Title: Lost Sons (Ch 4-5/15+)
Fandom: Supernatural with bookverse!Dresden Files
Rating: PG-13 (violence mostly)
Genre: Gen, Case File (on both accounts)
SPOILERS: Story takes place following The Dresden Files: Turn Coat and Supernatural 5.10 "Abandon All Hope" (also includes references to the novel Supernatural Nevermore by Keith DeCandido)
Summary: The archangel Gabriel has decided throw in with Team Winchester and gives Sam and Dean the fighting edge they'll need to end the Apocalypse: The Swords of the Cross and Harry Dresden's yellow page ad. Full Summary in
Master Post.
LJ: Chapter 4 |
Fanfiction.net LJ: Chapter 5 |
Fanfiction.net Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or The Dresden Files