Avengers Midnight Showings

May 03, 2012 16:46

Hey! PSA for southeast Wisconsin folks: I just called the theater where we're going to see the Avengers at midnight and they have sold a total of 71 tickets for 600 available seats. If you live in the Johnson Creek area and are having thoughts about seeing the movie tonight, it is not too late to get tickets!

Johnson Creek 12

Count von Count ( Read more... )


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Comments 9

marag May 3 2012, 22:02:34 UTC
Dude! I wanna come! Why do I have to be many many many miles away? Why don't I have a transporter or flying car to get me there? ::pouts:: It's unfair, I tell ya.

Enjoy, though :D


marag May 3 2012, 22:03:03 UTC
And why did I not use my appropriate icon for this comment? I don't know. So I'm commenting again just so I can use it.


devildoll July 15 2012, 02:26:30 UTC
Hee! Yes, that is a more appropriate icon! (We would have loved to have had you--it was great fun!)


evil_little_dog May 3 2012, 22:05:36 UTC
have a great time!


devildoll July 15 2012, 02:27:14 UTC
Oh, did we ever! And the theater was really nice. If it weren't so far away I'd go there more often.


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devildoll July 15 2012, 02:29:46 UTC
Not only was the movie great, the theater was really nice! And less expensive. If it were closer I'd go there all the damn time.


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devildoll July 17 2012, 17:39:16 UTC
Not too much, no. I'm not a big fan of the Nolan movies, though I did think Heath Ledger was a fantastic Joker. And this movie in particular is like a perfect storm of Do Not Want for me: Christian Bale as Batman, one of my least favorite villains (Bane), and a Catwoman casting choice that leaves me skeptical. I'm hoping I'll go in with low expectations and be wowwed.

I was sort of "Eh, let's see how it goes" about Amazing Spider-Man and ended up LOVING it, so anything can happen!

What I'm looking forward to more is Jeremy Renner's Bourne movie. I'm not that into the franchise, but the trailer looks good and I love me some Renner, so I'm excited about it.


fyrdrakken May 8 2012, 16:26:40 UTC
My local multiplex had like ten screens showing it at midnight, so I wasn't quite as perturbed as I might have been about seeing it in a mostly-empty theater. Still, missed out on much of the high-geek-density ambience of the usual midnight premiere. OTOH, was able to hear even the lines the audience was laughing through.


devildoll July 18 2012, 18:13:09 UTC
I agree, the first few showings I went to were in crowded theaters where everyone laughed and cheered, and it was really fun--definitely adds to the movie!


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