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OPEN - both battling with and saving Riza. thehawks_eye March 17 2011, 10:59:58 UTC
[Riza snarled as she aimed her riffle, letting off a few shoots, then darting around the side of a house. She was scared, yes, but there was no room for fear. - she has lost track of the number of worms she'd seen - glanced at really, they looked horrible, and Riza wasn't sticking around in once place for two long. They seemed to enjoy zepoing in on her, and she was going to try out a theory when she got the chance .

If she go -

No, she would not allow if's to factor into this. When. When and how. That's all that mattered,.Stay alive, stay as safe as she could and keep moving.

Reloading the gun, she peeked out.

And then was darting up the street as fast as she could go.]


waterstepping March 17 2011, 13:49:20 UTC
[There had been a girl in Suien’s village with a demon sealed inside her body - a girl who had not been given a chance to grow into more. Suien had never fought her, but he’d seen the demon and her jutsu - impressive both. Her death had been a shame ( ... )


thehawks_eye March 17 2011, 14:43:17 UTC
[She swirled, gun aiming before dropping down seconds latter. Though she'd heard him, her instincts in this situation screamed at her to to on high alert every second of the day.]

Suien. Keep moving. [She was, a hint of fear in her eyes, posture tense. And if the grip on her guns was any clue, already highly stressed out.

Though that be due to the fact that she seemed to be Worm Bait for some reason.]


waterstepping March 17 2011, 15:45:47 UTC
[Ah, good, she didn’t shoot him. Suien nodded to her]

Your weapons are long-range. We should take the high ground.

[If there was any left intact, of course. But otherwise they’d have to fight where they were cornered - eventually it would happen]


thehawks_eye March 17 2011, 16:34:51 UTC
That's where I'm trying to get to. But... they seem to be attracted to me for some reason. [She made a face, but kept moving, heading for as higher ground as she could get.] It doesn't help they appear to be able to appear anywhere at will.


waterstepping March 17 2011, 17:37:27 UTC
Not anywhere. [It’s limited to the ground. So far Suien hadn’t seen any come out of a building, only the wreckage. Perhaps they would be safest on a roof. But no, the structures were not stable enough to survive a longer assault, of which the worms were more than capable of.

And then there was the question of why Hawkeye has been targeted. Suien did not know. It wasn’t that she was female, Suien was fairly sure. Other than that…

He did not know enough about Hawkeye to guess.

A question he would think on. It would likely be important later.

There’s a rise not too far away. Solid stone. Not much of a high ground, but something] If they follow you here, that may give us an advantage.

[He smiled. Not at her]


thehawks_eye March 18 2011, 14:06:16 UTC
[If he'd suggested it was because she was a woman, she'd have shown him just how unladylike she could be. Riza doubted blood played apart in this - she wasn't bleeding anywhere. She couldn't rule out hormones, but she wasn't bring that up, ever.] True.

Then let's go. [Her own smile was as viscous as she could get it. Yes, she hated being bait, but there was little she could do to change the fact that she was, literally, a worm magnet. Better to use that, than to bitch about it.

And off to the rise she was racing. Thank you military training for endurance.]


waterstepping March 18 2011, 14:41:55 UTC
[Good. He hadn’t misjudged Hawkeye’s temperament. A good soldier, solid fighter. And an ally Suien wanted to keep for as long as possible. Fighting together would help him with that pursuit.

Suien kept up easily, sword in hand. His chakra responded but only a little.

Unfortunate, but he would work around that.

It wasn’t much of a high-ground, but it was better than nothing.

Suien shivered, shifted into a ready stance. ] They’ll come.

[ Of course they would]


thehawks_eye March 18 2011, 16:28:46 UTC
[Riza nodded, and steeled herself for the eventual onslaught.]

Yea. [And when the first one appeared, Riza was firing not a second later, wishing, not for the first amongst this all, that she could do Alchemy. That she wasn't just a genius alchemist daughter, that she'd put effort into learning something of the art. Of course, that thought was derailed as soon as it;d happened. She would never willingly use the art. Ever.

So, she stuck with her guns, hoping to hell that she could kill the worm before it got to them.

Dying by worm was not on her to-do-list.] If you need a gun, let me know.


waterstepping March 18 2011, 17:56:11 UTC
[Suien didn’t bother responding. The worm was coming fast and right at them, no hesitation at all. Even animals had more care than this thing. No intelligence. Just bloodlust.

Something about Hawkeye. They had not gone after Suien like that.

Perhaps. It did not matter.

Suien dropped the sword suddenly and formed hand-seals, molding his chakra.

It responded. Finally.

He smiled.


Suien did not usually fight at long-range, but he had a few tricks that would even things out. Though the Water Whip wasn’t the most effective of fighting techniques, it did give the worm pause when Suien hit it across the head.] Here it comes.

[The jutsu slipped away and Suien nearly staggered at the drain - it was not supposed to do that, but he twitched and picked up the sword again, lifting it into a high ready-stance]


thehawks_eye March 19 2011, 12:43:36 UTC
Roger. [Riza didn't even blink at the Water whip, but opened fire on the Worm, pumping it full of bullets and praying to whatever deity was out there that it died, and soon.

She wasn't sure how many clips she had left on her, but she knew it wasn't much.] Can you do that again?

[She had no idea if he could, or couldn't, but she needed the time. Her rifle needed to be reloaded, and the AK-47 was almost out of bullets.]


waterstepping March 19 2011, 14:31:02 UTC
Maybe. [It had taken too much chakra already; Suien shivered, sword in hand, and tried to think objectively. There were other ways of fighting but the worm was coming and he really, really just wanted to kill it dead.

Hawkeye wouldn’t fight up close, Suien was fairly sure, else she would have done so already.

But distance…

Hnn. Perhaps if they changed it?]

Stay back.

[This time Suien held onto the sword, using chakra to boost his speed and dodge around it quick; it didn’t like him for prey in the way it did Hawkeye, but a few sword-strikes later and it was mad.

Suien dodged every time.


It was a good fight.

And just so long as Hawkeye didn’t hit him, it would stay that way for a bit]


thehawks_eye March 19 2011, 17:21:19 UTC
[If Riza had her way, she would be much father away than she was currently - her hands might he covered with the stench of death, but she hated - no, loathed - killing anything up close and personal. She'd throw up later when it was all said and done.

She was quick to reload her guns and take aiming again, tracking the worm and firing whenever Suien wasn't in range. It pissed the creature off, yes, but she could tell they were starting to win.

Good.] Like a damned homunculus in terms of killing.


waterstepping March 19 2011, 20:51:38 UTC
[Slow and steady. Not Suien’s favorite sort of fight, but he knew a thing or two about staying the course when needed. And it was needed now. Acid hissed and Suien smelled his coat burning; lovely. At least it hadn’t hit bare skin.

Acid made for unfortunate injuries.

Suien kept moving, striking when he had the opportunity and remembering to get out of the way for Hawkeye.

A good soldier, that one.

The worm was dying. Piece by piece] Almost done….


thehawks_eye March 19 2011, 23:53:02 UTC
[Acid did make for unfortunate injuries as Riza knew. She had a smallish burn on her arm. It was nothing though, and she was still able to do her job.

A few more shots before she fires off the final one.] Might want to get out of there!


waterstepping March 20 2011, 02:06:55 UTC
[Sound advice. Suien ignored it as long as he could, until the worm was dying in segments and spewing acid everywhere; he got burned in the retreat but it wasn’t serious enough to swear over.

It would hurt in a little.

Suien moved back to Hawkeye’s side] Finish it.


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