Gonna wash that man right outta...

May 10, 2007 11:04

Edited 8/23/07 to add: Myths about the MJ Wank

The statue sold out as a result of this post and the ensuing attention.
People like to say that by drawing attention to the statue, we increased interest in it and it sold out. Not true. It was already sold out well before my post on the subject went up.

I deleted comments.
I did not delete a single comment in this post. Yes, here and there you will see deleted comments--they were deleted by the person who left them originally, not me. He decided he couldn't deal with being pwned by a bunch of feminazis, so he took his comments and went home.

I banned people who disagreed with me.
This one is laughable. There are dozens of people in this post who didn't agree with me, and none of them were banned. I banned people who were *assholes*. Who were rude, or threatening, or posted obscene images, or spammed the comment threads with smart-ass remarks. But, see, no one wants to admit they were banned for being an asshole--it makes them feel a lot better to say they were banned because I'm a bitch who can't handle anyone disagreeing with me. Consider the source, which in this case = pond scum.

ETA: Yes, feel free to link.

Lisa had the heads up on this.

I'm so happy for Mary Jane. She isn't just the damsel in distress. She gets to wash Parker's Spidey costume with both her tits *and* her thong showing!

You've come a long way, baby!

ETA 5/15/07: Please read this first. Edited again on 5/15/07 to make things clearer for the reading impaired.

Okay, people. It's been six seven days and 750 920 comments and I'm not going to try to keep up anymore.

If you're here to comment about how much you dislike it, I agree with you and I thank you for commenting.

Now. Everyone else who insists on commenting with absolutely nothing new and original:

  1. If you're here to explain why we shouldn't be upset about it, and your comment includes any of the statements found on the bingo card, it isn't really worth the time it will take you to type it up. You're adding nothing new or thought-provoking to the discussion. (If you're curious as to why I have no interest in discussing the bingo card points, you can read about it here.) If you feel the need to comment anyway, I will link you to the bingo card and freeze the thread. If you come back after that, you will be considered a troll, and I will ban your username.

  2. If you're here to inquire as to why this is so upsetting, this has been covered, at length, in the comments already. If you feel the need to comment anyway, I will tell you to go read the other comments and freeze the thread. If you come back after that, you will be considered a troll, and I will ban your username.

  3. If you're here to ask why we're upset about this ONE THING out of many, I can assure you this is not the first and only thing we've ever been upset about, and I also urge you to consider why, if that isn't the case, YOU'RE so upset about this one instance of women being upset about something. If you feel the need to comment anyway, I will point out your hypocrisy and freeze the thread. If you come back after that, you will be considered a troll, and I will ban your username.

  4. If you're here because this pisses you off so goddamned much and you want us to know what petty, horrible bitches we are, you should go back to your own journal and write a long, contemplative essay examining why seeing women have an opinion about comics is so threatening to you. If you feel the need to comment anyway, I will tell you to do just that and freeze the thread. If you come back after that, you will be considered a troll, and I will ban your username.

  5. If you're here to point out that Spidey is nearly naked while MJ is not, and thus the two pictures are not comparable, you are just being willfully dense. If you feel the need to comment anyway, I will point that out to you and freeze the thread. If you come back after that, you will be considered a troll, and I will ban your username.

  6. If you're here because you think feminism ruined your life--and your chances of spending your entire adult life sitting on the couch with a brewski and a turkey pot pie while the little missus washes your dirty socks--I'm sure you can find plenty of other places to vent your anger at those uppity womenfolk. If you feel the need to comment anyway, I will mock you, freeze the thread, and ban your username.

  7. If you're here to do nothing but spam my comments with smart-ass remarks, you will be considered a troll, and I will ban your username.

  8. If you created a new journal today for the specific purpose of trolling this post, I will ban your username.

More points to be added as the trolls continue to show up with their tiresome comments.

If you think this is censorship, you can read my thoughts on that here.

Note this does not say all dissenting opinions are unwelcome. If you can express yourself in a polite and respectful manner, without resorting to insults, sarcasm, or name-calling, you're welcome to post a comment, but I probably won't reply to that either, because I'm not going to change your mind and you're not going to change mine, and this whole drama has already taken enough of my time. It's not my fault you're late to the party.

I would also like to point out that there is nothing--NOTHING--stopping you from posting about this in your own journal and discussing it there. Everyone who whined here about how they weren't getting a chance to have their say had that option, and chose not to do it. Dare to be different, I say.

Thanks for coming by, and have a nice day.

ETA: impertinence looked up the contact info for Sideshow, if you're interested in giving them a piece of your mind:

Sideshow Collectibles
2630 Conejo Spectrum Street
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320
toll-free: 1-800-474-3746
ph: 1-805-214-2100
fx: 1-805-214-2190

And Marvel contact info.

kali921 also points out that if you register with Marvel, you can leave comments on Joe Quesada's blog. Marvel Blogs page here.

Or you can send feedback to the the licensing department here.

ETA Again 9PM Central: Several people have left comments in the thread at Sideshow. They've all been deleted at some point in the last hour or so.

ETA Again Friday 11am Central:
morchades says:

Screencap your comments, print out the screencaps, and mail them to the company.

Post the screencaps on your journals and blogs too.

(Oh, and please send me the links for When Fangirls Attack)

ETA 5/13/07: lauralaitaine says:

I left customer feedback at Sideshow last night. I just got this reply:

"Thank you for your recent submission of your comments to our site. We appreciate that you took the time to share your thoughts with us and have passed them on to the appropriate department for further review in consideration of our future products.

Our product is not produced to make a political or social statement but is fashioned after entertainment properties currently in the market place. We suggest that if you do find the Mary Jane product offensive that you refrain from viewing that web page.

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance."

So to paraphrase: "We have dismissed your comments out of hand and they will soon be deleted. Run along now."

ETA 5/12/07: logansrogue drew a great companion piece. What are the odds we'd ever see this as a statue?

Tell her how awesome she is here.

mary jane

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