Transformative Works: Remixes, podfics, fanart, covers, podbooks, sequels, prequels, inspired-bys and any other form of transformative work based on my stories is okay with me. You don't need to ask me first, though in the case of sequels/prequels etc it's probably a good idea to check and make sure I'm not working on one myself. Please send me a link and prepare to be adored forever.
My AO3 page is
here. Alexander the Great
- Like Mars Himself
Alexander/Hephaistion || (R)
"Alexander felt none of that, it was obvious." Kinda angsty, but a little schmoopy, too. For musesfool's birthday.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
- Childhood Treasures
Lucy/Tumnus || (PG-13)
"She isn't quite sure what they're waiting for, only that the waiting is harder for him than for her."
DC Comics
Sgt. Rock
- Mail Call
Gen || (PG-13)
"Dugan hadn't really paid much attention, but he couldn't remember the sarge ever getting a single letter or package." Genfic written for my little brother for Christmas.
The Losers (Movieverse)
Marvel Comics
Avengers Movieverse
- Semaphore
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, past Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter, past Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, miscellaneous other background ships that get a passing mention) || (NC-17)
"I’m trying to like you, Tony. You’re just making it very hard."
Stargate Atlantis
- pitch black
Sheppard/McKay || (PG-13)
One hundred and seventeen words of funny naughtiness, written for amezri
- Atlantis Instant Messenger
Sheppard/McKay || (PG)
John keeps pinging Rodney. Humor.
- Proof
Sheppard/McKay || (R)
"We had a fight and he dumped me." Foofy humor for hwmitzy's birthday.
- Fuzzy Duck Smell
Sheppard/McKay || (PG-13)
"Are you telling me you just laid an egg?" Rodney + John + baby ducks. Crack!Fic. Humor. Mpreg, with an emphasis on the "egg."
- First Aid
Sheppard/McKay || (PG-13)
"You could get blood poisoning!" Silly first time fic written for just_like_rogue's birthday.
- Truth in Advertising
Sheppard/McKay || (PG)
"Luxury cabin, my ass!" Foofy humor written for the picfor1000 challenge.
- The Knights of the Pegasus Galaxy vs. the Chicken Pox
Sheppard, McKay || (PG-13)
After the worst was over, having space chicken pox was kind of awesome. Companion piece to What Happens in the Clubhouse by skoosiepants
- Old-Fashioned Fun
Sheppard/McKay || (PG-13)
"Oh crap, they took my clothes."
- A Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates
Sheppard/McKay || (PG-13)
"I got a dog."
- The No-Tell Motel
Sheppard/McKay || (PG-13)
Tiny ficlet written for scribblinlenore's challenge. "True to its name, the Pink Shell Motel was *pink*."
- The Happiest Place on Earth
Sheppard/McKay || (PG-13)
"Now a week stretched before them in the hell on Earth that was Cocoa Beach." High school AU.
- Jelly Side Up
Sheppard/McKay || (R)
"What had Sheppard been doing?" The one about the Magic Cock.
- The Hunt (Purple Nurple Remix)
Sheppard, McKay || (PG-13)
Easter in Atlantis. Remix of The Hunt by akire-yta
- Junk Cheap
Sheppard/McKay || (R)
If you were thinking you'd love to read an AU where Rodney is a college professor and John owns a junk shop, this is the story for you.
- Do You Know What I Know?
Sheppard/McKay || (PG)
Two of my favorite things: drunk!John, and I-didn't-know-we-were-dating!Rodney. Pure self-indulgence. Merry Christmas to me!
- Part by Part
Sheppard/McKay || (PG)
"How did we start doing this, anyway?" Written for the sga_flashfic Not Dead Yet challenge.
- Take It like a Man
Sheppard/McKay || (R)
“We had a deal!” Written for the cliche_bingo "mutation/physical transformation" square.
- Wish You Were Here
Sheppard || (PG)
"He really, really hates bugs." Written for the cliche_bingo "geographical isolation" square. Please read warnings.
- Small Parts Isolated and Destroyed
Sheppard/McKay || (R)
"It took Rodney and Zelenka four days to write the program that turned the Atlantis star drive into a self-destruct mechanism." Another way things could have ended. Written for the cliche_bingo "apocafic" square. Please read warnings.
Miscellaneous Snippets