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Re: OPEN! thehawks_eye March 17 2011, 10:53:03 UTC
Rapunzel! [Riza reacted without thinking, moving to shoot the thing that was chasing her charge, doing her best to aim without looking at the creature directly. It was hard, but Riza was making do. For the most part.]

Find what weapons you can. ]It was an order -- Riza's training was kicking in, and kicking in hard.]


frypanprincess March 17 2011, 13:09:47 UTC
I'm trying!-- [The words were a wail as Rapunzel remembered the frying pan that she had lost. Her trusty fry pan!]

[She looked desperately into the house that she'd entered. There were miscellaneous items that she could use, and she picked up a broom. If her fry pan hadn't survived, neither would this broom, but she threw it like a javelin in the monster's direction anyway.]

Riza, are you okay?! [She yelled at the other woman, picking up the dust pan and hurling it at the worm as well.]


thehawks_eye March 17 2011, 13:27:39 UTC
I'm fine. [Riza kept up her firing at the worm, trying to get in a shot or ten at what she assumed was the weakness - the inside of the mouth. Hopefully she could kill the damned thing before they got eaten.]

Hurry and make your way here. I think we might need that RPG.


frypanprincess March 17 2011, 13:32:17 UTC
[Rapunzel scurried behind Riza, hiding behind the older woman as she relentlessly fired a volley of shots at the worm's ugly maw. Rapunzel had managed to snatch a hot thermos, and she threw it at the monster, angering it as the hot water spilled into its gums and throat.]

Where is it?

[She'd dropped it the moment she'd decimated a boat and hadn't dared pick it up since!]


thehawks_eye March 17 2011, 14:32:49 UTC
Our place. [And another fire of shots, guns away and then she's grabbing the younger woman's hand and bolting like a bat outta hell.]

Run. As fast as you can.


frypanprincess March 17 2011, 14:36:39 UTC
I'm going!

[Rapunzel clung onto Riza's hand and the two of them sprinted towards the house. Thankfully it wasn't too far away, and Rapunzel barreled inside, the ugly screech and hiss of the worm behind them making her hair stand on end.]

[She immediately saw the RPG and grabbed it, this time making sure to aim the rocket straight at the beast.]

Watch out!

[Hitting the trigger, she watched as a trail of smoke heralded the rocket, and boom!]

[Bloody and acidic worm fragments splattered everywhere.]


thehawks_eye March 17 2011, 14:46:55 UTC
[Riza ducked as soon as she saw the RPG, biting down the hiss of pain as a small drop of the acid part landed on her arm. She ignored it though, flicking it of as quickly as she could.] Good work.

We find and aid as many as we can. [All said was tearing off part of her shirt as a make shift banage. Fuck, so not going for medical yet. Mun has plans still. sob.]


frypanprincess March 17 2011, 14:52:50 UTC
[Rapunzel nodded, the blast whipping through her short hair and finally dying out in a cloud of smoke. What was left of the monster was a wet, charred splatter on the ground, with a radius of blood and guts.]

[Rapunzel briefly felt sick.]

Riza, I think I'm going to--

[Oops. Good thing she didn't eat breakfast, huh?]

[She bolted towards the bathroom.]


thehawks_eye March 17 2011, 15:05:29 UTC
[Riza felt that way too, but she'd also seen the horrors of Ishval and the bodies there. She forced the sick feeling down, focusing on reloading the guns she had. And keeping watch in case more of the worms back.

It did little to keep the memories at bay, but she could - would force herself to work. She could have a panic attack when this was all over.]


frypanprincess March 17 2011, 15:11:50 UTC
[When Rapunzel came out of the bathroom, she looked a bit green, but she shoved that sick feeling down and chugged down some water in the kitchen. She'd lived such a sheltered life. Gothel had warned her--]

[Rapunzel frowned. Gothel didn't warn her because she truly loved her. Gothel just kept her alive so that she would stay alive.]

I-I'm back . . .

[She gave Riza something of an embarrassed look.]

I'm gonna . . . go to the hospital and help out there.


thehawks_eye March 17 2011, 16:32:40 UTC
Alright. I'll cover you when you're ready to go. [Riza didn't blame the girl for wanting to go. If she herself hadn't joined the army.. She shook that thought away.] I'll get you there one piece, I promise.


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