyl*

[20:22] Armand: *steps closer, moving slowly* *smiles at the people near the 'cat* He's a treecat. They always have that many legs. *waves to the 'cat*

[20:22] Sibyl: --I've not heard of such a cat before. How fascinating!

[20:23] AdrianSingleton: *blinks* I see.

[20:23] black-treecat: *waves back*

[20:23] Sibyl: *reaches up and scritches the kitty anyway :D*

[20:23] Armand: May I join you?

[20:24] AdrianSingleton: Certainly.

[20:25] Armand: *pulls a large armchair closer* *curls up in it, watching the people* I didn't know any new treecats had arrived.

[20:25] black-treecat: *purrs a bit at the petting* *bleeks at Armand and shakes his head, isn't new*

[20:26] Armand: Not new... *digests this imformation and peers closely*

[20:29] black-treecat: *blinks at him* *with probably very familiar eyes*

[20:29] Sibyl: Oh, what a darling kitty! *^_^* I should like one of my own, some day, I think.

[20:30] Armand: *bites his lip* Oh... you look terribly familiar. *blinks at Sybil*

[20:30] black-treecat: *nods!* *and blinks at Sybil as well, treecats are not pets*

[20:31] Armand: They are very hard to accommodate, mademoiselle.
[20:31] Armand: *not to mention the razor-sharp claws*

[20:32] Sibyl: ... Oh, not a six legged one! I should like a normal housecat.

[20:33] black-treecat: *better* *folds his arms and rests his head on them*

[20:33] Pammy: *blinks at all the grown-ups*
[20:33] Pammy: His name is Blessed Precious.

[20:33] black-treecat: ...... *facepalm*

[20:34] AdrianSingleton: *blinks*

[20:34] Sibyl: ... Have you named him, then?

[20:35] Pammy: *nods*

[20:35] black-treecat: *shakes his head*

[20:35] Armand: M. Treecat, do you know how to sign?

[20:36] Pammy: *singsong voice* Bles-sed pre-cious! Come to your own mother that loves you.

[20:36] Sibyl: ......

[20:37] black-treecat: *signals that he knows a (very) little*

[20:38] Pammy: Stand up and say How-de-do.

[20:38] Armand: Can you give me your name?

[20:39] Sibyl: ... I don't believe the kitty can talk, miss.

[20:39] black-treecat: *sits up and slowly signs 'A-N-D-Y'*

[20:39] Pammy: ...*shrugs*

[20:40] Armand: *eyes widen* Oh dear. Andy? *gets up rather painfully and goes closer*

[20:40] AdrianSingleton: . . .

[20:41] Sibyl: ... Is he speaking to the kitty?

[20:41] black-treecat: *nodnod!* *cattish frown at painful way Armand's moving*

[20:41] AdrianSingleton: I believe so.

[20:41] Pammy: Crazy.

[20:41] Sibyl: ... Is that possible?

[20:41] Pammy: He's doing it.

[20:42] Armand: *yeah and he still has a very nasty bruise on his face from Felix's fist too* No. They are intelligent. And this poor soul is normally as human as I.

[20:42] Sibyl: ......

[20:42] black-treecat: *nodnod!*

[20:43] Pammy: *shakes her head at Sibyl* Crazy.
[20:44] Pammy: *continues looking at her picture book*

[20:44] Armand: *reaches out to scritch Andy's ears* Does Rainier know?

[20:46] Sibyl: ... What are you reading, miss?

[20:46] Pammy: Noah's Ark.

[20:46] black-treecat: *shakes head, hasn't seen him*

[20:46] Pammy: He was a prophet. He spread the gossip.

[20:47] Armand: *frets* Are you hungry?

[20:48] black-treecat: *shakes head* *is fine, really, just a little annoyed that it's happened again*

[20:49] Armand: *wry grin* At least like this you can't yell at me too.

[20:49] Pammy: *turns the page and starts babbling, more to herself* And the animals all went on the ark with him. "Ooh!" they all cried. "What a dream! What a dream of a boat! Are there drinks?"

[20:51] black-treecat: *gives Armand a look that indicates he /does/ think Armand should probably be resting* *is glad to have someone to talk to, though*

[20:51] Sibyl: ........ /Drinks/?

[20:52] Armand: Have you seen /any/ of the Court?

[20:52] Felix: *shifts himself and sits right next to the porch door, listening to the conversations*

[20:52] Armand: *hasn't even realized that Felix is there, yay!*

[20:52] black-treecat: *nods* *painstakingly spells out 'Jaenelle, Daemon changed too'*

[20:53] Felix: *hard to see while outside, so it makes sense*

[20:55] Armand: Can you talk to them?

[20:56] black-treecat: *nod*

[20:57] Armand: *tries a White spear thread, even more worriedly than Saetan had but isn't aware of what could go wrong if he were wrong* *'Can you hear this, Andy?'*

[20:58] black-treecat: *nods* *'Yes, I can.'*

[20:59] Armand: *grins* *'Oh good. Jaenelle and Daemon are... animals too?'*

[21:01] black-treecat: *is always relieved to find a way to communicate* *nods* *'Jaenelle is a unicorn, and Daemon is a very angry black panther. I've seen Saetan too, but he hasn't changed'*

[21:03] Armand: *'Saetan is the one who helped me.'* *giggles* *'I suppose Jaenelle shan't skin me now for not coming straight back to her to have that shield replaced.'*

[21:03] Pammy: "Drinks and dancing," said Noah. "And we will have gay parties with the elephants."

[21:03] Armand: *stares at the small child* Gay parties? *bites his tongue*

[21:04] AdrianSingleton: *blinks* . . . I don't recall that part of the story.

[21:06] Pammy: *points to the picture, which shows Noah and some animals on a boat, smiling and happy*

[21:07] black-treecat: *'I wouldn't be so sure about Daemon, though. I was afraid that he was going to eat Lt. Sutton or something.'* *studies the bruise* *'So, what happened?'*

[21:07] AdrianSingleton: [. . . Two of my puppets are entirely too amused. :.:]

[21:07] Armand: *'I got into a fight with Felix'*

[21:08] Sibyl: ... That sounds lovely. *:D*

[21:09] black-treecat: *winces* *'Did you get him?'*

[21:10] Pammy: *turns the page and continues babbling to herself*

[21:10] Armand: *'He didn't die but I hurt him pretty badly.'* *grins*

[21:10] black-treecat: *fangy grin* *'Good for you.'*

[21:10] Felix: *doesn't realize quite how good it is that he can't hear that*

[21:11] Pammy: And then the storm came. Whoosh and whoosh, went the rain. It hit the boat hard. The animals were scared.
[21:11] Pammy: But Noah gave them more drinks, and then they were happy.

[21:12] Armand: *'Oh, I was hurt too. Saetan took care of me. I assume it was Jaenelle who sent the healing web. Or otherwise I'd still be in bed.'*

[21:13] AdrianSingleton: . . . I should hope they could be happy without. It doesn't do anyone much good to rely on something of that sort for their happiness.
[21:13] AdrianSingleton: *KNOWS.*

[21:14] Pammy: *blinks at Adrian, before going back to her book*
[21:14] Pammy: They were happy.
[21:15] Pammy: The ladies on the boat had got pretty dresses.

[21:15] black-treecat: *'Feeling alright now, though?'*

[21:15] Pammy: They danced and danced.

[21:15] Armand: *'Well enough to want to get out. I don't want people to think he killed me.'*

[21:17] Felix: *lights up a fresh cigarette and blows the smoke away, but the scent is still likely to drift into the room*

[21:17] Pammy: *turns the page*
[21:17] Pammy: Then one day, a white bird came. It carried a stick with a green berry on it.
[21:18] Pammy: "Eat the berry!" it said to Noah. "It tastes like mint julep."
[21:18] Pammy: "I will give it to my wife," said Noah.
[21:18] Pammy: "I will give it to my blessed precious daughter," said Noah's wife. And she did.

[21:19] black-treecat: *'Understandable. I wish there was a way to take care of those kind of people, since killing doesn't work.'*

[21:19] Armand: *sniffs the air and frowns* *doesn't move though* *'I wish there was some way that their own violence hurt them more than it hurt their victims.'*

[21:20] black-treecat: *ponders* *'I wonder if one of the gods could set something like that up....'*

[21:20] Armand: *'I don't know many to ask.'*

[21:21] black-treecat: *'Neither do I.'*

[21:22] Pammy: The daughter ate the berry, and she grew wings. She flew into the sky with the white bird...*turns the page*
[21:22] Pammy: And made a rainbow!

[21:27] Sibyl: ... Oh, a rainbow. How very lovely!

[21:30] Pammy: *shows Sibyl the picture of a rainbow over the ark with a little smile*
[21:30] Pammy: A mountain grew up under the boat, out of the water.

[21:30] Armand: *'Do you mind if I investigate the porch?'*

[21:30] Pammy: The water went away. And the ladies saw the rainbow and had new dresses made that looked like the rainbow.

[21:32] Sibyl: What a pretty picture. Though, this is not the Noah's Ark story /I/ was taught. Perhaps they've changed it?

[21:34] Pammy: *shrugs*

[21:35] AdrianSingleton: Perhaps. I don't recall at least half of that -- although I will admit my memory is not particularly good.

[21:35] black-treecat: *'Alright. What are you looking for?'*

[21:36] Armand: *'I think he's nearby.'* *sniffs the air again but the smoke has probably dissipated some*

[21:37] Felix: *well, he hasn't really stopped smoking*
[21:37] Felix: *but it may have somewhat*

[21:37] black-treecat: *'Mind if I come with?'* *doesn't want Armand to go out there alone if Felix is there, with him still injured and all*

[21:38] Sibyl: ... Who taught you about drinks and parties, miss?

[21:39] Armand: *'If you like...'* *smiles at Andy*

[21:40] black-treecat: *'Let's go, then.'* *flows down from the couch, is very good at moving around as a treecat by now*

[21:41] Armand: *follows slowly* *so out to see if Felix is on the porch*

[21:42] Felix: *sitting right next to the door, smoking, and is rather startled when Armand walks out with a six-legged cat accompanying him* You --

[21:43] Armand: *goes all the way onto the porch to make sure he and Andy have room to move* Yes? *coldly*

[21:44] Felix: How the hell are you walking around? *voice is unsteady*

[21:44] Pammy: *shrugs again*

[21:45] Armand: *clenches his jaw* It pays to have friends.

[21:48] Felix: *eyes narrow, glittering icily* Yes. I suppose it does.

[21:49] Armand: I didn't expect to see you out and about either.

[21:49] Sibyl: You oughtn't think of such things. Well... drinks, at least. Not until you are grown.

[21:50] Felix: I haven't moved much. *his right hand is resting on his stomach, where Armand stabbed him the first time*

[21:50] Armand: *can't help smiling though he quickly hides it*

[21:51] AdrianSingleton: And not often, then.

[21:52] Felix: *sneers at Armand as his right hand slides further into his coat* Do you think you proved anything?

[21:53] Armand: I proved enough.

[21:53] black-treecat: *tenses a bit, watching Felix warily*

[21:53] Felix: You proved nothing.
[21:53] Felix: I'm not about to change. Just because I'm hurt doesn't mean you've won any kind of victory. *hand wraps around his automatic*

[21:54] Armand: *notices Andy getting tense* *'Am I missing something?'* You don't what I was trying to prove.

[21:54] Felix: Apparently not. Enlighten me.

[21:55] black-treecat: *'Aside from that he'd probably be happy to kill us both and I can't see one of his hands?'*

[21:55] Sibyl: *nods* Yes, that as well.

[21:56] Pammy: Why?

[21:57] Armand: *looks sharply at Felix and bites his lip* *wearing his Jewel because he'd be stupid not to without Jaenelle's shield* You can be hurt, and I can fight without magic. Magic simply makes it safer. *'Andy, has Jaenelle shielded you?'*

[21:59] black-treecat: *'Yes.'* *his mun is pretty sure, anyway*

[21:59] Armand: *nods slighlty to Andy and puts his Yellow shield around himself and hopes Andy is right*

[22:01] Felix: That was /it/?

[22:01] Felix: *snorts, then winces because that hurts ow*

[22:01] Sibyl: Because... it is not a very /good/ drink. And it can make everyone do very silly things.

[22:02] Felix: I /knew/ I could be hurt. How else could I have died so many times?

[22:02] AdrianSingleton: Quite.

[22:02] Pammy: Like dancing?

[22:02] Felix: My aim was you make you suffer, not prove that you were a weakling.

[22:02] Armand: Do I seem to be suffering, Felix?

[22:03] Sibyl: Dancing is not so very silly. Sometimes, I have to dance when I am acting. It can be quite fun.

[22:03] Felix: No. And that's what's making me so damn /angry!/ *pulls the handgun out, aims it at Armand, and fires repeatedly*
[22:03] Felix: *of course, this can all be changed by course of actions by other pups*

[22:04] black-treecat: *gives a loud, tearing-canvas roar and lunges for Felix's gun arm*

[22:04] Pammy: The grown-ups dance at parties.

[22:04] Felix: *arm is hit!*

[22:04] black-treecat: *with sharp, centimeter-long claws on all six paws*

[22:05] Armand: *keeps the shield up but squeaks and tries to duck*

[22:05] Sibyl: Which grownups?

[22:06] Felix: *his left arm is, therefore, quite brutally mauled, I am assuming, and he cries out because OW?*

[22:06] Pammy: All of them.

[22:06] black-treecat: *and fangs. did we mention fangs? an attacking treecat is rather like a six-limbed buzzsaw* *drops back to the ground, growling* *knows that, unfortunately, killing Felix won't do much*

[22:07] Felix: *is making really angry and pained strangled noises, clutching his arm instead of his stomach now*

[22:07] AdrianSingleton: There isn't anything wrong with dancing, of course.

[22:08] Armand: *on ground, shaking, and calls in a knife*

[22:09] Felix: *starts cursing Armand out in every language he knows, and none of it should really be spoken even in closed, personal, private, bloodthirsty company*

[22:09] Sibyl: Your parents?

[22:10] Pammy: *shrugs* My Mommy and all her friends.

[22:10] black-treecat: *paces back and forth agitatedly between them, growling at Felix*

[22:10] Armand: *returns the favor in Quenya* *ending with* Damn you, monsieur. Can't you learn?

[22:12] Felix: Learn? You want me to LEARN?! I learned ENOUGH when I was younger. I have nothing LEFT to learn. *looking quite crazy at this point* There is NOTHING you can do to change me, you self-righteous prick!

[22:12] black-treecat: *warning hiss*

[22:13] Armand: You're right. Madmen never learn.

[22:14] Sibyl: Does your mother have many parties, then? What about your father?

[22:14] Felix: *attempts to sit up and grab his gun with his /other/ hand*

[22:14] Pammy: ...*shrugs. again.*

[22:15] Armand: *glares* I wouldn't if I were you, monsieur.

[22:15] black-treecat: *stands over the gun, fangs and claws bared*

[22:15] Armand: *bless Andy*

[22:15] Felix: *glares at the cat, then at Armand* And why not? Will you kill me if I do, St. Just? Make yourself as foul a murderer as I am?

[22:16] Armand: I /could/ do it, monsieur. Don't doubt that.

[22:17] Felix: Damn yourself just to get rid of me for a week? How /noble/.

[22:17] black-treecat: *hisses* *and if Armand can't or won't, the 'cat is /perfectly/ willing to*

[22:19] Armand: It would be pointless to kill you.

[22:21] Felix: Glad you learned something. *doesn't take his eyes off Armand even as his fingers scrabble for his gun*

[22:22] black-treecat: *growls and tries to keep him from the gun* *tempted to take the hand /off/*

[22:22] Armand: Do you really need your hands though?
[22:23] Armand: [ i was already typing that. honest.]

[22:23] black-treecat: {{XD Great minds.}}

[22:23] Sibyl: *figures she'll let her speak without prodding her with questions too much* Well, my mother is an actress. And so am I!

[22:24] Felix: *pauses, almost looking panicked for a second, before smiling* You sound like /me/.

[22:24] Pammy: What is that?

[22:25] Armand: *frowns at that* We're nothing alike.

[22:25] Felix: Cut off my hands, cut out my tongue, leave me crippled and bloody on the floor - /I'd/ do that.

[22:26] Armand: *defensively* It would stop you doing harm.

[22:26] Felix: For a little while. *coughs, blood dripping from his mouth*

[22:27] Sibyl: ... What is an actress?

[22:28] Armand: Felix, there are consequences to your actions.

[22:28] Pammy: *nods*

[22:29] Felix: I KNOW that. *snarls* Why else do I die? Why else do I suffer at your and your father's hands?

[22:29] Armand: Then why don't you care? *shouts*

[22:31] black-treecat: *growls, the emotional states of Armand and Felix definately affecting his own*

[22:31] Armand: *isn't very good at holding in his emotions*

[22:31] black-treecat: *and isn't very good at blocking them as he's not usually an empath*

[22:31] Sibyl: I... am in plays. On the stage. I portray characters. *:D*

[22:33] Felix: Because I choose not to. *manages to sit up, still glaring fiercely at Armand* I don't NEED to care! Other people do it enough without me adding to it!

[22:33] AdrianSingleton: *doesn't do . . . anything, really?*

[22:34] Armand: Even animals learn to curb their behavior to avoid unpleasant consequences.

[22:36] Pammy: Oh. *doesn't get it*

[22:36] Armand: My pet rabbit is more clever than you are.
[22:37] Armand: *in case Felix didn't think Armand was insulting him*

[22:37] Sibyl: *he smokes! :D*
[22:38] Sibyl: ... Have you ever seen a play?

[22:38] Pammy: *shakes her head*

[22:40] Felix: I don't care about the consequences! What I do is for my own sake, and to make everybody else suffer - whatever happens to me means nothing as long as someone else is in pain!

[22:41] black-treecat: *angry hiss*

[22:41] Sibyl: Oh, you ought to! Perhaps your mother and father will take you to see one? --Where do you live?

[22:43] Pammy: East Egg.

[22:44] Armand: Then I shall have to find a way to rob you of your power to hurt people.

[22:46] Felix: Try it. I'll never lose the ability - it's part of me. In my damn /blood/.

[22:46] black-treecat: *can remove that problem, too*

[22:46] Sibyl: *blinkblink* Where is that?

[22:46] Armand: And will never stop trying to prevent you.

[22:47] Pammy: *has to think about this*
[22:47] Pammy: America.

[22:47] AdrianSingleton: *blinks* Ah. That would explain why I've no idea where it is.

[22:47] Felix: How typical. *gives Armand a look of complete loathing*

[22:48] Armand: *smiles icily*

[22:48] black-treecat: *growls*

[22:48] Pammy: *tosses her Noah's Ark book aside and picks up the one about the lion and the mouse*

[22:51] Sibyl: Oh! Well, I have heard there are wonderful theatres in New York, if you live anywhere near there.

[22:52] Pammy: *absently* I might. *opens the book and flips past the title page*

[22:53] Felix: *just glares, bloody and twitching, desperate to tear Armand's face off* You think you're better than me? You're not. You're as sadistic and brutal as I am - you just think it's okay because you pull it off on ME.

[22:54] Armand: I'm not. *fliinches*

[22:54] Felix: You ARE. And your damn father's even worse.

[22:54] Pammy: Who is outside? I hear voices.
[22:55] Pammy: Is there a party?

[22:55] Sibyl: ... I don't know.

[22:55] black-treecat: *growls warningly, claws out*

[22:55] Armand: You are wrong.

[22:55] Pammy: It cannot be a party, because my nurse hasn't put me to bed.

[22:55] Felix: You just try to hide it as righteous retribution. *chokes and coughs out more blood*

[22:55] Sibyl: You don't attend the parties with your mother?

[22:56] Armand: I don't hide anything, monsieur.

[22:56] Pammy: *blinks* I'm little.

[22:56] Felix: LIAR! *nearly lunges at Armand with that*

[22:57] Armand: *steps back reflexively, with his knife held in front of himself*

[22:57] black-treecat: *rears back, hissing and baring his fangs*

[22:58] Armand: *really knows if he gets killed now, Jaenelle will kill him*

[23:00] black-treecat: *will be doing his best to make sure that if anyone dies here it's not Armand*

[23:00] Felix: *doesn't make it very far, anyway, before nearly collapsing* You hide EVERYTHING. It's part of who you are, just like sufferin gis a part of ME.

[23:00] AdrianSingleton: Some parties go very late -- far too late for a child.

[23:00] Armand: *nearly growls* How would you know what I am like?

[23:01] Sibyl: Does your mother take you to /any/ parties?

[23:01] Felix: From what I've seen. From what I know about people. *spits out more blood* And from how you react.

[23:02] Armand: *stares at the bloody spittle* You know nothing. *very quiet now*

[23:02] Pammy: *shakes her head*

[23:03] black-treecat: *crouches near Armand's feet, hissing at Felix*

[23:05] Felix: I know enough. *does collapse now, although somewhat slowly*

[23:06] Armand: *'Should we leave him?'*
[23:07] Armand: How dare you presume to know anything about me? *under his breath because he isn't sure Felix will hear him anyway*

[23:07] black-treecat: *'/Yes/.'* *is still tense and hissing*

[23:07] Pammy: I wish to go outside.

[23:08] Armand: *goes to pick up Felix's gun* You shan't be needing this soon.

[23:08] Sibyl: ... Perhaps you oughtn't.

[23:08] Pammy: Why?

[23:08] Felix: *makes very angry noises at Armand*
[23:09] Felix: You'll pay for this. I swear it. I'll kill the bitch who holds your shield and then I'll come after you!!

[23:09] Pammy: *slides off the couch, still holding her picture book*

[23:09] AdrianSingleton: . . . Yes, perhaps you'd best stay inside.

[23:09] Armand: You can't kill her.

[23:09] black-treecat: */growls/ and flexes his claws warningly*

[23:09] Armand: *vanishes the gun and his knife*

[23:10] Felix: If I can't get to you, I'll go for your family. *nearly choking now*

[23:11] Armand: You won't do that either. *deceptively calm as I'm sure is obvious to Andy*

[23:11] Pammy: I wish to see the party.

[23:11] AdrianSingleton: It doesn't sound like a party.

[23:12] Sibyl: You said yourself you ought to be sleeping if there was a party going on--!

[23:12] black-treecat: *it is* *couldn't be calm if he tried, probably looks like he's contemplating what would happen if Felix's face encountered an angry treecat* *this would be because he is*

[23:12] Pammy: My nurse hasn't put me to bed.

[23:14] Felix: WON'T?! I WILL, you son of a bitch! If I can't kill your family or you, then I'll kill anyone in my path and claim it was for you. How will their families feel? They'll die BECAUSE OF YOU!
[23:14] Armand: Felix, when I threw that knife at you, I was aiming for your chest. I could have aimed for your head.

[23:15] Felix: Just because YOU can't kill anyone, doesn't mean I can't.

[23:15] black-treecat: *leans as close into Felix's face as he can and growls, promising that if Felix does as he's saying, there won't be enough of him left to bury*

[23:15] Felix: *spits blood at the cat*

[23:16] black-treecat: *growls and swipes at Felix's face with his claws*

[23:16] Felix: *clawed! ow.*

[23:16] Lestat: *walks in, hands in pockets, looking around curiously* Hmm, this is a new room...

[23:17] Pammy: They're quite loud.
[23:17] Pammy: *toddles in the direction of the door leading out to the porch*

[23:17] Armand: I was raised to be civilized. *blinks at the cat*
[23:18] Armand: If you do start killing 'because of me' then I promise, you'll pay for it.

[23:18] Felix: People are going to DIE, and it'll be YOUR FAULT. *losing consciousness*

[23:18] black-treecat: *backs down, wiping the spat blood from his face and trying to calm himself*

[23:18] black-treecat: *it's not working, and that comment makes him growl again*

[23:19] Human|Lestat: *o.O*

[23:19] black-treecat: *for Lestat's reference, the 'cat, Armand and Felix are out on the porch*

[23:19] Human|Lestat: *sits down at a couch, his couch actually, and watches*

[23:20] Pammy: *heads tentatively outside, clutching her picture book to her chest*

[23:20] Human|Lestat: *watches anyone else in the room then*

[23:20] Armand: *bites his lip and grows quiet*

[23:20] Sibyl: *flails and follows her*

[23:20] Armand: *startles at seeing the small girl* *coz eww blood and bloody evil man on the floor*

[23:20] black-treecat: *head whips around when the kid comes out* *'Armand, we have company.'*

[23:21] Pammy: *blinkblink*

[23:21] Armand: *puts a shield around her* Mademoiselle, perhaps you should go back inside.

[23:21] Sibyl: *runs outside slightly after her, because it's loud out there and she probably shouldn't be there*

[23:21] Felix: *glares at the girl, but he has no weapon and therefore cannot attack her randomly*

[23:21] Sibyl: ... Miss, perhaps we ought to... find your mother?

[23:21] Pammy: *sets down her picture book at the sight of Felix and puts her hands over her face, peering through her fingers*

[23:22] Sibyl: *O_O's at everyone out there*

[23:22] AdrianSingleton: . . .

[23:22] Pammy: The mouse helped the lion when he was caught in the net.

[23:22] Felix: *recognizes this, and his eyes widen* You ... little bitch! I'll kill you first!! *very much delerious and almost unconscious at this point*

[23:23] Armand: Felix, watch your language around the child!

[23:23] black-treecat: *warning hiss at Felix*

[23:23] AdrianSingleton: *follows to the doorway, because wtf is going on?*

[23:23] Felix: *keeps spewing random angry phrases, but within a matter of minutes, his head hits the ground and he's completely out of it*

[23:23] AdrianSingleton: . . . I think it would be best to come back indoors.

[23:23] Felix: *like unconscious and such*

[23:23] Pammy: ...........

[23:23] Human|Lestat: *wondering what all the commotion outside is*

[23:23] Pammy: Is he sleeping? Was he having a nightmare?

[23:24] Armand: *considers tryiing him up and dropping him in the plot hole*
[23:24] Armand: He's a very sick man, mademoiselle.

[23:24] Sibyl: *O____________O*

[23:24] Pammy: Does he need medicine?
[23:24] Pammy: *toddles closer*

[23:25] black-treecat: *trying very very hard to calm himself* *gets between Pammy and Felix, trying to nudge her back toward the house*

[23:25] AdrianSingleton: . . . Miss, I'm sure your mother would prefer it if you came back inside.

[23:25] Armand: Keep back, s'il vous plait... *almost losing his English*

[23:26] Pammy: Bles-sed pre-cious, the sick man needs medicine.

[23:26] AdrianSingleton: It is very late, and no time for a young girl to be wandering about outside.

[23:26] Pammy: *calmly* My nurse hasn't put me to bed.

[23:26] black-treecat: *shakes head* *pushes at her again, trying to get her toward the house*

[23:27] Pammy: *is an obedient child, so follows his lead*

[23:27] Maximum: *speak of the devil* *will be coming outside* Pammy, sweetie?

[23:27] Armand: *stares at Max with wide eyes*

[23:27] Pammy: *rushes over to Max*

[23:27] Sibyl: *flails at them and follows Adrian*

[23:27] Maximum: *stares back* Armand? *picks up Pammy* What's going on?

[23:28] black-treecat: *relieved when he sees Max, goes back and sits near Armand*

[23:28] Pammy: *clings to Max*
[23:28] Pammy: The man with a mask is sick and needs medicine.

[23:28] Armand: *softly* We were having another discussion with Felix. She wandered out.

[23:28] Maximum: *pets Pammy's hair and holds her* Sweetie, he's too sick to save.

[23:29] Pammy: He called me a little bitch. *and no, has no idea what that means*

[23:29] Armand: *flinches* He is a bad man.

[23:29] Maximum: That is not a good word, Pammy and you are not one.
[23:29] Maximum: Promise Max not to repeat it?

[23:29] Pammy: ...*nods*
[23:29] Pammy: I dropped my picture book.

[23:30] Maximum: Where at? I'll get it.

[23:30] Pammy: The one about the lion and the mouse. *points to it, on the ground near Felix*

[23:30] AdrianSingleton: . . .

[23:31] Armand: *looking for something to tie up Felix with anyway*

[23:31] Sibyl: *O________O*

[23:31] Maximum: *sets Pammy down near the door and goes to the book and mutters to Felix so Pammy can't hear* I hope you die. *takes the book and moves to Pammy*

[23:31] Pammy: Thank you.

[23:31] Armand: *ponders and removes his own cravat to tie Felix's hands*

[23:32] Maximum: *undoes her belt and hands it to Armand*

[23:32] Armand: *smiles at Max because /he/ heard that*
[23:32] Armand: Ah, thank you. *uses the belt for the feet*

[23:32] Sibyl: *people are undressing? O_o*

[23:32] Maximum: *secret smile back* You're welcome. *no! the belt was for style*

[23:32] AdrianSingleton: . . . I think the child will be all right, Miss Vane. It must be cold out. Perhaps you ougth to come inside, as well?

[23:33] Pammy: What are you doing?

[23:33] Maximum: I'm helping Mister Armand to get the man with the mask help. *picks Pammy up again* You want to go inside?

[23:33] Armand: We're giving Monsieur Felix his medicine. *is a bit.. odd right now*

Go to Part 2

sibyl vane, acheron, felix, armand, adrian singleton, maximum ride, andy venizelos

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