Route 29 App

Jul 31, 2004 00:01

Name: Chris
Livejournal Username: wraithi
AIM/MSN: Wraithi (aim)
Timezone: GMT
Current Characters in Route: None

Name: Youichi Hiruma (Or 'Yoichi' according to Viz. I'll use the former though cause I like the u :D)
Series: Eyeshield 21
Timeline: After the World Cup arc concludes but before the series' final timeskip. (End of chapter 332, then.)
Canon Resource Links: Eyeshield 21 Wiki

Affiliation: Trainer!

Personality: Hiruma seems like a bad guy. A really bad guy. He blackmails freshmen into joining his football team, extorts his principle on a regular basis and even fires guns at his team mates when they mess up. His loose sense of morals and volatile nature, combined with his goal orientated mind, make him a dangerous person to have as an enemy, but sometimes more dangerous to have as a friend. It becomes apparently very quickly that Hiruma loves to, and lives to, win.

He gives nick names to all of his team mates, usually beginning with the word “Fucking” - such as “Fucking shorty” and “Fucking monkey”. When the story starts Hiruma doesn't seem to trust his team mates but eventually he grows more confident in his team mates and begins to trust them completely. He goes as far as telling them that he believes in them, instead of his usual threatening them with violence should they lose the Christmas Bowl.
Before the story started he and his two best friends, Ryokan Kurita and Gen "Musashi" Takekura were the other created an American football team - the Devil Bats. The three of them dream of going to the Christmas Bowl with their team and winning the tournament.

He constantly pushes his team to their limits during training - preferring a more Spartan training method than a traditional one. For example, the Devil Bats' try-out involves climbing the Tokyo Tower with a bag of ever melting ice - if the ice melts before they reach the top they have to go back down to get some more.
He later has his team take part in the 'Death March' - a 2000km walk across America without stopping, even though he understands the risks to their health. After, and during, the March he is the only person who seems unaffected by the training - it is revealed that this was all an act but he didn't want the others to see him acting weak.

Later we see that Hiruma cares much more for his team mates than he lets on.
It turns out that Hiruma's best friend Musashi had left the team before the series started and later it is revealed that after he left Hiruma reacted violently, hitting anything he could and, when he ran out of things to hit, screaming as loud as he could.
Hiruma also turned down the chance to play for the Shinryuji Naga football team (one of the best in the country) after Kurita was rejected by the school in favour of a better sportsman, Agon Kongo (Hiruma even went as far as asking Agon to reconsider, but was turned down.)
He went out of his way to tell Sena that he trusted him to beat Yamato, even though he had 0% chance of doing so. He then went on to give Sena the chance to join the NFL under a contract - even though he himself had shown interest in getting the contract.

Although he has a disregard for the rules of his school he follows the rules of football exactly - he never considers cheating - but apart from cheating he does everything he can to win. He returns to the field with a broken arm, even managing to force himself to catch and throw the ball. He chooses high risk plays if he thinks it can get him a point and he even adapts steals the signature plays of other teams in order to beat opponents.
Despite his competitive nature Hiruma isn't a guy who holds onto grudges - he forgives Agon Kongo and asks if they can put the past behind them in order to beat the American Superstar Football team and never shows any bad feeling towards the Gaou for breaking his arm.

Aside from football he has an interest in gambling - he is able to win a large amount of money in order to get the team back to Japan from America during the Death March.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Hiruma's greatest strength is his understanding of how things, mainly people, work. He manages to work out the rules to football after just watching and he keeps can avoid being goaded into a fight. His ability to intimidate and out think his opponents has also proved extremely advantageous. He also has a wide knowledge of illegal skills - Hacking, disguising himself to spy on people, and understanding how to blackmail people.

His greatest weakness is how much of a risk taker he is - such as deciding which plays to use without telling his team, hoping they'll understand. He also sets up games against much stronger teams in order to strengthen the Devil Bats (and his bravado leads to the Devil Bat's agreeing to leave Japan since they lost) Besides this, although he understands psychological warfare, Hiruma isn't very strong or exceptionally fast - and if he is trying to achieve his goal he will sometimes readily put himself and others in danger. His biggest fear seems to be his team failing in their efforts to win.

Starter: Houndour :D

(Please note that both samples must take place in Route_29’s setting.)

First Person Sample:

[ The PokeGear’s video feed suddenly comes to life to show Hiruma getting up close and personal with the camera ]

Che. This isn't Tokyo! It doesn't look, sound smell or even feel like Tokyo! Where the hell am I now?

The fucking housewife was no help at all, and the fucking door wouldn't open again, either.

I don't even have any guns - no machine gun, no bazooka, not even a fucking handgun and I've already turned my bag inside and out and couldn't even find my fucking threat book!!

[ Hiruma points the camera at the contents of his bag, they’ve been spilled out onto the ground and are being chewed on by a hungry Houndour. It's currently munching on the bento box from the bag, and judging by the look on the thing's face that food tastes good. ]

This thing’s called a pokémon, right? The computer said so.

[ The Houndour doesn’t react when Hiruma touches it’s back. It just continues feeding its face with Hiruma’s lunch ]

Kekeke enjoy it, fucking mutt, because as soon as I find out exactly where I am and how to leave then I'm out of here.

Third Person Sample:

The whining just wouldn't stop. Most people would have been annoyed by it, guilt tripped by it, or they would at least have tried to get the source of the noise to stop following them. Youichi Hiruma was not most people.

He wasn't oblivious to the dog following him, definitely not. He wasn't unsure of why it was crying, either - it was still hungry, that much was obvious - but that wasn't Hiruma's problem.
Not one bit. It had eaten his lunch and continued following him even after they had supposedly parted ways.

Without giving it a second thought Hiruma had concluded that it was no longer his responsibility to feed this pokémon. But he wasn't quite sure why, when the animal went quiet, he stopped moving and turned back to check on it.

It was sitting on the ground and looking up pathetically.

“You ok,fucking mutt?” He said

Its ears perked up and it let out a quiet growl of determination as it got back on its feet, its eyes glimmered with a look the Devil Bat's commander had seen before. Determination. Now that caught Hiruma's attention big time. Baldy, Shrimp, Monkey, Fatty and Fatty Jr, the Old Man and even the Fucking Brothers - he'd seen every last one of his team mates with that look in their eyes. The look of someone aiming to be the best.

He couldn't help but smile (not grin, not smirk, not sneer) at the pokémon. If this thing wanted to... win at whatever all of this was, then who the hell was he to stand in the way? Hell, traveling around this place was probably the fastest way to get back home. It might even be fun!

“Che, come on then, fucking mutt. Together we'll go all the way to the top. Ya-ha!!”

*app, *ooc

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